1,115 research outputs found

    Integration of the problem of medical ecology on the level of the highly urbanized region

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    The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to the study of the basic issues of medical ecology: the dynamics of demographic indicators, the correlation of somatic and reproductive public health, depending on the influence of physical factors of the urban environment on public health on the basis of medical and geographic mapping. The article aims at the analysis of the environmentally determined disorder of the urbanized territory. The leading approach to the study of the issue of medical ecology is a medical and geographical mapping, which allows identifying the most affordable and common areas of multi-component medical and environmental maps. While analyzing the impact of various aspects of the environment on human health, the priority is given to risk factors that directly lead to the emergence of diseases. The contents of the article may be useful to justify the choice of the rational approach to public health as a redistribution mechanism to reallocate the space of ecological niches. © 2016 Rozenberg et al

    Functional constipation in children

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    Constipation is one of the most common nosologies that a pediatric gastroenterologist deals with during outpatient visits. In the vast majority of children with constipation the problem is functional in nature. According to studies published in the Russian Federation, the frequency of constipation in children accounts for about 25–30%. The joint clinical guidelines of the European and North American Societies of Pediatric Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists and Nutritionists for the management of children with functional constipation were published in 2014. The national guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of functional constipation are based on these guidelines. According to the clinical guidelines, the 2006 Rome III criteria should be used to establish the diagnosis of functional constipation in children. In May 2016, the Rome IV criteria that provide separate diagnostic criteria for infants and children under 4 years of age and children over 4 years and teenagers were adopted. A group of children with symptoms of constipation, who have already had toilet skills at the time of diagnosis, was identified among infants and children under 4 years of age. The presence of anxiety symptoms or refractory constipation (constipation that does not resolve within 3 months while taking adequate therapy) is considered an indication for use of additional examination methods, including instrumental ones. The manifestation of constipation is often associated with a change in eating habits - the period of introduction of complementary feeding in infants or the beginning of going to a day-care centre, inadequate fluid intake. The onset of constipation often coincides with the period of the development of hygiene skills (potty training). The voluntary stool retention by a child who is trying to avoid painful defecation experiences is the main mechanism for the development of constipation. The aim of functional constipation treatment is to soften the stools, which facilitates painless defecation and ensure that there is an urge to defecate. Clinical examples of the treatment of patients with functional constipation and chronic colonic stasis, functional constipation and encopresis are provided. The outcome of the treatment of functional constipation is to ensure painless defecation and the development of a stable defecation reflex. The drug therapy for functional constipation is based on the use of laxatives. Dietary advice and behavioral therapy also play an important role

    Approaches to prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children

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    The incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, according to various authors, ranges from 5 to 39% and depends on the patient’s age and other contributing factors. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea can be caused by any antibiotic, regardless of dosage form or route of administration. In the pediatric population, the prevalence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea ranges from 6 to 70%. An urgent problem is the development of this disease against the background of a course of H. pylori eradication therapy, which significantly complicates tolerance and adherence to therapy. This article presents current data on the pathogenesis and risk factors of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children. The clinical picture ranges from idiopathic enteritis to antibiotic-associated diarrhea caused by Cl. difficile - pseudomembranous colitis.The main principle of antibiotic-associated diarrhea treatment is cancellation of the antibacterial medicine that caused the diarrhea, or reducing its dose (if the course of the disease allows it). In complex treatment sorbents are used, correction of water-electrolyte balance is carried out. The use of probiotics seems quite logical for the treatment and prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in terms of the pathogenesis of this condition. To correct dysbiosis, drugs are used to maintain and restore the quantitative and qualitative composition of the intestinal microbiota.Taking into account modern recommendations the main groups of drugs (probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics) used for correction of intestinal microbiocenosis are presented. The mechanism of action of probiotics and mechanisms of their effect on intestinal microflora are considered. The basic requirements for bacterial strains that are part of the probiotic drugs are presented.The results of various randomized clinical trials and meta-analyses confirming the necessity of including probiotic complexes in antibiotic-associated diarrhea treatment regimens are presented from an evidence-based medicine perspective. The clinical effects of strains of Lactobacillusspp., Bifidobacterium spp.,Streptococcusspp. and Lactococcusspp. on the digestive tract microbiota are considered. The role of a synbiotic containing 9 probiotic strains of 4.5 * 109 CFU in one capsule and the prebiotic component fructooligosac-charides in the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in children is discussed separately. The results of microbiological studies confirmed the presence of microorganisms of genera Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus in the product, and the content of bacteria in one dose of the product was not less than 2 x 1010 CFU

