741 research outputs found

    A Novel Intelligence-based e-Procurement System to offer Maximum Fairness Index in Ongoing Auction Process

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    A perfect auction policy is one of the most strategic elements that contribute to success factor for any e-Procurement system. An auction policy can be only term as an effective if it really offer win-win situation to both the bidder as well as to the merchant. After reviewing existing studies on e-Procurement system, it is found that there isno effective research work focusing on this point and maximum research contribution has limited its scope to certain application or case studis. Hence, the proposed system introduces a novel e-Procurement system which is equipped by an itelligence-building process for performing predictive analysis of ongoing auction process. A mathematical modelling is implemented where all teh variables have been formed using practical implementation of auction system and followed by optimization process using regression-based approach. The study outcome shows that proposed system offers better response time and higher predictive accuracy in contrast to existing approaches

    Insights on Extent of Effectiveness, Trend, and Gap in Existing Frameworks for e-Procurement System

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    With the advancement of technologies, the organization and business applications are witnessed with the increasing trends to adopt cut edge technologies to normalize their business process.  However, this trend was not observed much on the e-Procurement system, where the existing users still place the purchase order using conventional web-based approach that cannot address various ongoing challenges in eProcurement system. This paper attempts to review the existing trends and challenges of web-based eProcurement system and discusses that with the adoption of cloud computing as present trend, such ongoing issues of eProcurement can be addressed. The paper discusses the effectiveness of the existing techniques with interpretation of research gap

    Measurement of absorbed dose rate of gamma radiation for lead compounds

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    An attempt has been made to estimate the absorbed dose rate using both theoretical and measured mass energy attenuation coefficient of gamma for the lead compounds such as PbNO3, PbCl2, PbO2 and PbO using various gamma sources such as 22Na (511, 1274), 137Cs (661.6), 54Mn (835) and 60Co (1173, 1332 keV). © 2009 Elsevier B.V

    A Discourse on Gender Disparity: A Study on Taluks of Belagavi District

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    The modern period witnessed the increased gender disparity reflected in sex-ratio, literacy and education, employment and wage-rates and several other sociocultural and behavioral indicators of empowerment (Nangia, 2005). Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenges of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance - Kofi Annan (Personal, Archive, Mahanta, & Nayak, 2013). The present paper examines the extent of gender disparity in Belagavi District based on literacy and sex ratio using secondary data. We found that literacy rate in study area was 76.93% in 2001 which is increased to 82.90% in 2011 and sex ratio in the study area was 960 in 2001 which is increased to 973 in 2011. There are wide disparities from rural to urban sex ratio as well as rural to urban literacy rate. The urban sex ratio is higher than rural sex ratio in study area. The rural sex ratio is 970 and urban sex ratio is 979 females per thousand males in the 2011. We found that in Belagavi district, there is reduction in gender disparities from 2001 to 2011 but the reduction rate is very slow

    Trends and Levels of Female Literacy in Belagavi District

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    Women education plays a very important role in the overall growth of the country. It does not only help in the development of half of the human capital but also improves the standard of living. The progress of the nation or region is shown by the level of education and literacy of its population. Education, particularly among women has been considered as one of the major aspects for socio-economic development of the people of a region. Belagavi district is among the rapidly developing districts in Karnataka with respect to socio-economic and agricultural development. According to 2011 census, average literacy rate of Belagavi district (73.48%) is lower than the average literacy rate of Karnataka state (75.60%).(Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India, 2011) This can be attributed to greater regional disparities throughout Belagavi district in literacy. In this paper, we present Provisional Population Totals of census 2001 and 2011 and examine the extent of literacy disparities at the taluk level. Here, we found that literacy rate in the study area was 64.21 % in 2001 which has increased to 73.48% in 2011. We also found that the urban literacy (85.56%) is significantly greater than the rural literacy (69.28%) which is concurrent to the wider gender disparities from the rural to the urban population

    Nanoparticles Mediated Targeted Drug Delivery System of Some Antineoplastic Agents for the Treatment of Breast Cancer

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    The section acts as a bridge to “place” the need of this investigation with the merits and demerits of the past and present outcomes. Cancer is the term derived from the greek word Karkinos which mean CRAB. Hippocrates used the term for the first time because of the fact that the large tumours have a figure of the crab with its mass and vessels resembling to the body and legs of it. Cancer literally meaning tumour, in medical usage refers neoplasm “new growth”. Tumour is said to be “benign” when its cytology and gross characteristics are considered to be localized and “malignant” when it can destroy the adjacent structure to invade distinct sites. Being a multi-process disorder the cancer is defined as an “abnormal mass of tissue, the growth of which exceeds and is uncoordinated with that of the normal tissues and persists in the same manner after the cessation of the stimuli which evoked the change. The Fig 1 provides the basic molecular pathogenesis of the cancer. Cancer being one of the dread diseases is classified into more than 200 types of which bladder, lung, breast, melanoma, colon and rectal, non-Hodgkin lymphoma endometrial, pancreatic, renal cell, prostate, leukemia and thyroid cancer are commonly diagnosed [3]. However, based on its histological pattern it is broadly grouped as Hematologic (ex: lymphoma, leukemia, etc.) and Solid tumour (ex: breast, neck, overian, and GIT cancer etc.) Overall, the dual ligand nanoparticulate drug delivery system HA-albumin and HA-gelatin nanoparticles of PTX or DTX significantly gets targeted to the tumour site with prolonged half-life and better solubility. The simultaneous blockage of CD44 receptors and SPARC protein by nanoparticles containing HA and albumin might have influenced the significant change in their concentration at tumour site. In case of formulations containing combination of HA and gelatin, the MMPs are the target molecules along with CD44. The gelatin focuses these MMPs. Thus the formulations are expected to have better therapeutic efficacy in treatment of breast cancer. However, further research at the pre-clinical or clinical level is in need to understand the status of any synergistic action involved as the hyaluronan can readily retard the growth of cancer. The gelatin given as external source may also attribute to the synergism as degradation of extravascular component is prevented. Further investigations on tumour reduction efficacy, survival rate, and targeting efficacy towards various cell lines (in vivo) etc may orient these dual drug delivery systems to commercial application
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