14,431 research outputs found

    A Drift-Kinetic Analytical Model for SOL Plasma Dynamics at Arbitrary Collisionality

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    A drift-kinetic model to describe the plasma dynamics in the scrape-off layer region of tokamak devices at arbitrary collisionality is derived. Our formulation is based on a gyroaveraged Lagrangian description of the charged particle motion, and the corresponding drift-kinetic Boltzmann equation that includes a full Coulomb collision operator. Using a Hermite-Laguerre velocity space decomposition of the gyroaveraged distribution function, a set of equations to evolve the coefficients of the expansion is presented. By evaluating explicitly the moments of the Coulomb collision operator, distribution functions arbitrarily far from equilibrium can be studied at arbitrary collisionalities. A fluid closure in the high-collisionality limit is presented, and the corresponding fluid equations are compared with previously-derived fluid models

    U.S. Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War Era: A Case Study Analysis of Presidential Decision Making

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    U.S. MILITARY INTERVENTION IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA: A CASE-STUDY ANALYSIS OF PRESIDENTIAL DECISION MAKING Dennis N. Ricci Doctoral Dissertation Department of Political Science University of Connecticut Storrs, CT ABSTRACT The primary focus of this study is to explain presidential decision making, specifically whether to intervene militarily or not in a given circumstance in the Post-Cold War era. First, we define military intervention as the deployment of troops and weaponry in active military engagement (not peacekeeping). The cases in which we are interested involve the actual or intended use of force (“boots on the ground”), in other words, not drone attacks or missile strikes. Thus, we substantially reduce the number of potential cases by excluding several limited uses of force against Iraq, Sudan, and Afghanistan in the 1990s. Given the absence of a countervailing force or major power to serve as deterrent, such as the Soviet enemy in the Cold War period, there are potentially two types of military interventions: (1) humanitarian intervention designed to stop potential genocide and other atrocities and (2) the pre-emptive reaction to terrorism or other threats, such as under the Bush Doctrine. Therefore, we need to understand the logic of unipolarity and how the hegemonic power can be drawn into actions, especially in the absence of a great power rival. The theoretical puzzle we seek to solve comprises the competing explanations for why a presidential administration will decide to intervene in one situation and not in another. This is the normative question on which we focus from the outset in order to solve the theoretical puzzle. Since both the situations and decision makers vary across cases, we need to know precisely what is driving the outcome. Therefore, our theoretical perspective and goal-driven research objective are focused on standardized, generalized questions: Why intervene? Why use force or not? Under what conditions or circumstances are intervention decisions made? Do outcomes depend primarily on presidents making decisions as the all-important dynamic versus other variables and different measurements as to what drives the “go” or “no-go” decisions? Our examination of the phenomena of interest will lead us to a generalized theory as well as a typology of military intervention in the post-Cold War era. KEY WORDS: International Relations, United States Foreign Policy, Presidential Decision Making, Military Intervention

    A model for liquid-striped liquid phase separation in liquids of anisotropic polarons

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    The phase separation between a striped polaron liquid at the particular density and a high density polaron liquid is described by a modified Van der Waals scheme. The striped polaron liquid represents the pseudo gap matter or Wigner-like polaron phase at 1/8 doping in cuprate superconductors. The model includes the tendency of pseudo- Jahn-Teller polarons to form anisotropic directional bonds at a preferential volume with the formation of different liquid phases. The model gives the coexistence of a first low density polaron striped liquid and a second high density liquid that appears in cuprate superconductors for doping larger than 1/8. We discuss how the strength of anisotropic bonds controls the variation the phase separation scenarios for complex systems in the presence of a quantum critical point where the phase separation vanishes.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Capacity analysis of suburban rail networks

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    As is well known, capacity evaluation and the identification of bottlenecks on rail networks are complex issues depending upon several technical elements. This is even more perceptible in metropolitan areas where different services (freight, long distance, metro/regional, etc.) are operated using the same limited infrastructures; as a consequence, these facilities may represent bottlenecks of the rail system since they are often highly utilized and congested. This paper tries to explore the issue of capacity evaluation of complex rail networks, proposing synthetic indicators and analyses for feasibility studies or strategic planning. The presented methodology suggests taking into account the main differences in infrastructure characteristics (e.g. single or double lines, signalling systems, terminus or passing stations, etc.) and rail services (e.g. diverse rolling stock, various frequencies, average distances and number of stops, etc.) in order to propose a general approach applicable for capacity analysis of a network as a whole, hence evaluating the utilization rate and the congestion on both lines and stations. To better explore and validate the methodology, an application to a line of the Naples’ suburban network is presented. The results confirm the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed approach; the outcomes indicate the capacity utilization rate of the considered facilities, pointing out likely bottlenecks and possible actions to improve the system efficiency