    Semantic features of the phraseological units with the component light within the artistic discourse

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    Conduct lexical and semantic analysis on the concept light in the artistic discourse of postmodern fictio

    Clinical significance of the assessment of cardiac rhythm variability and QT interval dispersion in patients with systemic scleroderma

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    The aim of our work was to study the peculiarities of vegetative regulation of heart action including interrelation with QT interval dispersion in patients with systemic scleroderma. 59 patients with systemic scleroderma were examined. To assess cardiac rhythm variability we used computer analysis of 5 - minute fragments of rhythmogram and spectrogram at rest and during active orthostatic sample according to Mikhailov's method. Active orthostatic sample was conducted to evaluate parasympathetic part reactivity of vegetative nervous system and adequacy of sympathetic-adrenal system activation. Besides the use of cardiac rhythm variability, the assessment of vegetative status was conducted according to Vein’s method. QT interval and dispersion were investigated according to Sim son’s method. When studying the indexes of spectral and time analyses in the general group of patients with systemic scleroderma the total spectrum power was lower than normal values, mainly owing to parasympathetic component decrease. Low cardiac rhythm variability was noted in 66.1% of patients with systemic scleroderma, in 20.5% of them it being greatly lowered. During the conduction of active orthostatic sample the reactivity of parasympathetic and activation of sympathetic part of vegetative nervous system appeared to be simultaneously lowered in 25 (42.3%) examined patients. Patients suffering of this disease for more than 10 years had the lowest values of cardiac rhythm variability indexes. The best indexes of cardiac rhythm variability go with higher electrographie parameters, characterizing systolic cardiac function. The increase of QT interval dispersion was noted in 13.5% of patients. Combination of high QT interval dispersion with low cardiac rhythm variability had 4 (6.77%) patients with systemic scleroderma that can be attributed to risk group as pernicious arrhythmia development.Цель работы - изучить особенности вегетативной регуляции деятельности сердца, в том числе во взаимосвязи с дисперсией интервала QT у больных системной склеродермией. Обследовано 59 больных с диагнозом системной склеродермии. Для оценки вариабельности сердечного ритма использовался компьютерный анализ 5-минутных фрагментов ритмограммы и спектрограммы в покое и в ходе выполнения активной ортостатической пробы по методике В.М.Михайлова. С целью оценки реактивности парасимпатического отдела вегетативной нервной системы и адекватности активации симпатико-адреналовой системы проводили активную ортостатическую пробу. Помимо использования вариабельности сердечного ритма, проводилась оценка вегетативного статуса по методике А.М. Вейна. Интервал и дисперсия QT исследовались по методике M.Simson. При изучении показателей спектрального и временного анализа в общей группе больных системной склеродермией общая мощность спектра была ниже нормальных значений, преимущественно за счет уменьшения парасимпатического компонента. Низкая вариабельность сердечного ритма отмечалась у 66,1% больных системной склеродермией, причем у 20,5% из них она была снижена значительно. Во время проведения активной ортостатической пробы реактивность парасимпатического и активация симпатического отделов вегетативной нервной системы оказались одновременно сниженными у 25(42,3%) обследованных. Больные, страдающие данным заболеванием более 10 лет, имели самые низкие значения показателей вариабельности сердечного ритма. Лучшие показатели вариабельности сердечного ритма сочетались с более высокими параметрами электрокардиографии, характеризующими систолическую функцию сердца. Повышение дисперсии интервала ОТ отмечалось у 13,5% пациентов. Сочетание высокой дисперсии интервала ОТ с низкой вариабельностью сердечного ритма имели 4 (6,8% ) больных системной склеродермии, которых можно отнести в группу риска в отношении развития злокачественных аритмий

