59 research outputs found

    The creation and implementation of the resource-conserving technology of paper and paperboard sizing with hydro-dispersions of modified rosin in the mode of hetero-adagulation of peptized particles

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    The specific features of the application of hydro-dispersions of modified rosin (HDMR) in dispersed systems have been studied, and the technological mode of hydrophobicity rise, paper and cardboard strength increase has been developed. Изучены особенности применения гидродисперсий модифицированной канифоли (ГМК) в дисперсных системах и разработан технологический режим повышения гидрофобности и прочности бумаги и картона

    The influenсe of structure and the weight of one square meter of elementary layers on properties of printing cardboard

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    The comparative analysis of the received experimental data testifies that, properties of printing cardboard essentially depend on structure and the weight of one square meter of its elementary layers. We defined the preferable structure of top layer (40% of bleached softwood sulphate cellulose and 60% of white paper for recycling of mark МB-1), intermediate layer (40% of bleached softwood sulphate cellulose and 60% of white paper for recycling of mark МB-2) and primary layer (60% of modular paper for recycling of mark МС-5B and 40% of white paper for recycling of mark МB-1), the layers differ in the weight of one square meter. The printing cardboard possesses the demanded physicomechanical characteristics corresponded to ТURB 00280146.030-98 in that case when the weight of one meter square is 60 g for the top layer, 50 g for the intermediate and 130 g for the primary layer

    The use of composite filler in the production of polygraphic cardboard in jsc “Slonim cardboard-paper mill “Albertin”

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    The results of the researches of the effect of composite filler on the properties of the composite polygraphic cardboard NVP-0.5 obtained in JSC «Slonim cardboard-paper mill «Albertin» on a cardboard machine CM-2 are presented in the article. The proposed composite filler is obtained from available raw materials and makes it possible to replace the imported (kaolin) completely. It is shown that the filler allows to increase whiteness of the polygraphic cardboard NVP-0.5 by 5–8% and that of the ash content in structure by 17.6–18.2%

    Application features of hexane diacid polycondensation products with diethylene triamine and resin acids in paper technology

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    Article examines the effectiveness of the reinforcing action for the first time received additives based on adipic acid with diethylenetriamine and tall oil rosin acids rosin. It was found that the synthesized polymers exhibit polyaminoamide hydrophobic properties due to the presence in their structure of resin acids . Strengthening effect of these compoundsis shown by introducing the structure of nitrogencontaining groups contribute to the formation of additional interfiber bonds. Tests have paper samples containing in their composition nitrogen compounds showed that hardening effect new synthesized polymers are not inferior to imported compound Melapret PAE / A, and hydrophobicity and the wet paper samples with the newly synthesized polymers exceed the value of these indicators for the paper samples containing imported analog

    Influence of the waste composition on the properties of paper sheets

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    The paper studies the influence of the properties of the waste paper on the properties of a paper sheet. The obtained data demonstrate the ability of different types of waste to the dissolution and grinding. It has been shown that paper properties such as breaking length, absorbency at unilateral wetting, elongation, wet strength, breaking force of various types of fibrous materials recycled fibrous materials must be taken into consideration in paper and cardboard mills in the manufacture of paper and cardboard with a different field of application. It is concluded that the selected samples of waste paper can be recycled in paper mills of the Republic of Belarus as fibrous raw material to produce various kinds of paper

    New polymers synthesis based on resin acids amides for waste paper hardening

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    Strengthening effect on the kinds of junk paper provides nitrogen poly-measures based on amides of resin acids. Conditions developed modification of resin acids and polycondensation of adipic acid with a polyamine allow to obtain a polymer with an acid number of 20–30 mg KOH/g and infinitely miscible with water. The resulting polymer of the physico-chemical properties and hardening effect is not inferior to the best imported counterpart Melapret PAE/A

    Strength enhancement of packaging paper using nitrogen compounds

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    Nitrogen-containing compounds were synthesized for the first time in the department of chemical processing of wood. These polymers, which contain amino and amidogroups, different water solubility, regularity and linearity. The essence of obtaining nitrogen compounds studied based on the chemical interaction with rosin diethylenetriamine and adipic (fumaric) acid. Amino and amidogroups participate in the formation of additional strengthening ties. The tests of samples of paper containing his compositions containing compounds, have shown that the new synthesized polymers exhibit strengthening effect similar to the effect of import connections Maresin and Melapret

    Синтез и свойства амидов на основе абиетиновой кислоты и диэтилентриамина

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    Chemical interaction of abietic acid with diethylenetriamine at molar ratio of 1,0 : 1,2 and temperatures of 190 and 210 °С allows to obtain a product with acid number of 55 and 18 mg КОН/g, temperature of softening of 24-26 °С and 29-31 °С respectively, mixing unlimitedly with water and thermally stable up to 300 °С. This product can be used as a functional substance, capable of giving some water repellency to paper and cardboard and improving its strength.Химическое взаимодействие абиетиновой кислоты с диэтилентриамином при мольном соотношении 1,0:1,2 и температурах 190 и 210 °С позволяет получить продукт с кислотным числом 55 и 18 мг КОН/г, температурой размягчения 24-26 °С и 29-31 °С соответственно, обладающий неограниченной смешиваемостью с водой и термической устойчивостью до температуры 300°С. Этот продукт может использоваться в качестве функционального вещества, способного придать бумаге и картону определенную степень гидрофобности и улучшить прочностные показатели

    Диагностика ранних нарушений функции внешнего дыхания у детей с бронхиальной астмой по данным импульсной осциллометрии

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    We have assessed diagnostic value of impulse oscillometry for recognition of early respiratory dysfunction in asthmatic adolescents. There were 242 adolescents aged 10 to 17 under the supervision. Of them, 223 had mild stable asthma and 19 were as controls without respiratory dysfunction. According to clinical features, asthma control level and treatment all the asthmatic adolescents were subdivided into 5 groups. Lung ventilation was examined with MasterScreenBody (Erich Jaeger, Gmbh) MasterIOS including impulse oscillometry and spirometry. The impulse oscillometry can be very helpful in assessment of severity and location of respiratory obstruction in asthmatic adolescent with normal spirometric parameters.В статье оцениваются возможности метода импульсной осциллометрии для диагностики ранних нарушений функции внешнего дыхания у подростков с бронхиальной астмой (БА). Обследовано 242 подростка в возрасте 10–17 лет: 223 с легкой БА в стадии ремиссии и 19 без хронической патологии дыхательных путей. Дети с БА были разделены на 5 подгрупп в зависимости от клинических особенностей заболевания, степени контроля и получаемой базисной терапии. Вентиляционная функция респираторного тракта исследовалась на приборе MasterScreenBody (Erich Jaeger Gmbh) с приставкой MasterIOS методами импульсной осциллометрии и спирометрии. Было установлено, что импульсная осциллометрия позволяет определить степень выраженности и уровень обструкции дыхательных путей у подростков с БА при нормальных функциональных показателях по результатам классической спирометрии