19 research outputs found

    Investigation of oncolytic potential of vaccine strains of yellow fever and tick-borne encephalitis viruses against glioblastoma and pancreatic carcinoma cell lines

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    Introduction. Flaviviruses, possessing natural neurotropicity could be used in glioblastoma therapy using attenuated strains or as a delivery system for antitumor agents in an inactivated form. Objective. To investigate the sensitivity of glioblastoma and pancreatic carcinoma cell lines to vaccine strains of yellow fever and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. Materials and methods. Cell lines: glioblastoma GL-6, T98G, LN-229, pancreatic carcinoma MIA RaCa-2 and human pancreatic ductal carcinoma PANC-1. Viral strains: 17D yellow fever virus (YF), Sofjin tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). Virus concentration were determined by plaque assay and quantitative PCR. Determination of cell sensitivity to viruses by MTT assay. Results. 17D YF was effective only against pancreatic carcinoma tumor cells MIA Paca-2 and had a limited effect against PANC-1. In glioblastoma cell lines (LN229, GL6, T98G), virus had no oncolytic effect and the viral RNA concentration fell in the culture medium. Sofjin TBEV showed CPE50 against MIA Paca-2 and a very limited cytotoxic effect against PANC-1. However, it had no oncolytic effect against glioblastoma cell lines (LN229, T98G and GL6), although virus reproduction continued in these cultures. For the GL6 glioblastoma cell line, the viral RNA concentration at the level with the infection dose was determined within 13 days, despite medium replacement, while in the case of the LN229 cell line, the virus concentration increased from 1 × 109 to 1 × 1010 copies/ml. Conclusion. Tumor behavior in organism is more complex and is determined by different microenvironmental factors and immune status. In the future, it is advisable to continue studying the antitumor oncolytic and immunomodulatory effects of viral strains 17D YF and Sofjin TBEV using in vivo models


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    Study objective: to perform assessment of the social and economic burden (analysis of the cost of disease) of five natural focal transmitted infectious diseases in theRussian Federationon the whole and in certain regions: ixodic tick-borne borreliosis, Siberian tick-borne typhus,Astrakhanrickettsial fever, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, andWest Nileencephalitis. Materials and methods. Direct and indirect costs caused with the studied diseases and the number of lost Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) are calculated in the probability model. Results. The total value of social and economic losses associated with vector-borne infectious diseases comprised 909 million rubles in prices of 2011; most of the value is represented with ixodid tick-borne borreliosis. Totally, these diseases cause the loss of 16,599 DALY. Цель исследования: провести оценку социально-экономического бремени (анализ стоимости болезни) в Российской Федерации в целом и по отдельным регионам пяти природно-очаговых трансмиссивных инфекционных заболеваний: иксодовых клещевых боррелиозов, сибирского клещевого тифа, астраханской риккетсиозной лихорадки, крымской геморрагической лихорадки и лихорадки Западного Нила. Материалы и методы. В вероятностной модели рассчитаны прямые и косвенные затраты, обусловленные изучаемыми заболеваниями, и количество потерянных вследствие заболеваний лет жизни с поправкой на нетрудоспособность (DALY). Результаты. Общая величина социально-экономических потерь, связанных с распространением пяти природно-очаговых трансмиссивных инфекционных заболеваний, составляла, по ценам 2011 г., 909 млн. руб., большая часть из них приходится на иксодовые клещевые боррелиозы. В общей сложности данные заболевания приводят к потере 16 599 DALY

    Experience of using distance technologies and e-learning when studying clinical discipline in medical university

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    The introduction of modern learning technologies is the way of rising the quality of professional training of graduates of medical universities. The article presents a positive experience of using effective teaching methods in the clinical department, such as distance learning technologies, e-learning, analysis of test control results and final certification of students during study the discipline of propaedeutics of childhood diseases. We have registered the increasing the number of students successfully certified in the discipline (83.0%) and the number of students who received "excellent" and "good" marks (85.2%).Внедрение современных технологий обучения направлено на повышение качества профессиональной подготовки выпускников медицинских вузов. В статье представлен положительный опыт использования эффективных методов обучения на клинической кафедре с применением дистанционных образовательных технологий и электронного обучения с анализом результатов тестового контроля и итоговой аттестации обучающихся по дисциплине «Пропедевтика детских болезней»: увеличилось количество студентов, успешно аттестованных по дисциплине с первого раза (83%) и получивших оценки «отлично» и «хорошо» (85,2%)

