464 research outputs found

    Linguoculturological aspects of the contextual use of phraseological units in advertising slogans

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    The paper aims at a comparative analysis of aspects of usual and occasional use of phraseological units (PUs) in the context of social and commercial slogans for products, services and feature-length films in Russian, English and German in order to identify the main trends in the contextual implementation of PUs by reference to a linguoculturological approach. The practical material for the analysis was 18 thousand slogans in Russian, English and German. Description of the analyzed material is presented in the form of a table, where contextual configurations are arranged vertically and languages at issue are placed horizontally. The quantitative analysis of the material under study based on comparison is carried out in the vertical (all the cases of contextual use of PUs are considered within one language) and horizontal (each contextual configuration is considered separately in three languages) sections. Phraseology is a special area of linguistics within which language, culture, history and world view of a particular ethnic group are most closely intertwined. Phraseological units being conductors into a particular culture often function in the language of advertising, which implies the use of usual and occasional phraseological units as verbal means of recipients' attraction. The comparative nature of the research which covers the analysis of slogans in three languages and a multifaceted approach to the analysis of the practical material under study determine the relevance of the study. As a result of the carried out research the author came to a conclusion that there is an active process of transformation of PUs in the language of advertising in comparison with the language of fiction literature. The analysis of the practical material under study has shown that the choice in favor of a particular stylistic device is determined not only by the pragmatics of an advertising campaign, but also by cultural information, structure of language and mentality fixed in PUs. Imagery embedded in PUs stipulates for the uniqueness of the nation-specific picture of the world and thinking of native language speakers which, in turn, are also reflected in the advertising text. Intense interest towards the use of stylistic patterns of pun and extended phraseological metaphor in English can be explained by the centuries-old tradition of the English-speaking population to creatively play upon the language and words, which is noted by many researchers. The German-language taglines illustrate the frequency of the usage of ellipsis, which reflects a common tendency of the German language towards the realization of linguistic economy and corresponding reduction. Permutation is widely used in the Russian-language taglines due to the syntactic peculiarities of the Russian language, its relatively free word order and, consequently, the ability to vary the position of the constituents within the sentence

    Thermal stability of a laser-clad NiCrBSi coating hardened by frictional finishing

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    Frictional treatment decreases surface roughness of a NiCrBSi laser coating and increases its microhardness and abrasive wear resistance. Even after softening annealing at 900 °C, the coating subjected to frictional treatment preserves its advantage in hardness and wear resistance over the original clad coating. Annealing at 1000 °C after frictional treatment ensures less effective growth of the hardness and wear resistance of the coating as compared to annealing of the undeformed coating due to the limited precipitation of large Cr23C6 carbides on the deformed surface, which form a wear-resistant framework. © 2017 Author(s).Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 16-38-00452-mol-a01201375904108692015Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations: 01201463331Federal Agency for Scientific OrganizationsUral Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, UB RAS: 15-9-12-45The study was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), grant No. 16-38-00452-mol-a, by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE), project UMNIK No. 108692015; the work was done within the Complex Program of UB RAS, project No. 15-9-12-45, within the state order for IES UB RAS, No. 01201375904 and within the state order of The Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FASO Russia) on the subject “Structure”, No. 01201463331. The experimental research was done on the equipment installed at the Plastometriya Collective Use Center of IES UB RAS

    Translation of phraseological units used in film taglines: Linguoculturological aspect

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    The paper addresses the problem of translation of phraseological units (PUs) used in film taglines within the framework of linguoculturological approach. The investigation aims at determining the degree of influence of pragmatics and linguoculturological peculiarities of PUs on rendering film taglines from English into Russian and German. Linguoculturological approach is specified to be principal with regard to the investigation of the problem raised. Research methodology is stipulated for comparative nature and comprehensive approach applied to the analysis of examples from English along with their translations, which allows to define cultural identity of the practical material under investigation. The main survey techniques include comparative method, methods of contextual analysis and continuous sampling, as well as methods of phraseological identification and phraseological description, proposed by A.V. Kunin. The paper demonstrates PUs analyzed in terms of the way they shape linguistic and cultural views of the world, considers the possibility of applying the concept of adequacy to the translation of PUs used in film taglines, elicits regularities and means for rendering semantic and stylistic properties of PUs and instantial PUs, highlights the main problems encountered in the process of translation, and identifies prevailing translation model used to render English film taglines

    Izba-Reading Room as a Rural Cultural Center in Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1920-1930s

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    The features of the emergence and functioning of reading rooms in the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the 1920s-1930s are considered. The author analyzes the measures taken by the Soviet government, local cells of the Communist Party and Komsomol activists aimed at strengthening izba-reading rooms on the territory of the republic. The main problems of the organization and activities of izba-reading rooms are investigated in detail, attention is paid to various methods of work to attract the population to new forms of Soviet culture. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the study   of the role and place of the izba-reading room in the regional cultural space will make an important contribution to the creation of a largescale objective picture of the cultural revolution that took place in the USSR in the 1920s1930s. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that a number of previously unpublished sources are put into circulation, collected directly for this study. This made it possible to highlight some details that previously could not be reflected in other works. As a result   of the study, it was determined that the izbareading room, despite the difficulties that arose (weak resource base, a shortage of trained personnel, low qualifications of workers, cultural and linguistic differences, a wary attitude of the local population  towards  the  events  of the Soviet government) gradually managed to win the sympathy of the adult population and become a reference point of cultural and educational work in the village