591 research outputs found

    Resonant Photon-Assisted Tunneling Through a Double Quantum Dot: An Electron Pump From Spatial Rabi Oscillations

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    The time average of the fully nonlinear current through a double quantum dot, subject to an arbitrary combination of ac and dc voltages, is calculated exactly using the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green function technique. When driven on resonance, the system functions as an efficient electron pump due to Rabi oscillation between the dots. The pumping current is maximum when the coupling to the leads equals the Rabi frequency.Comment: 6 pages, REVTEX 3.0, 3 postscript figure

    Excitation of superconducting qubits from hot non-equilibrium quasiparticles

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    Superconducting qubits probe environmental defects such as non-equilibrium quasiparticles, an important source of decoherence. We show that "hot" non-equilibrium quasiparticles, with energies above the superconducting gap, affect qubits differently from quasiparticles at the gap, implying qubits can probe the dynamic quasiparticle energy distribution. For hot quasiparticles, we predict a non-neligable increase in the qubit excited state probability P_e. By injecting hot quasiparticles into a qubit, we experimentally measure an increase of P_e in semi-quantitative agreement with the model and rule out the typically assumed thermal distribution.Comment: Main paper: 5 pages, 5 figures. Supplement: 1 page, 1 figure, 1 table. Updated to user-prepared accepted version. Key changes: Supplement added, Introduction rewritten, Figs.2,3,5 revised, Fig.4 adde

    Many Body Theory of Charge Transfer in Hyperthermal Atomic Scattering

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    We use the Newns-Anderson Hamiltonian to describe many-body electronic processes that occur when hyperthermal alkali atoms scatter off metallic surfaces. Following Brako and Newns, we expand the electronic many-body wavefunction in the number of particle-hole pairs (we keep terms up to and including a single particle-hole pair). We extend their earlier work by including level crossings, excited neutrals and negative ions. The full set of equations of motion are integrated numerically, without further approximations, to obtain the many-body amplitudes as a function of time. The velocity and work-function dependence of final state quantities such as the distribution of ion charges and excited atomic occupancies are compared with experiment. In particular, experiments that scatter alkali ions off clean Cu(001) surfaces in the energy range 5 to 1600 eV constrain the theory quantitatively. The neutralization probability of Na+^+ ions shows a minimum at intermediate velocity in agreement with the theory. This behavior contrasts with that of K+^+, which shows ... (7 figures, not included. Figure requests: [email protected])Comment: 43 pages, plain TeX, BUP-JBM-

    Successful pregnancies in women on renal replacement therapy: Report from the EDTA Registry

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    This study reports the geographical incidence of successful pregnancies in women on renal replacement therapy (RRT) and related information on gestation and clinical status of newborns. The impact of successful pregnancy on graft function was assessed by means of a retrospective case-control study. Since 1977 special questionnaires have been sent to each dialysis and transplant centre which reported babies born to mothers on RRT on the yearly centre questionnaire. After 10 years of data collection, a total of 490 pregnancies and 500 babies were available for analysis. A percentage of 88.4 of the babies were born to mothers with a functioning graft, 11.2% to mothers on chronic haemodialysis, and the remaining 0.4% to mothers on CAPD. Almost 50% of all successful pregnancies werereported from the UK. The number of successful pregnancies increased steadily and in parallel with the increasing number of females of childbearing age with a functioning renal transplant. The majority of mothers delivered at age 24-32. For transplanted mothers delivery occurred most commonly during the 3rd and 4th year after successful transplantation. In approximately 85% of cases the duration of pregnancy was shorter than the lower 10th percentile of normal. Birthweight was reduced in accordance with gestational age. Newborn mortality was 1.8%. Fifty-three mothers with a successful pregnancy in 1984-1987 were computer matched with controls according to a number of criteria. The serum creatinine concentration recorded in coded form at the end of each year on the individual EDTA patient questionnaire was used to assess changes in graft function. In 94% of these cases the serum creatinine, recorded 0-11 months before delivery, did not exceed 160 umol/1. Graft function deteriorated in 18% ofmothers as compared to 24% of controls. Twentyfour to 36 months postpartum, changes of serum creatinine were similar in test cases and controls, suggesting that a successful pregnancy does not adversely affect graft function if this was stable and well preserved at the time of conceptio

    Rehabilitation of young adults during renal replacement therapy in Europe: The presence of disabilities

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    The aim of this study was to analyse rehabilitation during RRT in 617 young adults from different European countries who started dialysis or transplantation before the age of 15 years. The data were derived from the EDTA Registry patient data files and a special questionnaire that was sent to centres reporting to the EDTA Registry. The duration of RRT was more than 10 years in 63% of patients. Fifty-four percent were living with a functioning graft and 46% were on dialysis. The prevalence and severity of motor, hearing, sight, and mental disabilities were analysed retrospectively. They were found to vary according to primary renal disease and method oftreatment. One-third of patients had one or more disabilities at the start of RRT. Although disability status had changed in many patients by 31 December 1986, some disability remained in one-third of the patients available for study. Disabilities were recorded as mild in the majority of patients. Both improvement and worsening of motor and mental disability occurred more often than changes of hearing capacity and sight. It is concluded that prevention and treatment of disabilities need special attention in children and young adults on RRT in order to improve rehabilitatio

