5 research outputs found
Izolacija i ispitivanje vibrio spp. I aeromonas spp. prouzrokovaÄŤa bolesti riba i njihovih specifiÄŤnih bakteriofaga iz vodene sredine Gruzije
Infekcije povezane sa Vibrio spp. i Aeromonas spp. koje se javljaju kod riba iz morske i slatkovodne sredine se navode širom sveta. Bolest, kada izbije, može izazvati znatan mortalitet u ribnjacima.
Cilj ovih ispitivanja je bila izolacija i identifikacija Vibrio spp. i Aeromonas spp. izazivača bolesti riba iz gruzijske obalske zone Crnog mora i slatkovodnih akumulacija, kao i njihovog diverziteta i kvantitativnog učešća.
Sezonski monitoring je izvođen u morskim (2006 - 2009) i slatkovodnim akumulacijama-Lisi jezeru, Tbilisi moru i Kumisi jezeru (2006 - 2010). 223 izolata Aeromonas spp. i 858 izolata Vibrio spp. je ispitano. Ukupno 8 vrsta Aeromonas i 14 vrsta Vibrio pronađeno je u vodenoj sredini Gruzije. V. parahaemolyticus, V. natriegens, V. pelagius preovlađuju u morskoj vodi. Veći deo V. mimicus, V. vulnificus, V. alginolyticus, V. cholerae, V. nigripulchritudo, V. nereis, V. campbellii, A. media, A. veronii, A. eucrenopila, A. sobria, A. schuberti, A. salmonicida su nađene u slatkovodnim akumulacijama. V. orientalis, V. metchnikovii, V. splendidus, V. marinus, A. hydrophila, A. caviae se mogu naći u i morskim i u slatkovodnim akumulacijama. Sojevi su podeljeni u grupe po sličnosti zasnovanoj na njihovim zahtevima za salinitetom.
Drugi cilj ovih ispitivanja je bilo izolovanje soja specifičnih bakteriofaga iz uzoraka vode. Dobijeno je 49 primarnih fag izolata, većina iz slatkovodnih rezervoara. Litični spektar bakteriofaga je ispitivan koristeći izabrani set sojeva domaćina. U rezultatima kloniranja 9 primarnih mešavina faga dobijeno je 13 klona bakteriofaga aktivnih za A. sobria, A. caviae, A. salmonicida, A. eucrenophila
Molecular diversity and predictability of Vibrio parahaemolyticus along the Georgian coastal zone of the Black Sea
Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a leading cause of seafood-related gastroenteritis and is also an autochthonous member of marine and estuarine environments worldwide. One-hundred seventy strains of V parahaemolyticus were isolated from water and plankton samples collected along the Georgian coast of the Black Sea during 28 months of sample collection. All isolated strains were tested for presence of tlh, trh, and tdh. A subset of strains were serotyped and tested for additional factors and markers of pandemicity. Twenty-six serotypes, five of which are clinically relevant, were identified. Although all 170 isolates were negative for tdh, trh, and the Kanagawa Phenomenon, 7 possessed the GS-PCR sequence and 27 the 850 bp sequence of V parahaemolyticus pandemic strains. The V parahaemolyticus population in the Black Sea was estimated to be genomically heterogeneous by rep-PCR and the serodiversity observed did not correlate with rep-PCR genomic diversity. Statistical modeling was used to predict presence of V parahaemolyticus as a function of water temperature, with strongest concordance observed for Green Cape site samples (Percent of total variance = 70, P < 0.001). Results demonstrate a diverse population of V parahaemolyticus in the Black Sea, some of which carry pandemic markers, with increased water temperature correlated to an increase in abundance of V parahaemolyticus
Psychosomatic correlates of coronary heart disease during the socio-economic crisis of post-communist Bulgaria
Post-communist Bulgaria has experienced the full impact of a socioeconomic disaster. Under prolonged and powerful stress the human body may exhaust its adaptive potential and a variety of pathophysiological symptoms may occur. The cardiovascular system is most vulnerable to stress. The aim of this study is to analyze the role of psychological factors correlating with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) during the transition period in post-communist Bulgaria. A case-control epidemiological study was performed. 306 cases of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and 210 controls were studied. Analysis of patients’ records was made and a direct face-to-face interview was carried out. The study covers a 15-year transition period lasting from 1989 until 2005. The interview questions are based on W. Zung’s standardized self-evaluation tests of anxiety and depression (Self Rating Depression Scale — SDS, 1965, SAS-Self Rating Anxiety Scale, 1976) and on a test of aggression, as a part of the Minnesota Multiphase personality inventory, adapted from A.A. Krilov and F. Korozi’s FPI test. Average levels of anxiety and depression appear to be higher among patients suffering from coronary heart diseases than in control group members. Levels of aggression do not show a direct correlation with coronary heart disease. Both groups demonstrate symptoms of psychological disturbances caused, most probably, by the socio-economic instability of the transition period. In conclusion, certain socioeconomic factors significantly increase the level of anxiety and depression in the respondents. The AMI patients are considerably more anxious and depressed than the controls. The results provide evidence that high levels of anxiety and depression may correlate to and be interpreted as a potential risk factor for coronary heart disease