2,710 research outputs found

    Green function for hyperbolic media

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    We revisit the problem of the electromagnetic Green function for homogeneous hyperbolic media, where longitudinal and transverse components of the dielectric permittivity tensor have different signs. We analyze the dipole emission patterns for both dipole orientations with respect to the symmetry axis and for different signs of dielectric constants, and show that the emission pattern is highly anisotropic and has a characteristic cross-like shape: the waves are propagating within a certain cone and are evanescent outside this cone. We demonstrate the coexistence of the cone-like pattern due to emission of the extraordinary TM-polarized waves and elliptical pattern due to emission of ordinary TE-polarized waves. We find a singular complex term in the Green function, proportional to the δ\delta-function and governing the photonic density of states and Purcell effect in hyperbolic media.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Purcell effect in wire metamaterials

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    We study theoretically the enhancement of spontaneous emission in wire metamaterials. We analyze the dependence of the Purcell factor dependence on wire dielectric constant for both electric and magnetic dipole sources, and find an optimal value of the dielectric constant for maximizing the Purcell factor for the electric dipole. We obtain analytical expressions for the Purcell factor and also provide estimates for the Purcell factor in realistic structures operating in both microwave and optical spectral range.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Nonlinear dynamics of soft fermion excitations in hot QCD plasma III: Soft-quark bremsstrahlung and energy losses

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    In general line with our early works [Yu.A. Markov, M.A. Markova, Nucl. Phys. A770 (2006) 162; 784 (2007) 443] within the framework of a semiclassical approximation the general theory of calculation of effective currents and sources generating bremsstrahlung of an arbitrary number of soft quarks and soft gluons at collision of a high-energy color-charged particle with thermal partons in a hot quark-gluon plasma, is developed. For the case of one- and two-scattering thermal partons with radiation of one or two soft excitations, the effective currents and sources are calculated in an explicit form. In the model case of `frozen' medium, approximate expressions for energy losses induced by the most simple processes of bremsstrahlung of soft quark and soft gluon, are derived. On the basis of a conception of the mutual cancellation of singularities in the sum of so-called `diagonal' and `off-diagonal' contributions to the energy losses, an effective method of determining color factors in scattering probabilities, containing the initial values of Grassmann color charges, is suggested. The dynamical equations for Grassmann color charges of hard particle used by us early are proved to be insufficient for investigation of the higher radiative processes. It is shown that for correct description of these processes the given equations should be supplemented successively with the higher-order terms in powers of the soft fermionic field.Comment: 93 pages, 20 figure

    Subexponential estimations in Shirshov's height theorem (in English)

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    In 1993 E. I. Zelmanov asked the following question in Dniester Notebook: "Suppose that F_{2, m} is a 2-generated associative ring with the identity x^m=0. Is it true, that the nilpotency degree of F_{2, m} has exponential growth?" We show that the nilpotency degree of l-generated associative algebra with the identity x^d=0 is smaller than Psi(d,d,l), where Psi(n,d,l)=2^{18} l (nd)^{3 log_3 (nd)+13}d^2. We give the definitive answer to E. I. Zelmanov by this result. It is the consequence of one fact, which is based on combinatorics of words. Let l, n and d>n be positive integers. Then all the words over alphabet of cardinality l which length is greater than Psi(n,d,l) are either n-divided or contain d-th power of subword, where a word W is n-divided, if it can be represented in the following form W=W_0 W_1...W_n such that W_1 >' W_2>'...>'W_n. The symbol >' means lexicographical order here. A. I. Shirshov proved that the set of non n-divided words over alphabet of cardinality l has bounded height h over the set Y consisting of all the words of degree <n. Original Shirshov's estimation was just recursive, in 1982 double exponent was obtained by A.G.Kolotov and in 1993 A.Ya.Belov obtained exponential estimation. We show, that h<Phi(n,l), where Phi(n,l) = 2^{87} n^{12 log_3 n + 48} l. Our proof uses Latyshev idea of Dilworth theorem application.Comment: 21 pages, Russian version of the article is located at the link arXiv:1101.4909; Sbornik: Mathematics, 203:4 (2012), 534 -- 55

    Access to improve the muon mass and magnetic moment anomaly via the bound-muon gg factor

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    A theoretical description of the gg factor of a muon bound in a nuclear potential is presented. One-loop self-energy and multi-loop vacuum polarization corrections are calculated, taking into account the interaction with the binding potential exactly. Nuclear effects on the bound-muon gg factor are also evaluated. We put forward the measurement of the bound-muon gg factor via the continuous Stern-Gerlach effect as an independent means to determine the free muons magnetic moment anomaly and mass. The scheme presented enables to increase the accuracy of the mass by more than an order of magnitude

    Tailoring and enhancing spontaneous two-photon emission processes using resonant plasmonic nanostructures

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    The rate of spontaneous emission is known to depend on the environment of a light source, and the enhancement of one-photon emission in a resonant cavity is known as the Purcell effect. Here we develop a theory of spontaneous two-photon emission for a general electromagnetic environment including inhomogeneous dispersive and absorptive media. This theory is used to evaluate the two-photon Purcell enhancement in the vicinity of metallic nanoparticles and it is demonstrated that the surface plasmon resonances supported by these particles can enhance the emission rate by more than two orders of magnitude. The control over two-photon Purcell enhancement given by tailored nanostructured environments could provide an emitter with any desired spectral response and may serve as an ultimate route for designing light sources with novel properties

    Sub-wavelength imaging at optical frequencies using canalization regime

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    Imaging with sub-wavelength resolution using a lens formed by periodic metal-dielectric layered structure is demonstrated. The lens operates in canalization regime as a transmission device and it does not involve negative refraction and amplification of evanescent modes. The thickness of the lens have to be an integer number of half-wavelengths and can be made as large as required for ceratin applications, in contrast to the other sub-wavelength lenses formed by metallic slabs which have to be much smaller than the wavelength. Resolution of λ/20\lambda/20 at 600 nm wavelength is confirmed by numerical simulation for a 300 nm thick structure formed by a periodic stack of 10 nm layers of glass with ϵ=2\epsilon=2 and 5 nm layers of metal-dielectric composite with ϵ=1\epsilon=-1. Resolution of λ/60\lambda/60 is predicted for a structure with same thickness, period and operating frequency, but formed by 7.76 nm layers of silicon with ϵ=15\epsilon=15 and 7.24 nm layers of silver with ϵ=14\epsilon=-14.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR