3,216 research outputs found

    Triangulum II: Not Especially Dense After All

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    Among the Milky Way satellites discovered in the past three years, Triangulum II has presented the most difficulty in revealing its dynamical status. Kirby et al. (2015a) identified it as the most dark matter-dominated galaxy known, with a mass-to-light ratio within the half-light radius of 3600 +3500 -2100 M_sun/L_sun. On the other hand, Martin et al. (2016) measured an outer velocity dispersion that is 3.5 +/- 2.1 times larger than the central velocity dispersion, suggesting that the system might not be in equilibrium. From new multi-epoch Keck/DEIMOS measurements of 13 member stars in Triangulum II, we constrain the velocity dispersion to be sigma_v < 3.4 km/s (90% C.L.). Our previous measurement of sigma_v, based on six stars, was inflated by the presence of a binary star with variable radial velocity. We find no evidence that the velocity dispersion increases with radius. The stars display a wide range of metallicities, indicating that Triangulum II retained supernova ejecta and therefore possesses or once possessed a massive dark matter halo. However, the detection of a metallicity dispersion hinges on the membership of the two most metal-rich stars. The stellar mass is lower than galaxies of similar mean stellar metallicity, which might indicate that Triangulum II is either a star cluster or a tidally stripped dwarf galaxy. Detailed abundances of one star show heavily depressed neutron-capture abundances, similar to stars in most other ultra-faint dwarf galaxies but unlike stars in globular clusters.Comment: accepted to ApJ, Table 5 available as a machine-readable table by clicking on "Other formats" on the right. Proof corrections reflected in version

    An investigation of the formation and line properties of MgH in 3D hydrodynamical model stellar atmospheres

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    Studies of the isotopic composition of magnesium in cool stars have so far relied upon the use of one-dimensional (1D) model atmospheres. Since the isotopic ratios derived are based on asymmetries of optical MgH lines, it is important to test the impact from other effects affecting line asymmetries, like stellar convection. Here, we present a theoretical investigation of the effects of including self-consistent modeling of convection. Using spectral syntheses based on 3D hydrodynamical CO5^5BOLD models of dwarfs (4000KTeff5160K\lesssim T_\mathrm{eff}\lesssim5160K, 4.04.0\leqlog(g)4.5\leq4.5, 3.0[Fe/H]1.0-3.0\leq[\mathrm{Fe/H}]\leq-1.0) and giants (Teff4000T_\mathrm{eff}\sim4000K, log(g)=1.5=1.5, 3.0[Fe/H]1.0-3.0\leq[\mathrm{Fe/H}]\leq-1.0), we perform a detailed analysis comparing 3D and 1D syntheses. We describe the impact on the formation and behavior of MgH lines from using 3D models, and perform a qualitative assessment of the systematics introduced by the use of 1D syntheses. Using 3D model atmospheres significantly affect the strength of the MgH lines, especially in dwarfs, with 1D syntheses requiring an abundance correction of up to +0.69 dex largest for our 5000K models. The corrections are correlated with TeffT_\mathrm{eff} and are also affected by the metallicity. The shape of the strong 24^{24}MgH component in the 3D syntheses is poorly reproduced in 1D. This results in 1D syntheses underestimating 25^{25}MgH by up to 5\sim5 percentage points and overestimating 24^{24}MgH by a similar amount for dwarfs. This discrepancy increases with decreasing metallicity. 26^{26}MgH is recovered relatively well, with the largest difference being 2\sim2 percentage points. The use of 3D for giants has less impact, due to smaller differences in the atmospheric structure and a better reproduction of the line shape in 1D.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Two Distant Halo Velocity Groups Discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory

