14 research outputs found

    Роль акупунктуры в комплексном лечении глаукомы

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    Despite certain progress in the medical and surgical treatment of glaucoma, the prevalence of this disease in modern society continues to grow. It is necessary to search for additional and effective methods of glaucoma management in the progression of the disease. One of these non-drug treatment methods is reflexotherapy. This type of treatment can be an effective and cost-effective method used to improve the overall condition, as well as reduce intraocular pressure and pharmacological load on the patient. The review of research papers shows that the results of treatment of patients with glaucoma by acupuncture are ambiguous and contradictory and require further, more detailed study of the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of patients with glaucomatous optic neuropathy.Распространенность глаукомной патологии в современном обществе продолжает расти, несмотря на прогресс в медикаментозном и хирургическом лечении данного заболевания. При прогрессировании заболевания необходим поиск дополнительных и эффективных методов лечения глаукомы. Одним из немедикаментозных методов лечения является рефлексотерапия. Данный вид лечения может быть эффективным и экономически выгодным методом, применяемым с целью улучшения общего состояния, а также снижения внутриглазного давления и фармакологической нагрузки на пациента. Представленный нами обзор исследовательских работ показывает, что результаты лечения пациентов с глаукомой методом акупунктуры неоднозначны, противоречивы и нуждаются в дальнейшем, более детальном исследовании эффективности акупунктуры в лечении пациентов с глаукомной нейрооптикопатией

    Эпидемиологические характеристики глаукомы в Республике Башкортостан

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of the research is to study glaucoma prevalence in the Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) over the 20-year period (1999-2018 years).METHODS: This research was conducted using the data from statistic annual reports of ophthalmologists from various cities and regions of RB, the Ufa Eye Research Institute with assistance from the Head Office of Medical and Social Examination Service in RB.RESULTS: In 2018 there were 33 727 people with glaucoma in RB (81.5% with primary open-angle glaucoma — POAG). 73.8% of them were over the age of 60 and 83.3% patients had mild or moderate glaucoma. During periodic health examination there were 1.2% patients with suspected glaucoma and 0.6% with an established diagnosis. During the period from 1999 to 2018 there was a 112.8% increase in patients registered in dispensaries, a 77.4% increase in prevalence and morbidity from POAG, while there was a decreasing trend in the number of blind people and people primary identified as disabled associated with glaucoma.CONCLUSION: The 20-year period analysis (1999-2018) showed that there was more than a two-fold increase in the number of officially registered patients with glaucoma in the Republic of Bashkortostan: from 15 852 to 33 727. But despite the progressive growth of glaucoma incidence, particularly primary open-angle glaucoma (from 9.3 to 16.5 per 10 000 people over the age of 40) there was a 30% reduction in blindness prevalence over the last 9 years (since 2010) — from 17.3 to 13.0 and a 37% reduction in absolute number of people with glaucoma-related disability — from 346 to 218. It was a complex result of high level of check-ups and periodic health examinations in Republic followed by an increasing number of identifications of patients with early glaucoma, active and wide use of topical medicines and a persistently high surgical activity.ЦЕЛЬ. Изучение эпидемиологических показателей глаукомы в Республике Башкортостан (РБ) за 20 лет (1999- 2018 гг.).МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ. Данные исследования проведены на основе данных годовых статистических отчетов офтальмологов городов и районов РБ, ГБУ «Уф НИИ ГБ АН РБ» при содействии ФКУ «Главное бюро МСЭ по РБ».РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. В 2018 г. на диспансерном учете в республике с глаукомой состояло 33 727 человек (с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ) — 81,5%), из них 73,8% пациентов были в возрасте старше 60 лет, а 83,8% имели начальную или развитую стадии заболевания. На профосмотрах доля пациентов с подозрением на глаукому составила 1,2%, с установленным диагнозом — 0,6%. С 1999 по 2018 гг. наблюдалось увеличение на 112,8% больных, состоящих на диспансерном учете, на 77,4% — распространенности и заболеваемости ПОУГ на фоне устойчивой тенденции к снижению доли слепых и количества первичных инвалидов вследствие глаукомы.ВЫВОДЫ. Анализ за 20-летний период (1999 и 2018 гг.) показал, что число пациентов с глаукомой, официально находящихся на учете в Республике Башкортостан, за исследуемые годы увеличилось более чем в 2 раза: с 15 852 до 33 727 человек. На фоне прогрессирующего роста заболеваемости глаукомой, в частности первичной открытоугольной ее формой (с 9,3 до 16,5 на 10 тыс. населения старше 40 лет), отмечено уменьшение доли слепых на один и оба глаза за последние 9 лет (с 2010 г.) на 30% — с 17,3 до 12,0, а также абсолютного числа первично освидетельствованных инвалидов вследствие глаукомы на 37% — с 346 до 218. Этому способствовали высокий уровень обследования и профосмотров в республике, что привело к увеличению числа выявленных больных в начальных стадиях заболевания, активное и все более широкое использование эффективных местных медикаментозных средств, а также стабильно высокая хирургическая активность

