434 research outputs found

    Current status of cosmological MDM model

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    An analysis of cosmological models in spatially flat Friedmann Universe with cosmic gravitational wave background and zero Λ\Lambda-term is presented. The number of free parameters is equal to 5, they are σ8\sigma_8, nn, Ων\Omega_\nu, Ωb\Omega_b, and hh. The normalization of the spectrum of density perturbations on galaxy cluster abundance (σ8=0.52±0.04\sigma_8 = 0.52\pm 0.04) has been used to calculate numerically the value of the large scale CMB anisotropy (10\ell\simeq 10) and the relative contribution of cosmological gravitational waves T/S. Increasing Ων\Omega_\nu weaken the requirements to the value of T/S, however even for Ων0.4\Omega_\nu\le 0.4 the models with h+n1.5h+n\ge 1.5 suggest considerable abundance of gravitational waves: T/S>0.3{}^>_\sim 0.3. In models with Ων0.4\Omega_\nu\le 0.4 and scale-invariant spectrum of density perturbations (n=1n=1): T/S>10(h0.47){}^>_\sim 10(h-0.47). Minimization of the value T/S is possible only in the range of the red spectra (n<1n<1) and small hh (<0.6<0.6). It is shown that the models with T/S[0,3]\in [0, 3] admit both moderate red and blue spectra of density perturbations, n[0.9,1.2]n\in[0.9,1.2], with rather high abundance hot dark matter, Ων[0.2,0.4]\Omega_\nu\in [0.2,0.4]. Any condition, n<0.9n<0.9 or Ων<0.2\Omega_\nu<0.2, decreases the relative amplitude of the first acoustic peak for more than 30% in comparison with its hight in the standard CDM normalized by COBE data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures included; contribution to the Proceedings of Moriond 2000 "Energy Densities in the Universe", Les Arcs, France, January 22-29 200

    A solution to the problems of cusps and rotation curves in dark matter halos in the cosmological standard model

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    We discuss various aspects of the inner structure formation in virialized dark matter (DM) halos that form as primordial density inhomogeneities evolve in the cosmological standard model. The main focus is on the study of central cusps/cores and of the profiles of DM halo rotation curves, problems that reveal disagreements among the theory, numerical simulations, and observations. A method that was developed by the authors to describe equilibrium DM systems is presented, which allows investigating these complex nonlinear structures analytically and relating density distribution profiles within a halo both to the parameters of the initial small-scale inhomogeneity field and to the nonlinear relaxation characteristics of gravitationally compressed matter. It is shown that cosmological random motions of matter `heat up' the DM particles in collapsing halos, suppressing cusp-like density profiles within developing halos, facilitating the formation of DM cores in galaxies, and providing an explanation for the difference between observed and simulated galactic rotation curves. The analytic conclusions obtained within this approach can be confirmed by the N-body model simulation once improved spatial resolution is achieved for central halo regions.Comment: 44 pages, 16 figures, 1 tabl