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    We report the discovery of two new halo velocity groups (Cancer groups A and B) traced by 8 distant RR Lyrae stars and observed by the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF) survey at R.A.~129°, Dec~20° (l~205°, b~32°). Located at 92 kpc from the Galactic center (86 kpc from the Sun), these are some of the most distant substructures in the Galactic halo known to date. Follow-up spectroscopic observations with the Palomar Observatory 5.1-m Hale telescope and W. M. Keck Observatory 10-m Keck I telescope indicate that the two groups are moving away from the Galaxy at v_(gsr) = 78.0+-5.6 km s^(-1) (Cancer group A) and v_(gsr) = 16.3+-7.1 km s^(-1) (Cancer group B). The groups have velocity dispersions of σ_(v_)gsr))=12.4+-5.0 km s^(-1) and σ _(v_(gsr))=14.9+-6.2 km s^(-1), and are spatially extended (about several kpc) making it very unlikely that they are bound systems, and are more likely to be debris of tidally disrupted dwarf galaxies or globular clusters. Both groups are metal-poor (median metallicities of [Fe/H]^A = -1.6 dex and [Fe/H]^B =-2.1 dex), and have a somewhat uncertain (due to small sample size) metallicity dispersion of ~0.4 dex, suggesting dwarf galaxies as progenitors. Two additional RR Lyrae stars with velocities consistent with those of the Cancer groups have been observed ~25 ° east, suggesting possible extension of the groups in that direction

    Generation and characterization of function-blocking anti-ectodysplasin A (EDA) monoclonal antibodies that induce ectodermal dysplasia.

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    Development of ectodermal appendages, such as hair, teeth, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and mammary glands, requires the action of the TNF family ligand ectodysplasin A (EDA). Mutations of the X-linked EDA gene cause reduction or absence of many ectodermal appendages and have been identified as a cause of ectodermal dysplasia in humans, mice, dogs, and cattle. We have generated blocking antibodies, raised in Eda-deficient mice, against the conserved, receptor-binding domain of EDA. These antibodies recognize epitopes overlapping the receptor-binding site and prevent EDA from binding and activating EDAR at close to stoichiometric ratios in in vitro binding and activity assays. The antibodies block EDA1 and EDA2 of both mammalian and avian origin and, in vivo, suppress the ability of recombinant Fc-EDA1 to rescue ectodermal dysplasia in Eda-deficient Tabby mice. Moreover, administration of EDA blocking antibodies to pregnant wild type mice induced in developing wild type fetuses a marked and permanent ectodermal dysplasia. These function-blocking anti-EDA antibodies with wide cross-species reactivity will enable study of the developmental and postdevelopmental roles of EDA in a variety of organisms and open the route to therapeutic intervention in conditions in which EDA may be implicated

    In-depth description of Electrohydrodynamic conduction pumping of dielectric liquids: physical model and regime analysis

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    In this work, we discuss the fundamental aspects of Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) conduction pumping of dielectric liquids. We build a mathematical model of conduction pumping that can be applied to all sizes, down to microsized pumps. In order to do this, we discuss the relevance of the Electrical Double Layer (EDL) that appears naturally on nonmetallic substrates. In the process, we identify a new dimensionless parameter related to the value of the zeta potential of the substrate-liquid pair, which quantifies the influence of these EDLs on the performance of the pump. This parameter also describes the transition from EHD conduction pumping to electro-osmosis. We also discuss in detail the two limiting working regimes in EHD conduction pumping: ohmic and saturation. We introduce a new dimensionless parameter, accounting for the electric field enhanced dissociation that, along with the conduction number, allows us to identify in which regime the pump operates.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PGC2018-099217-B-I0

    A Comprehensive Investigation of Metals in the Circumgalactic Medium of Nearby Dwarf Galaxies

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    Dwarf galaxies are found to have lost most of their metals via feedback processes; however, there still lacks consistent assessment on the retention rate of metals in their circumgalactic medium (CGM). Here we investigate the metal content in the CGM of 45 isolated dwarf galaxies with M=106.59.5 MM_*=10^{6.5-9.5}~M_\odot (M200m=1010.011.5 MM_{\rm 200m}=10^{10.0-11.5}~M_\odot) using {\it HST}/COS. While H I (Lyα\alpha) is ubiquitously detected (89%89\%) within the CGM, we find low detection rates (5%22%\approx5\%-22\%) in C II, C IV, Si II, Si III, and Si IV, largely consistent with literature values. Assuming these ions form in the cool (T104T\approx10^4 K) CGM with photoionization equilibrium, the observed H I and metal column density profiles can be best explained by an empirical model with low gas density and high volume filling factor. For a typical galaxy with M200m=1010.9 MM_{\rm 200m}=10^{10.9}~M_\odot (median of the sample), our model predicts a cool gas mass of MCGM,cool108.4 MM_{\rm CGM,cool}\sim10^{8.4}~M_\odot, corresponding to 2%\sim2\% of the galaxy's baryonic budget. Assuming a metallicity of 0.3Z0.3Z_\odot, we estimate that the dwarf galaxy's cool CGM likely harbors 10%\sim10\% of the metals ever produced, with the rest either in more ionized states in the CGM or transported to the intergalactic medium. We further examine the EAGLE simulation and show that H I and low ions may arise from a dense cool medium, while C IV arises from a diffuse warmer medium. Our work provides the community with a uniform dataset on dwarf galaxies' CGM that combines our recent observations, additional archival data and literature compilation, which can be used to test various theoretical models of dwarf galaxies.Comment: Finalized version. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Exploring the Universe with Metal-Poor Stars