    Cryopreservation of primary trypsinized fibroblast cells of chicken embryos using various cryoprotectants

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    Cryopreservation is the optimal way to store cells at ultra-low temperatures. Cryoprotectants are added to cell culture suspension to reduce cell death due to exposure to low temperatures. Cryoprotective media contain combinations of various cryoprotectants. Ethylene glycol, glycerin, dimethyl sulfoxide, sucrose, dextran, propylene  glycol, albumin, polyvinylpyrrolidone and blood serum can be used as cryoprotectants. For cryopreservation it is necessary  to select a cryoprotectant that ensures the highest survival of cells after storage and thawing. The paper presents  the results of experiments  on comparing the effectiveness of dimethyl sulfoxide, ethylene  glycol and glycerin in cryopreservation  of primary trypsinized chicken embryo fibroblasts. As a result of cell suspension  equillibration  (incubation  at room temperature) with serum and the specified cryoprotectants at different concentrations, the suspension variants containing different cryoprotectant and serum ratios were selected for freezing. Previously, it was found that after 12 months of observation, when using dimethyl sulfoxide as a cryoprotectant,  the largest number of surviving cells (46%) was observed in a suspension  containing  20% fetal serum and 10% dimethyl sulfoxide. The amount of surviving  cells if 10% fetal serum  and 5% ethylene  glycol were included in the cryoprotective mixture was slightly lower and amounted  to 36% after 12 months of observation. Glycerin is shown  to have weak protective properties as regards chicken embryo fibroblast cells. After 8 months of storage, the amount of surviving cells in a suspension containing 10% serum and 5% glycerin was 22%, no live cells were found in this mixture if stored longer. The proliferative properties of cells and their sensitivity to viruses remained within the 12 months  of the experiment

    Synthesis of High-Purity Silica Nanoparticles by Sol-Gel Method

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    Colloidal silica (silica sol) nanoparticles were synthesized by ammonia- and hydrochloric acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane with subsequent condensation and polymerization. Silica particles with the size of 12‒160 nm were obtained at different temperatures and ratios of the initial reactants and studied by means of TEM, AFM, IR spectroscopy and zeta-potential measurements. The reaction conditions providing the minimum particle size in the final product of the most complete hydrolysis were determined. At pH above 8.5, an increase in the SiO2 content of the sol to 23 wt.% did not change the particle size. At a low (~ 1.8 wt.%) SiO2 content of the sol, a wide variation in pH also did not exert a significant effect on the particle size. Stability of the silica sols synthesized in an alkaline medium was enhanced by the replacement of alcohol with water during evaporation at pH 8.5‒9.5. The possibility to produce silica sols with the required characteristics (particle size, pH, stability, purity, and SiO2 content in an aqueous or alcohol medium) makes them applicable in various industries

    The research of abnormal toxicity and local irritant effect in the Draize test of the drug furacilin, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for local and externaluse

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    The research of abnormal toxicity and locally irritating effect of the drug Furacilin, concentrate for the preparation of a solution for local and external use in comparison with the drug Furacilin, tablets for the preparation of the solution, was carried ou

    Didactic possibilities of formation of university students professionally significant personal qualities

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The modern society needs highly educated professionals, who are not only capable of navigating in difficult work situations, working in a team and taking responsibility for the completed tasks’ results, but also willing to take decisions under conditions of frequent change of professional activities’ technologies. The goal of the article is to justify and experimentally verify didactic possibilities of formation of future specialists’ professionally significant personal qualities in the process of students’ professional modules mastering. The leading approach is a design approach that contributes to organization of a focused process for the development of professionally significant personal qualities and the formation of students’ competencies, as well as realizing of professional modules’ potential in the educational process. The authors reveal, justify and experimentally check up didactic possibilities that contribute to the project approach’s effective implementation in the organization of educational process at the university. This article is recommended for teachers, researchers, heads of educational institutions engaged in training of bachelors and masters