    Rehabilitation of young adults during renal replacement therapy in Europe: 2. Schooling, employment, and social situation

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    The educational status, employment rate and social situation were studied in 617 patients between 21 and 35 years of age who started renal replacement therapy (RRT) as children. The data were derived from a special questionnaire concerning disability and rehabilitation sent to dialysis and transplant centres reporting to the EDTA Registry. Fifty-six percent of patients completed secondary school and one in three went on to vocational training. Eleven percent of patients attended university, and 16% were reported to have gone to a special school for the handicapped. Up to one-third of patients who attended different school types failed to complete their education. There were notable geographical differences in schooling and in employment. Fifty-six percent of all patients were employed. Lack of schooling was considered to be a major reason for unemployment. Sixty-one percent of patients with disabilities and 34% without disabilities were receiving invalidity payments. The place of residence of these patients aged 21-35 was usually the parental home. Compared to the general population of similar age, only a few patients were married (13.5% of the total study group) and 8% had children. In summary, the present report shows that the major factors influencing rehabilitation on RRT are the presence of disabilities, the method of treatment, geographical factors, duration of RRT, and the underlying primary renal diseas

    N-representability and stationarity in time-dependent density functional theory

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    To construct an N-representable time-dependent density-functional theory, a generalization to the time domain of the Levy-Lieb (LL) constrained search algorithm is required. That the action is only stationary in the Dirac-Frenkel variational principle eliminates the possibility of basing the search on the action itself. Instead, we use the norm of the partial functional derivative of the action in the Hilbert space of the wave functions in place of the energy of the LL search. The electron densities entering the formalism are NN-representable, and the resulting universal action functional has a unique stationary point in the density at that corresponding to the solution of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. The original Runge-Gross (RG) formulation is subsumed within the new formalism. Concerns in the literature about the meaning of the functional derivatives and the internal consistency of the RG formulation are allayed by clarifying the nature of the functional derivatives entering the formalism.Comment: 9 pages, 0 figures, Phys. Rev. A accepted. Introduction was expanded, subsections reorganized, appendix and new references adde

    Demography of Dialysis and Transplantation in Children in Europe, 1985: Report from the European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry

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    At the end of 1985 there were 5482 patients known to the Registry who started renal replacement therapy (RRT) between the ages of 6 months and 15 years. Of these, approximately 25% had died, 30% were still aged less than 15 years, and the other 45% were older. The acceptance rate of new patients over the last 10 years has slowly but steadily increased; six new paediatric patients per million child population probably represents the likely needs of the near future. Hospital haemodialysis remained the main form of renal replacement therapy in new patients, while 3 years after start of RRT, transplantation became the most frequently used replacement therapy; CAPD appeared to be used mainly in children with a short waiting time for transplantation. Out of the 384 grafts reported in 1985, only 16% were from living related donors; among 321 cadaver grafts, 24% were second and only 3% were third grafts. Glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis accounted for 50% of all primary renal diseases. During the last 5 years, the proportion with glomerulonephritis seems to have decreased slightly. Hyperkalaemia and fluid overload have still to be considered the main causes of death. Only in 17% of all cases was the cause of death reported as unknown or undetermine

    Kidney Transplantation in Primary Oxalosis: Data From the EDTA Registry

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    This paper reports the results of 98 first kidney transplantations in patients with oxalosis as the primary renal disease as recorded by the EDTA Registry. There were 79 patients who received a cadaveric (CAD) graft and 15 patients with a living related donor (LRD) graft; the type of donor was not recorded for four patients. Initial graft survival appeared to be better after LRD as compared to CAD grafts but at 3 years the poor survival was similar with 23% for LRD and 17% for CAD grafts. CAD graft survival did not differ between children and adults and was not affected by the waiting time on dialysis. A slight improvement was observed in grafts performed in the years 1983-1986 as compared to grafts performed in earlier years. The causes of failure reported were mainly rejection (33%) and recurrence of primary renal disease (31%). In view of the poor results related to recurrence of oxalosis in the graft, the potential ofcombined kidney and liver transplantation is discusse

    The Use of Continuous Peritoneal Dialysis in Europe for the Treatment of Children with End-Stage Renal Failure: Data from the EDTA Registry

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    The demographic data on the use of continuous peritoneal dialysis in Europe for children starting renal replacement therapy under the age of 15 years was obtained from data collected by the Registry of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association—European Renal Association (EDTA Registry) on individual patient questionnaires 1980-1986. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and its variants appeared to be increasingly utilised as treatment for children with end-stage renal failure (ESRF) and accounted for approximately 25% of all renal replacement therapy (RRT). Important differences in its use in various European countries are demonstrated. The proportional contribution of CAPD to treatment was higher during the first year of RRT and gradually decreased thereafter. No significant sex differences existed in the use of this treatment. Approximately 70% of all patients on CAPD were older than 6 years of age, but it is in those under 6 years that the highest proportion are put on CAPD as first method of treatment for end-stage renal failure. The most common cause of abandonment of this treatment was peritonitis, which contributed 50% of the drop-out rat