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    The early chemical evolution of the Galaxy and the Universe is vital to our understanding of a host of astrophysical phenomena. Since the most metal-poor Galactic stars (with metallicities down to [Fe/H]\sim-5.5) are relics from the high-redshift Universe, they probe the chemical and dynamical conditions of the Milky Way and the origin and evolution of the elements through nucleosynthesis. They also provide constraints on the nature of the first stars, their associated supernovae and initial mass function, and early star and galaxy formation. The Milky Way's dwarf satellites contain a large fraction (~30%) of the known most metal-poor stars that have chemical abundances that closely resemble those of equivalent halo stars. This suggests that chemical evolution may be universal, at least at early times, and that it is driven by massive, energetic SNe. Some of these surviving, ultra-faint systems may show the signature of just one such PopIII star; they may even be surviving first galaxies. Early analogs of the surviving dwarfs may thus have played an important role in the assembly of the old Galactic halo whose formation can now be studied with stellar chemistry. Following the cosmic evolution of small halos in simulations of structure formation enables tracing the cosmological origin of the most metal-poor stars in the halo and dwarf galaxies. Together with future observations and additional modeling, many of these issues, including the reionization history of the Milky Way, may be constrained this way. The chapter concludes with an outlook about upcoming observational challenges and ways forward is to use metal-poor stars to constrain theoretical studies.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures. Book chapter to appear in "The First Galaxies - Theoretical Predictions and Observational Clues", 2012 by Springer, eds. V. Bromm, B. Mobasher, T. Wiklin

    The factor structure of the Forms of Self-Criticising/Attacking & Self-Reassuring Scale in thirteen distinct populations

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    There is considerable evidence that self-criticism plays a major role in the vulnerability to and recovery from psychopathology. Methods to measure this process, and its change over time, are therefore important for research in psychopathology and well-being. This study examined the factor structure of a widely used measure, the Forms of Self-Criticising/Attacking & Self-Reassuring Scale in thirteen nonclinical samples (N = 7510) from twelve different countries: Australia (N = 319), Canada (N = 383), Switzerland (N = 230), Israel (N = 476), Italy (N = 389), Japan (N = 264), the Netherlands (N = 360), Portugal (N = 764), Slovakia (N = 1326), Taiwan (N = 417), the United Kingdom 1 (N = 1570), the United Kingdom 2 (N = 883), and USA (N = 331). This study used more advanced analyses than prior reports: a bifactor item-response theory model, a two-tier item-response theory model, and a non-parametric item-response theory (Mokken) scale analysis. Although the original three-factor solution for the FSCRS (distinguishing between Inadequate-Self, Hated-Self, and Reassured-Self) had an acceptable fit, two-tier models, with two general factors (Self-criticism and Self-reassurance) demonstrated the best fit across all samples. This study provides preliminary evidence suggesting that this two-factor structure can be used in a range of nonclinical contexts across countries and cultures. Inadequate-Self and Hated-Self might not by distinct factors in nonclinical samples. Future work may benefit from distinguishing between self-correction versus shame-based self-criticism.Peer reviewe

    Tracks and voids in amorphous Ge induced by swift heavy-ion irradiation

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    Ion tracks formed in amorphous Ge by swift heavy-ion irradiation have been identified with experiment and modeling to yield unambiguous evidence of tracks in an amorphous semiconductor. Their underdense core and overdense shell result from quenched-in ra