14 research outputs found


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    The results of the study of opportunistic bacteria of the Lena river are show in the article. The microbial community of the river is represented by bacteria of different families. Opportunistic Enterobacteriaceae is absolutely dominated. Enterobacteria of different type belonged to four classes of dominance. The fluctuations in the frequency of their occurrence did. not extend beyond the class for the period of observation. At the same time the changes in their populations at the level of diversity are identified

    Features of Epidemic Process of Tuberculosis in the Territory with High Prevalence of HIV Infection

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    Scales of epidemic process of HIV-associated of tuberculosis are especially noticeable in regions with high prevalence of HIV infection and tuberculosis. A striking example of this situation is the Irkutsk region – the territory with the highest prevalence of HIV infection in the Russian Federation and one of the most unsuccessful one on tuberculosis – in 2010 became Russian “leader” and in prevalence of the HIV-associated tuberculosis, keeping a position “in the first five” so far. It is clear, that all this cannot but imply negative manifestations of two considered epidemic processes at their simultaneous development in one territory. The above-said facts predetermined carrying out the retrospective epidemiological analysis of spread of tuberculosis among the cumulative population in the Irkutsk region, a territory of high risk of HIV infection.The purpose of the work was to assess features of spread of tuberculosis in the territory of the large center of HIV infection (Irkutsk region).Results. The expressed negative impact of HIV infection on epidemic process of tuberculosis in the studied region, shown in divergence of trends and higher levels of epidemiological indicators in comparison to the all-Russian data is established.Conclusion. As a result of a research the trend of regional incidence of tuberculosis, multidirectional with the all-Russian indicators, is established from the moment of epidemic spread of HIV infection that demonstrates integration of epidemic processes of the studied infections. Even on condition of regress of epidemic process of tuberculosis at the end of the analyzed period which is followed by decrease in incidence of all population, HIV infection has a significant impact on his tension that, certainly, demands the strengthened measures of epidemiological control of these socially important infections


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    Periodontitis the same as brain, heart, kidneys is an organ-target for an arterial hypertensia. Disturbances in system of the microcirculatory bed, influencing a trophism of tissues of dentoalveolar system that promotes more active course of pathological processes in periodontitis thus develop. Actual revealing periodontitis pathogenic microorganisms in patients with an essential arterial hypertensia thereupon is represented. By us it is spent indication of five periodontitis pathogenic microorganisms, which most often causing development of diseases, in teenagers with an essential hypertensia by means of test system «Multident-5» («Genlab», Moscow)

    Identification of Infectious Diseases Patterns in the Combined Use of Bacteriological Diagnostics and MALDI Biotyper

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    In multidisciplinary hospitals, there are conditions conducive to the emergence of healthcare-associated infections: high concentration of people with reduced immunity in a limited area, the presence of a significant number of sources of contagion (patients and carriers), a change in the biocenosis of the mucous membranes and skin of patients and medical personnel under the influence of widespread use of antibiotics and cytostatics. The aim of the research was in the intercomparison of the standardized bacteriological algorithms and the MALDI Biotyper system in the microbiological diagnosis of pathogens as illustrated by the healthcare-associated diseases.Materials and methods. Seventy-eight patients of a multidisciplinary hospital of a regional level (Irkutsk) in 2018–2019 were examined. The age of patients ranged from 1 to 15 years. The material for the study was blood, sputum, swabs from the tracheobronchial tree, throat, nose, wound, abdominal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, and swabs from environmental objects. Identification of the isolated cultures (78 bacterial strains) was  carried out using generally accepted bacteriological methods, as well as using the MALDI Biotyper system.Results and discussions. In the structure of healthcare-associated infections, Pseudomonas aeruginosa occupied a leading position. Not all isolates of microorganisms were identified by standardized bacteriological methods. The identification of strains with characteristic manifestations of physiological and biochemical characteristics was more reliable. Identification difficulties arose in the presence of atypical properties of microorganisms when the use of MALDI Biotyper would be crucial.Conclusion. It is necessary to apply an integrated approach to conduct reliable diagnostics of pathogens. It includes standardized bacteriological methods and methods for identifying microorganisms using mass spectrometry in the subsequent stages


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    The analysis of the incidence of acute intestinal infections in children was carried out in Irkutsk region. The study demonstrated significant increase of the incidence of acute intestinal infections in Irkutsk region and revealed exceedance of all-Russia indicators. It is established that bacterial intestinal infections dominate. Among the bacterial pathogens of acute intestinal infections dominated opportunistic bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. The Analysis also revealed the change of quantitative composition in the long-term aspect, and a significant increase in the proportion of bacteria of the genus Klebsiella. Etiological structure of acute enteric infections in children in recent years has changed. The proportion of viruses has increased. The viral infection has had higher growth rate in comparison with bacterial infections. Проведен анализ заболеваемости острыми кишечными инфекциями (ОКИ) детей Иркутской области. Выявлен значимый рост уровня заболеваемости на исследуемой территории и превышение общероссийских показателей. Установлено доминирование бактериальных кишечных инфекций. Среди бактериальных возбудителей ОКИ преобладали условно-патогенные бактерии семейства Enterobacteriaceae. Выявлено изменение их количественного состава в многолетнем аспекте и значимое увеличение доли бактерий рода Klebsiella. Показано изменение этиологической структуры ОКИ у детей в последние годы: увеличение доли вирусов, более высокие темпы прироста ОКИ вирусной этиологии по сравнению с бактериальными

