2 research outputs found

    Intralipid™ administration attenuates the hypotensive effects of acute intravenous amiodarone overdose in a swine model

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    Purpose To investigate whether a lipid emulsion could counteract the hypotensive effects of amiodarone overdose after an acute intravenous administration and improve 4 h survival in an established model of swine cardiovascular research. Methods Twenty pigs were intubated and instrumented to measure aortic pressures and central venous pressures (CVP). After allowing the animals to stabilize for 60 minutes, amiodarone overdose (1 mg/kg/min) was initiated for a maximum of 20 minutes. Afterwards, the animals were randomized into 2 groups. Group A (n = 10) received 0.9% Normal Saline (NS) and Group B (n = 10) received 20% Intralipid® (ILE). A bolus dose of 2 ml/kg in over 2 min time was initially administered in both groups followed by a 45 min infusion (0.2 ml/kg/min) of either NS or ILE. Results All animals survived the overdose and all animals survived the monitoring period of 4 hours. Systolic aortic pressure (SpthAorta) (6.90 vs 14.10 mmHg, P =.006) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) (6.10 vs 14.90 mmHg, P =.001) were higher in the ILE group 2 min after the bolus ILE infusion. This difference was maintained for 15 min after ILE infusion for both SpthAorta (7.85 vs 13.15 mmHg, P =.044) and MAP (7.85 vs 13.15 mmHg, P =.042). Animals that received ILE had higher CVP (11.6 vs 15.7 mmHg, P =.046), an effect which was attenuated 2 and 4 hours post administration. Animals receiving ILE were more acidotic (7.21 vs 7.38, P =.048) in the monitoring period compared to animals receiving NS. Conclusions Intralipid attenuated the hypotensive effects of amiodarone toxicity for a period of 15 minutes compared to animals receiving NS. © 2016 Elsevier Inc