    Investigation of toxic components of hookah mixture aerosol

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    As a result of the studies, the main factors influencing the toxicity of the aerosol formed during the smoking of hookah mixture were determined. Dependence of aerosol toxicity indicators on the chemical composition and content of tobacco raw materials in hookah mixtures was established

    Dynamics of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism parameters in women with menopausal metabolic syndrome, receiving glucose-lowering therapy

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    Aim. To assess the tolerability and the impact of various glucose-lowering medications on carbohydrate and lipid profile and anthropometric parameters in women with menopausal metabolic syndrome (MMS). Material and methods. The baseline examination included 122 women in early postmenopause. Thirty three patients with MS, carbohydrate metabolism disturbances, and/or insulin resistance (IR) were included in the 12-week open comparative study. Group I (n=15) received acarbose (150 mg/d) for 12 weeks, while Group II (n=18) was administered metformin (850 mg/d) for 12 weeks. At baseline and 12 weeks later, anthropometry, oral glucose tolerance test with insulin and C-peptide level measurement, and lipid profile assessment were performed. Results. Acarbose therapy was associated with a reduction in body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), fasting insulin, post-load insulin, post-load C-peptide, and HOMA-IR index. However, no significant improvement in lipid metabolism parameters was observed in the acarbose group. Metformin treatment was linked to a significant reduction in BW, WC, glycated hemoglobin, post-load glucose, C-peptide, and insulin, as well as to an increase in post-load Caro index. Conclusion. Women with MMS, carbohydrate metabolism disturbances, and/or IR, require not only non-pharmaceutical lifestyle modification, but also glucose-lowering pharmaceutical therapy with acarbose or metformin. In particular, it should be considered that metformin, but not acarbose, reduces the levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides

    Modern technologies for utilizing tobacco wastes

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    The problem of utilization or recycling industrial tobacco wastes is an important problem for tobacco industry. Economically preferable way for utilizing industrial tobacco wastes (tobacco scrap) is production smokeless products and hookah blends as wastes are utilized without special treatment. Monitoring of humidity and fractional composition of cut tobacco taken from tobacco rod/cigarette spoilage (tobacco scrap) is carried. Its long-term storage leads to increasing scrap and dust quantity. Researches on utilizing tobacco scrap for sniff and hookah blend production, which are considered to be less harmful compared to cigarettes, were carried. Chemical composition of American type tobacco and scrap was defined. Nicotine content varies from 0.9 to 2.4% and carbohydrates content – from 5.6 to 9.6%. Experimental samples of hookah blend were produced and their organoleptic and taste evaluation were carried. It was found that utilization of tobacco scrap is economically efficient for hookah blend production, as quality of final product made of leaf tobacco and tobacco scrap is similar. Experimental samples of sniff tobacco were produced in order to discover possibility of utilization industrial tobacco scrap for manufacturing this product. Consumer’s properties of sniff tobacco were evaluated by 100 points tasting protocol. This technology for sniff tobacco production from tobacco scrap allows manufacturing product of good quality, decreasing technological operations, rejecting stages of tobacco selection and its cutting and as the result decreasing cost of final product. The results of the research on utilizing tobacco scrap for hookah blend and sniff tobacco production proves optimality of recycling the tobacco wastes

    Shisha tobacco component composition

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    Shisha tobacco is a type of smoking tobacco product intended for smoking using a hookah and representing a mixture of cut or torn raw materials for the production of tobacco products with or without non-tobacco raw materials and other ingredients. The specificity of the consumption of this type of tobacco product is production of highly dispersed aerosol as a distillation product, the physiological strength of which is determined by the nicotine content in the hookah mixture. Systemic research of the "Tobacco for hookah" product, of its component composition and chemical composition of the aerosol produced has not been carried out. There are no standards for the content of toxic aerosol components for this product category. The selection of the component composition of the hookah mixture, taking into account the cost of the final product and its toxic load, is a modern technological method for modeling the ingredient composition, which is based on tobacco raw materials". Methods commonly used in tobacco industry and the following equipment was used to conduct the research: CERULEAN SM 405 linear smoking machine; Thermo Scientific Dionex UltiMate 3000 liquid chromatograph and TSQ Quantiva mass spectrometer using high performance LC-MS / MS liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry; Crystal 2000M Chromatograph; CO analyzer, Magix Shisha Since hookah. The article presents the results of studies to determine the content of nicotine and carbon monoxide in an aerosol produced by industrial and experimental tobacco samples for hookah, depending on the use of various tobacco raw materials and tobacco fines. As a result of the research, methods have been developed for collecting aerosol and determining the content of conditionally toxic compounds (acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, acrolein) in an aerosol produced by hookah mixtures, for an objective assessment of a tobacco product safety level