    Compton processes in the bright AGN MCG+8-11-11

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    We present preliminary results on the hard X-ray emission properties of the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy MCG+8-11-11 as observed by INTEGRAL and SWIFT. All the INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI data available up to October 2009 have been analyzed together with two SWIFT/XRT snapshot observations performed in August and October 2009, quasi-simultaneously to INTEGRAL pointed observations of MCG+8-11-11. No correlation is observed between the hard X-ray flux and the spectral slope, while the position of the high-energy cut-off is found to have varied during the INTEGRAL observations. This points to a change in the temperature of the Comptonising medium from a minimum value of kT = 30-50 keV to values larger than 100-150 keV. There is no significant detection of Compton reflection, with a 3 sigma upper limit of R < 0.2, and no line has been detected at 112 keV, as previously claimed from HEAT observations (112 keV flux F < 2.4e-4 ph/cm^2/s). The variability behaviour of MCG+8-11-11 is found to be similar to that shown by IC 4329A, with different temperatures of the electron plasma for similar flux levels of the source, while other bright Seyfert galaxies present different variability patterns at hard X-rays, with spectral changes correlated to flux variations (e.g. NGC 4151).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication on PoS (contribution PoS(INTEGRAL 2010)077), proceedings of the 8th INTEGRAL Workshop "The Restless Gamma-ray Universe" (September 2010, Dublin, Ireland

    Linear Theory of Electron-Plasma Waves at Arbitrary Collisionality

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    The dynamics of electron-plasma waves are described at arbitrary collisionality by considering the full Coulomb collision operator. The description is based on a Hermite-Laguerre decomposition of the velocity dependence of the electron distribution function. The damping rate, frequency, and eigenmode spectrum of electron-plasma waves are found as functions of the collision frequency and wavelength. A comparison is made between the collisionless Landau damping limit, the Lenard-Bernstein and Dougherty collision operators, and the electron-ion collision operator, finding large deviations in the damping rates and eigenmode spectra. A purely damped entropy mode, characteristic of a plasma where pitch-angle scattering effects are dominant with respect to collisionless effects, is shown to emerge numerically, and its dispersion relation is analytically derived. It is shown that such a mode is absent when simplified collision operators are used, and that like-particle collisions strongly influence the damping rate of the entropy mode.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication on Journal of Plasma Physic

    BeppoSAX LECS background subtraction techniques

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    We present 3 methods for the subtraction of non-cosmic and unresolved cosmic backgrounds observed by the Low-Energy Concentrator Spectrometer (LECS) on-board BeppoSAX. Removal of these backgrounds allows a more accurate modeling of the spectral data from point and small-scale extended sources. At high (>|25| degree) galactic latitudes, subtraction using a standard background spectrum works well. At low galactic latitudes, or in complex regions of the X-ray sky, two alternative methods are presented. The first uses counts obtained from two semi-annuli near the outside of the LECS field of view to estimate the background at the source location. The second method uses ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) all-sky survey data to estimate the LECS background spectrum for a given pointing position. A comparison of the results from these methods provides an estimate of the systematic uncertainties. For high galactic latitude fields, all 3 methods give 3 sigma confidence uncertainties of <0.9 10^-3 count/s (0.1-10 keV), or <1.5 10^-3 count/s (0.1-2 keV). These correspond to 0.1-2.0 keV fluxes of 0.7-1.8 and 0.5-1.1 10^-13 erg/cm2/s for a power-law spectrum with a photon index of 2 and photoelectric absorption of 3 10^20 and 3 10^21 atom/cm2, respectively. At low galactic latitudes, or in complex regions of the X-ray sky, the uncertainties are a factor ~2.5 higher.Comment: 13 pages. Accepted for publication in A&A

    Separating the classical and quantum information via quantum cloning

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    An application of quantum cloning to optimally interface a quantum system with a classical observer is presented, in particular we describe a procedure to perform a minimal disturbance measurement on a single qubit by adopting a 1->2 cloning machine followed by a generalized measurement on a single clone and the anti-clone or on the two clones. Such scheme has been applied to enhance the transmission fidelity over a lossy quantum channel.Comment: 4 pages, 2figure

    A Note on T-dualities in the Pure Spinor Heterotic String

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    In this note we study the preservation of the classical pure spinor BRST constraints under super T-duality transformations. We also determine the invariance of the one-loop conformal invariance and of the local gauge and Lorentz anomalies under the super T-dualities.Comment: References adde

    Experimental Purification of Single Qubits

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    We report the experimental realization of the purification protocol for single qubits sent through a depolarization channel. The qubits are associated with polarization encoded photon particles and the protocol is achieved by means of passive linear optical elements. The present approach may represent a convenient alternative to the distillation and error correction protocols of quantum information.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
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