    Frequency of strains with multiple antibiotic resistance in the structure of opportunitistic pathogens

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    Background. The problem of antibiotic resistance has remained significant for the medical community for more than half a century, since the first cases of resistance to penicillin were registered.   The aim. Analysis of the long-term dynamics of changes in the antibacterial resistance of microorganisms and the creation of a collection of multi-resistant strains of opportunistic microorganisms.   Materials and methods. The study included data from 3173 bacteriological samples of various loci of the human body for 2010 and 2020–2021. The sensitivity of isolated cultures was determined by the disk diffusion method to antimicrobial drugs of the following groups: penicillins, cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, carbapenems, tetracyclines, macrolides, lincosamides, oxazolidinones, glycopeptides and others.   Results. In the general structure of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, a significant increase in the frequency of isolation of multidrug-resistant representatives of the genus Staphylococcus by two or more times was observed in 2021 compared to 2010 and 2020. We also observed a significant increase in the proportion of multidrug-resistant Streptococcus spp. and non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria. These changes marked the beginning of the creation of a collection of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms with multiple antibacterial resistance. In the structure of multiresistant microorganisms included in the “Collection of human microbiota of the Irkutsk region”, the leading positions belong to Klebsiella pneumoniae (23.81 %), Escherichia coli (19.05 %) and Staphylococcus aureus (22.22 %).   Conclusion. Antibiotic resistance monitoring is an important measure to control the resistance of community-acquired and nosocomial (nosocomial) microorganisms both within a particular country and globally

    Characteristic of water of the Lena River and health of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

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    In the article results of sanitary epidemiological characteristics of water of the Lena River, including on indicators of parasitic safety and physiological full value are analysed. It is established that the adverse effect of water of a water source on health of the population is connected with its physiological inferiority which is caused by the low maintenance of a number of biologically active elements. The received value of factor of "utility of water» in 47 times below recommended value

    Tuberculosis features in federal districts of the Russian Federation

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    Background. The retrospective assessment of key indicator levels and their trends at the start point of new strategy realization for tuberculosis control in Russia is an important predictor of the global program implementation to reduce the burden of this infection. Materials and methods. We analyzed incidence, prevalence and mortality among general and children population in Russian federal districts, in European and Asian regions, and in countries having a common border with Russia. Results. Presented material confirms the wide spread of tuberculosis in Russia, where the average annual incidence rate for 2005-2015 was 71.9 ± 2.5 0/0000, which attributes Russia to average-burden country. The most important characteristic of the studied period was a stable decreasing tendency of the key TB indicatorsformed by 2015. However, enormously uneven distribution of TB incidence, prevalence and mortality in some federal districts reveals different starting points of the regions. Relatively favorable territories include Central and Crimean Federal Districts, and the most unfavorable are Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts. The TB incidence significantly increases from West to East. Revealed unfavorable increasing tendency of children TB in combination with the trend described above indicates active transmission of TB infection in the Asian part of Russia. We also revealed the likelihood of mutual influence of migratory exchanges of Russian border regions and neighboring countries, which most strongly manifests on territories with low and medium TB incidence rates


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    From all group of infectious pathology viral hepatitises, from which the most priority are the parenteral hepatitises B and С, are essential for health of mankind, also the Irkutsk region isn’t an exception. The aim of the study: to assess an epidemiological situation in sharp and chronic forms of the viral hepatitises B and С in the territory of the Irkutsk region for the long-term period. Materials and methods. The retrospective analysis of an epidemiological situation on viral hepatitises B and C in Russia, Siberian Federal District and in the Irkutsk region for 2008–2016 is carried out. Results. The expressed decrease in incidence of acute viral hepatitis B is noted, at a chronic form of this disease rates of decrease had less expressed character that can be connected with carrying out by mass vaccinal prevention. The carried-out ranged distribution of territories for all forms of viral hepatitis B and viral hepatitis C in the Irkutsk region has allowed to reveal territories of risk. Conclusion. Parenteral viral hepatitises (sharp and chronic forms) are widespread in the territory of the Irkutsk region. From 43 administrative territories of the area, 24 belong to unsuccessful on incidences from which five are to territories of high epidemiological risk: cities of Irkutsk, Angarsk and Ust-Ilimsk and also Katangsky and Shelekhovsky districts


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    The analysis of the incidence of acute intestinal infections in children was carried out in Irkutsk region. The study demonstrated significant increase of the incidence of acute intestinal infections in Irkutsk region and revealed exceedance of all-Russia indicators. It is established that bacterial intestinal infections dominate. Among the bacterial pathogens of acute intestinal infections dominated opportunistic bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. The Analysis also revealed the change of quantitative composition in the long-term aspect, and a significant increase in the proportion of bacteria of the genus Klebsiella. Etiological structure of acute enteric infections in children in recent years has changed. The proportion of viruses has increased. The viral infection has had higher growth rate in comparison with bacterial infections