    Influence of fluor security on iron exchange in children

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    A study was made of the level of fluoride availability in relation to iron and erythron metabolism in infants and young children. The relationship between the level of provision of children with fluorine and laboratory criteria for iron deficiency is shown.Проведено исследование уровня обеспеченности фтором во взаимосвязи с показателями обмена железа и эритрона у детей грудного и раннего возраста. Показана взаимосвязь между уровнем обеспеченности детей фтором и лабораторными критериями дефицита железа

    Scientific school children's dietology: history, present and future

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    The article presents the formation and development of the scientific school of Pediatric Dietetics at the Ural State Medical University. The foundations of the scientific direction of the Department of Faculty Pediatrics and Propedeutics of Childhood Diseases were laid more than 80 years ago by the first works of the head of the department, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. T.E. Vogulkina, continued by Professor O. A. Sinyavskaya, professor A.V. Kharitonova, were further developed and recognized in Russia and abroad under the guidance of Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. N. Е. Sannikova. Based on large-scale research aimed at establishing new aspects of the pathogenesis of alimentary-dependent diseases, improving their diagnosis, treatment and prevention, the Scientific School of Children's Dietetics puts forward and substantiates fundamentally new paradigms in relation to existing scientific and technical areas, creates conditions for the introduction of innovative technologies in production of baby food. An integral part of the development of the scientific school is the training of highly qualified specialists who possess modern knowledge of children's nutrition and, at the same time, carefully preserve the continuity and experience of previous generations of researchersВ статье представлено становление и развитие научной школы «Диетология детского возраста» Уральского государственного медицинского университета. Основы научного направления кафедры факультетской педиатрии и пропедевтики детских болезней заложены более 80 лет назад первыми работами заведующей кафедрой профессора, д.м.н. Т.Э. Вогулкиной, продолжены профессором, д.м.н. О.А. Синявской, профессором, д.м.н. А.В. Харитоновой, получили дальнейшее развитие и признание в России и за рубежом под руководством профессора, д.м.н. Н.Е. Санниковой. Опираясь на углубленные широкомасштабные исследования, направленные на установление новых аспектов патогенеза алиментарно-зависимых заболеваний, совершенствование их диагностики, лечения и профилактики, научная школа «Детская диетология» выдвигает и обосновывает принципиально новые парадигмы применительно к существующим научно-техническим направлениям, создает условия для внедрения инновационных технологий в производство продуктов детского питания. Неотъемлемой частью развития научной школы является подготовка высококвалифицированных специалистов, владеющих современными знаниями детской нутрициологии и одновременно бережное сохранение преемственности и опыта предшествующих поколений исследователе

    Mineral exchange and health condition of children of the Ural region

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    The article presents data on the study of the level of fluoride availability in infants and young children in relation to essential trace elements, depending on the type of feeding. The content of fluorine and calcium in biological fluids (breast milk, urine) was determined. Clinical and laboratory indicators reflecting impaired fluoride metabolism in children have been obtained. The necessity of developing medical and social measures for the prevention of fluoridedeficient conditions in children of the first three years of life is proved.В статье приведены данные по изучению уровня обеспеченности фтором детей грудного и раннего возраста во взаимосвязи с эссенциальными элементами в зависимости от вида вскармливания. Определено содержание фтора и кальция в биологических жидкостях (грудное молоко, моча). Получены клинико-лабораторные показатели, отражающие нарушения обмена фтора у детей. Доказана необходимость разработки медико-социальных мероприятий по профилактике фтор-дефицитных состояний у детей первых трех лет жизни

    Experience of development and implementation of electronic diary of student in work practice on the pediatric faculty

