5 research outputs found

    Asymmetry in the Spectrum of High-Velocity H2O Maser Emission Features in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We suggest a mechanism for the amplification of high-velocity water-vapor maser emission features from the central regions of active galactic nuclei. The model of an emitting accretion disk is considered. The high-velocity emission features originate in the right and left wings of the Keplerian disk. The hyperfine splitting of the signal levels leads to an asymmetry in the spectral profile of the water vapor maser line at a frequency of 22.235 GHz. We show that the gain profile asymmetry must lead to an enhanced brightness of the blueshifted high-velocity emission features compared to the redshifted ones. Such a situation is observed in the source UGC 3789.Comment: 11 pages 3 figure

    Spread of Matter over a Neutron-Star Surface During Disk Accretion: Deceleration of Rapid Rotation

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    The problem of disk accretion onto the surface of a neutron star with a weak magnetic field at a luminosity exceeding several percent of Eddington is reduced to the problem of the braking of a hypersonic flow with a velocity that is 0.4-0.5 of the speed of light above the base of the spreading layer -- a dense atmosphere made up of previously fallen matter. We show that turbulent braking in the Prandtl-Karman model with universally accepted coefficients for terrestrial conditions and laboratory experiments and a ladder of interacting gravity waves in a stratified quasi-exponential atmosphere at standard Richardson numbers lead to a spin-up of the massive zone that extends to the ocean made up of a plasma with degenerate electrons. Turbulent braking in the ocean at the boundary with the outer solid crust reduces the rotation velocity to the solid-body rotation velocity of the star. This situation should lead to strong heating of deep atmospheric layers and to the switch-off of the explosive helium burning mechanism. Obviously, a more efficient mechanism for the dissipation of a fast azimuthal flow in the atmosphere should operate in X-ray bursters. We show that a giant solitary gravity wave in the atmosphere can lead to energy dissipation and to a sharp decrease in azimuthal velocity in fairly rarefied atmospheric layers above the zone of explosive helium burning nuclear reactions. We discuss the reasons why this wave, that has no direct analog in the Earth's atmosphere or ocean, appears and its stability. We pose the question as to whether neutron stars with massive atmospheres, spun up to high velocities by accreting matter from a disk, can exist among the observed Galactic X-ray sources.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    The λ0 λ0 =1.35 cm H2O Maser Line: The Hyperfine Structure and Profile Asymmetry

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    Abstract—The spectra of several H2O maser sources exhibit single λ0 =1.35 cm maser lines with narrow asymmetric profiles. We consider the hyperfine structure of the line that corresponds to the transition between the rotational 616 → 523 levels of ortho-H2O molecules to account for the line asymmetry. Our numerical simulations of the maser line profile agree well with the observations if the hyperfine structure is taken into account. PACS numbers: 98.58.Ec DOI:10.1134/S1063773706010051 Key words: hyperfine structure, spectral profile, maser emission