8,229 research outputs found

    Moderate Asphericity of the SN 2002ic Circumstellar Envelope

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    The polarization of SN 2002ic interacting with a dense circumstellar envelope is calculated in the context of the asymmetric version of a previously proposed spherical interaction model. The circumstellar envelope is taken to be oblate. The observed polarization (Wang et al. 2004) can be reproduced for an aspect ratio of 0.65-0.7 assuming inclination angles >60 degrees. This model predicts a weak sensitivity of the line profiles to the orientation, in agreement with the absence of significant variations of the line profiles among SN 2002ic-like supernovae. We propose a test for distinguishing between the binary and single star progenitor scenarios based upon the polarization distribution function for the growing sample of these events.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figs., ApJ, accepte

    Chemical Abundances from the Continuum

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    The calculation of solar absolute fluxes in the near-UV is revisited, discussing in some detail recent updates in theoretical calculations of bound-free opacity from metals. Modest changes in the abundances of elements such as Mg and the iron-peak elements have a significant impact on the atmospheric structure, and therefore self-consistent calculations are necessary. With small adjustments to the solar photospheric composition, we are able to reproduce fairly well the observed solar fluxes between 200 and 270 nm, and between 300 and 420 nm, but find too much absorption in the 270-290 nm window. A comparison between our reference 1D model and a 3D time-dependent hydrodynamical simulation indicates that the continuum flux is only weakly sensitive to 3D effects, with corrections reaching <10% in the near-UV, and <2% in the optical.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference A Stellar Journey, a symposium in celebration of Bengt Gustafsson's 65th birthday, June 23-27, 2008, Uppsal

    Stability of strained heteroepitaxial systems in (1+1) dimensions

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    We present a simple analytical model for the determination of the stable phases of strained heteroepitaxial systems in (1+1) dimensions. In order for this model to be consistent with a subsequent dynamic treatment, all expressions are adjusted to an atomistic Lennard-Jones system. Good agreement is obtained when the total energy is assumed to consist of two contributions: the surface energy and the elastic energy. As a result, we determine the stable phases as a function of the main ``control parameters'' (binding energies, coverage and lattice mismatch). We find that there exists no set of parameters leading to an array of islands as a stable configuration. We however show that a slight modification of the model can lead to the formation of stable arrays of islands.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Line formation in solar granulation VI. [C I], C I, CH and C2 lines and the photospheric C abundance

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    The solar photospheric carbon abundance has been determined from [C I], C I, CH vibration-rotation, CH A-X electronic and C2 Swan electronic lines by means of a time-dependent, 3D, hydrodynamical model of the solar atmosphere. Departures from LTE have been considered for the C I lines. These turned out to be of increasing importance for stronger lines and are crucial to remove a trend in LTE abundances with the strengths of the lines. Very gratifying agreement is found among all the atomic and molecular abundance diagnostics in spite of their widely different line formation sensitivities. The mean of the solar carbon abundance based on the four primary abundance indicators ([C I], C I, CH vibration-rotation, C_2 Swan) is log C = 8.39 +/- 0.05, including our best estimate of possible systematic errors. Consistent results also come from the CH electronic lines, which we have relegated to a supporting role due to their sensitivity to the line broadening. The new 3D based solar C abundance is significantly lower than previously estimated in studies using 1D model atmospheres.Comment: Accepted for A&A, 13 page

    Fashion Patternmaking Book Instructions in Spanish

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    This study explored participants’ perceptions of the need for a fashion patternmaking book in Spanish to be used by native Spanish-speaking students in U.S. institutions of higher education. There is no previous research demonstrating the need for a patternmaking book in Spanish for native Spanish speakers. This study provided insight into how educators perceive the need for a fashion patternmaking book in Spanish to assist non-English speaking students. A survey was sent via e-mail using Survey Monkey®. Participants were members of the International Textiles and Apparel Industry and faculty who teach fashion design in Mexico. The responses of 17 participants were collected and analyzed. The study revealed that when an educator had a native Spanish-speaking student who was not English proficient, step-by-step instructions demonstrations help students understand the class. Based on the information analyzed, a fashion patternmaking book in Spanish for native Spanish speaking students could be suggested to students as a help guide while they get used to the new language and terminology. This study provides insight into how educators perceive the need for a fashion patternmaking book in Spanish. Further research is needed in the area of a fashion patternmaking book in Spanish

    Identification of red supergiants in nearby galaxies with mid-IR photometry

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    The role of episodic mass loss in massive star evolution is one of the most important open questions of current stellar evolution theory. Episodic mass loss produces dust and therefore causes evolved massive stars to be very luminous in the mid-infrared and dim at optical wavelengths. We aim to increase the number of investigated luminous mid-IR sources to shed light on the late stages of these objects. To achieve this we employed mid-IR selection criteria to identity dusty evolved massive stars in two nearby galaxies. The method is based on mid-IR colors, using 3.6 {\mu}m and 4.5 {\mu}m photometry from archival Spitzer Space Telescope images of nearby galaxies and J-band photometry from 2MASS. We applied our criteria to two nearby star-forming dwarf irregular galaxies, Sextans A and IC 1613, selecting eight targets, which we followed up with spectroscopy. Our spectral classification and analysis yielded the discovery of two M-type supergiants in IC 1613, three K-type supergiants and one candidate F-type giant in Sextans A, and two foreground M giants. We show that the proposed criteria provide an independent way for identifying dusty evolved massive stars, that can be extended to all nearby galaxies with available Spitzer/IRAC images at 3.6 {\mu}m and 4.5 {\mu}m.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, A&A in pres

    A Wire Position Monitor System for the 1.3 GHZ Tesla-Style Cryomodule at the Fermilab New-Muon-Lab Accelerator

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    The first cryomodule for the beam test facility at the Fermilab New-Muon-Lab building is currently under RF commissioning. Among other diagnostics systems, the transverse position of the helium gas return pipe with the connected 1.3 GHz SRF accelerating cavities is measured along the ~15 m long module using a stretched-wire position monitoring system. An overview of the wire position monitor system technology is given, along with preliminary results taken at the initial module cool down, and during further testing. As the measurement system offers a high resolution, we also discuss options for use as a vibration detector.Comment: 4 pp. 15th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF2011). 25-29 Jul 2011. Chicago, Illinois, US

    On the Radii of Extrasolar Giant Planets

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    We have computed evolutionary models for extrasolar planets which range in mass from 0.1 to 3.0 Jovian Masses, and which range in equilibrium temperature from 113 K to 2000 K. We present four sequences of models, designed to show the structural effects of a solid core and of internal heating due to the conversion of kinetic to thermal energy at pressures of tens of bars. The model planetary radii are intended for comparisons with radii derived from observations of transiting extrasolar planets. To provide such comparisons, we expect that of order 10 transiting planets with orbital periods less than 200 days can be detected around bright (V<10) main-sequence stars for which accurate, well-sampled radial velocity measurements can be readily accumulated. Through these observations, structural properties of the planets will be derivable, particularly for low-mass, high-temperature planets. Implications regarding the transiting companion to OGLE-TR-56 recently announced by Konacki et al. are discussed. With regard to the confirmed transiting planet, HD 209458b, we find, in accordance with other recent calculations, that models without internal heating predict a radius that is 35 percent smaller than the observed radius. We explore the possibility that HD 209458b owes its large size to dissipation of energy arising from ongoing tidal circularization of the orbit. We show that residual scatter in the current radial velocity data set for HD 209458b is consistent with the presence of an as-of-yet undetected second companion, and that further radial velocity monitoring of the star is indicated.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Astrophysical Journa
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