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    The article discusses the experience of the organization of the educational process during the practical training of students. The description of work with electronic documentation for the purpose of operative communication between the teacher and the student is given. Convenience in work and prospects of further development of this educational technology are shownВ статье рассматривается опыт организации образовательного процесса в ходе производственной практики студентов. Приводится описание работы с электронной документацией с целью оперативной связи между преподавателем и студентом. Показаны удобство в работе и перспективность дальнейшей разработки данной образовательной технологии

    Epidemiological Situation of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in the Kurgan Region (1983–2017)

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    Relevance.Тhe Ural Federal district (Ural Federal district) is a highly endemic tick-borne viral encephalitis (TBEV) territories in the Russian Federation. The epidemiological situation on the TBEV is studied in Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions and slightly shown in the Kurgan region. There is no information about the evolution TBEV, the structure of immunity population, vaccine prevention in the Kurgan region. The article presents the dynamics epidemiological situation on TBEV in the Kurgan region over a 30-year period.Materials and methods: Used expedition reports, viral encephalitis named after the Academy of medical Sciences of the USSR for 1983–2007, as well as materials of medical institutions of the Kurgan region 2007–2017. For population immunity used: hemagglutination test (HAI-test), neutralization test (NT). To identify specific antibodies – IgG, IgM, antigen of TBEV, sets of reagents of ELISA from «Vector-Best» were used. To immunotypicalli and genotypically Strains and isolates RNA of TBEV isolated in 1983–2007, used precipitation in agar (RDPA) and by RT-PCR technique in real time with genotypespecific probes.Results and discussions: Kurgan region is a highly TBEV endemic area. the morbidity rate – 18,3 per 100 thousand people 1983. Maximum elevation – 44.1 in 1996 to and decrease to 13.5 in 2000–2012. The immune part of the population according hemagglutination tests, on epidemiologically significant territories is 15–20%, (66% NT), in the regions with sporadic incidence is 8%, (21–50% NT), in non-endemic territories – 3%. At the present stage, the region marked the expansion of nosoareal TBEV due to the previously less significant Eastern regions. In Kurgan region vaccination coverage against TBE 39.3%. The clinical efficacy of vaccination was manifested in an increase in fever forms of TBE disease and a decrease in meningeal and focal forms of the disease. In the period 2004–2012 the number of vaccinated patients was 20.3% of the total number of patients.Сonclusions. Evolution of tick-borne encephalitis manifested the expansion of nosoareal TBEV, increase seasonal activity of ticks, the TBEV Siberian subtype is absolutely dominating

    Evolution of Tick-Borne Encephalitis over an 80-year Period: Main Manifestations, Probable Causes

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    In this review, the manifestations of the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) evolution in different aspects, which are traced over the 80 years since the discovery of TBE virus, are highlighted and systematized. The evolution of infection is expressed in a change in the properties of the etiological agent (changing of the genetic structure of the pathogen populations in certain territories, phenomenon of changing in the dominant subtype, changing in virulence), the epidemiology and ecology of TBE (period of marked increase in incidence, changing in the endemicity of territories, level of population immunity, the appearance of foci TBE in suburban areas and cities, changing in the range of certain types of ticks and the appearance of «tick-mutants»), as well as the clinical picture of TBE (phenomenon of pathomorphosis, growing relevance of mixed infections transmitted by ticks). The analysis of the possible causes of evolutionary transformations is carried out, among which the main ones are natural factors (climate change), anthropogenic factors, namely disturbance of natural landscapes due to human activities and environmental pollution by some pesticides, and additional ones -impact of vaccination. Purpose of the article: characteristics of the main manifestations and probable causes of the evolution of TBE over 80 years. Conclusions: The review for the first time provides information about the main issues of this problem, identifies changes and transformations that affect pathogens and vectors, and, as a result, entails changes in the epidemiology and clinical picture of this disease, which are traced in different territories

    Modern Problems of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Specific Prevention. Communication II: Peculiarity of Immunity in Area with Siberian Subtype Domination

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    Siberian subtype of TBE virus dominates in the most part of Russia outside of the Far East. Peculiarity of immunity induced by Siberian subtype during disease or inapparent infection and change of immunity after vaccination are described in this article. Protective titre of antibodies and persistence of TBE virus (TBEV) in vaccinated organism are discussed