292 research outputs found

    Data Archives Retrospective and Perspective

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    Data Archives Retrospective and Perspectiv

    Prospects and Problems in the Use of Government Generated Data in India

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    Prospects and Problems in the Use of Government Generated Data in Indi

    The Effect of Misch Metal Additions on the Structure and Workability of Al-Mg (7-100/.) Alloys

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    ON the alloying elements used in aluminium alloys, copper was one of' the earliest employed commercially and for many years it has been the principal one. Aluminium-copper alloys to which manganese, magnesium or silicon has been added, belong to the important group generally known as "Duralumin". The binary alloys of aluminium with magnesium attra- cted the interest of investigators as early as 1900. There have been numerous attempts to utilise for general purposes alloys containing as Much as 10% magnesium ; alloys containing up to 30% magnesium have been used for special purposes

    A Comparative Study of Non-Ferrous Coatings on Steel

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    Considerable tonnages of zinc and tin are imported annually to meet the demands of galvanizing and tinning industries. Keeping in view the availability of raw materials in India, the possibilities of using aluminized steel are discussed. A comparison of the micro-structures obtained in different hot-dip processes for protection of steel surfaces and of the resistance of the coated products to corrosion is given. Points in favour of aluminium-coated steel have been brought out

    Hot Dip Aluminising of Steel Wire- Laboratory Scale Investigations and Pilot Plant Studies

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    Protective quality of aluminium due to its adherent surface oxide film is well known. In hot-dip aluminising the use is made of this protective nature of aluminium by coating the steel base by dipping it in molten aluminium bath there-by getting an outer aluminium layer & an iron-aluminium layer at the interface. The interfacial alloy layer though possessing good atmospheric corrosion and resistance to oxidation at high temperature is brittle in nature and such must be kept to a minimum of thickness where the end use of aluminised product is for deep drawing, forming etc. Hot-dip aluminium coating on steel base comprising the outer aluminium layer and an alloy layer in the interface should possess both atmospheric & high temperature corrosion resistance

    Research and development work on substitute electrical resistance alloys for heating elements

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    From the start of the Second Five- Year Plan great emphasis has been laid on production and utilisation of electric power in various industrial and domestic appliances. Electric heating is thus gradually repla- cing solid-fuels, gas and oil heating . Increasing application of electric heat with all its attendant advantages will fail to register full impact unless suitable electrical heating elements , having long high temperature service life are indigenously avai- lable at reasonable cost

    Economic utilization, recovery and substitution of some strategic non-ferrous metals

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    With the increased tempo of industrial expansion and the ever rising consumption of common nonferrous metals like copper, lead, zinc, tin, deficient in India, their conservation, substitution, reclamation from waste pro-ducts and substandard raw materials are of paramount importance for India, not only to tide over the present crisis but also in the larger interest of economic growth and self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency can be attained by developing processes for the utilization of low grade and other complex ores, recovery of metals from waste products like slags, ashes, drosses and above all by the conservation of non-ferrous metals not avail-able in the country by their judicious use and subst-itution

    Preparation of Aluminium-Silicon Alloys by Aluminothermic Reduction

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    Alloys of aluminium-silicon have today attained considerable commercial importance in their wide use for multifarious applications and as much as 80 per cent of the world's production of light alloy castings have been estimated to belong to the family of these alloys. Based on thermodynamical data , the reduction of silica by aluminium is feasible . It was observed that substantial reduction of quartz depends upon a number of factors, the chief of which are; particle size of quartz, amount of cryolite in the charge, temperature of the reactants and holding time.Physical properties of the alloys made by this method have been compared with the physical properties of corresponding alloys produced by direct alloying of the two metals. This comparison yielded identical results in the two cases. It has finally been stressed that this method can be usefully exploited for commercial applications in countries dependent on silicon imports and rich in bauxite and quartz such as India

    Substitution of galvanising by aluminising of steels

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    ALUMINISING has been accepted by the Government of India as it substitute for galvanising because of the existing scarcity of zinc. Zinc resources of our country are limited whereas minerals for extraction of aluminium are available in plenty. The Hindustan Steel (P ) Ltd., has decided to have provision for strip aluminising plant at Rourkela and Tata Iron and Steel Co. Ltd., may also be going for strip alum-inising adopting the Sendzimir Process . Bokaro Steel Plant has also made provision for aluminising of steel strip
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