    Efficiency of fistulizing surgery of secondary refractory glaucoma

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    Purpose. To compare the results of traditional and modified fistulizing surgery for secondary refractory glaucoma. Material and methods. 39 patients (39 eyes) aged 25 to 79 (24 and 15 women) who received the surgery were divided into 2 groups: 17 patients of the control group underwent traditional trabeculectomy or deep sclerectomy while 22 patients of the main group received tunnel trabeculectomy with iridocycloretraction. 27 patients were followed up for up to 2 years. Results. No significant difference between the compared groups was found with regard to the incidence of early postoperative complications (hyphema, ciliochoroidal detachment). After surgery, which in some cases was supplemented by the course of additional antihypertensive therapy, IOP returned to normal in 77.8% of cases. For neovascular glaucoma, the results were worse both after modified and traditional trabeculectomy procedures (40.0%). The best sustained hypotensive and functional effect was achieved after tunnel trabeculectomy with iridocycloretraction (in 68.8% of cases), while after traditional trabeculectomy the effect was lower (45.5%). Conclusions. The obtained results show that the proposed modified operation may be considered, in some cases, as an alternative to drainage surgery in patients with refractory secondary glaucoma. Neovascular glaucoma is a contraindication to tunnel trabeculectomy with iridocycloretraction. Yet, modified trabeculectomy may be recommended also to patients with neovascular glaucoma, on condition that the procedure is preceded by effective surgery which eliminates or reduces neovascularization of the iris and the anterior chamber angle // Russian Ophthalmological Journal, 2016; 3: 5-11. doi: 10.21516/2072-0076-2016-9-3-5-11

    Individual’s ecological outlook and its ethical values of environmental safety sustainable development

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    © Foundation Environmental Protection & Research-FEPR. The relevance of the study is due to the tendencies to create a global system of environmental safety, its sustainable development. Understanding of the established trends’ significance is determined by the special interest of modern civilization to the ideological problems of ecology, focused on the humanistic attitude of man to the environment and himself, to respect the right of all kinds of wildlife on equal value of life on earth with all people. The study establishes the theoretical and practical significance of the totality of ethical values, orientations, interests, needs, attitudes of the individual’s environmental Outlook in making scientifically sound decisions and standards of conduct for sustainable development of environmental safety. With the help of the leading monitoring method, the effectiveness of axiological, cognitive, activity-based and orientation components of the environmental Outlook of the individual in the implementation of ethical values of sustainable development of environmental safety is experimentally proved and justified. In this regard, the main attention in this article is devoted to the substantiation of the innovative model’s structure and content of the individual’s environmental Outlook as a priority condition for the implementation of ethical values of environmental safety sustainable development. The article reveals the discursive content of the individual’s environmental Outlook; the structure and content of ethical values of environmental safety sustainable development. Based on the results of the study the axiological, cognitive, activity-based and orientation components of the innovative model of the individual’s ecological Outlook are substantiated and their practical importance in the process of ethical values’ realization of environmental safety sustainable development is proved

    Individual’s ecological outlook and its ethical values of environmental safety sustainable development

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    © Foundation Environmental Protection & Research-FEPR. The relevance of the study is due to the tendencies to create a global system of environmental safety, its sustainable development. Understanding of the established trends’ significance is determined by the special interest of modern civilization to the ideological problems of ecology, focused on the humanistic attitude of man to the environment and himself, to respect the right of all kinds of wildlife on equal value of life on earth with all people. The study establishes the theoretical and practical significance of the totality of ethical values, orientations, interests, needs, attitudes of the individual’s environmental Outlook in making scientifically sound decisions and standards of conduct for sustainable development of environmental safety. With the help of the leading monitoring method, the effectiveness of axiological, cognitive, activity-based and orientation components of the environmental Outlook of the individual in the implementation of ethical values of sustainable development of environmental safety is experimentally proved and justified. In this regard, the main attention in this article is devoted to the substantiation of the innovative model’s structure and content of the individual’s environmental Outlook as a priority condition for the implementation of ethical values of environmental safety sustainable development. The article reveals the discursive content of the individual’s environmental Outlook; the structure and content of ethical values of environmental safety sustainable development. Based on the results of the study the axiological, cognitive, activity-based and orientation components of the innovative model of the individual’s ecological Outlook are substantiated and their practical importance in the process of ethical values’ realization of environmental safety sustainable development is proved