6,315 research outputs found

    Analytic Expression for the Joint x and Q^2 Dependences of the Structure Functions of Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    We obtain a good analytic fit to the joint Bjorken-x and Q^2 dependences of ZEUS data on the deep inelastic structure function F_2(x, Q^2). At fixed virtuality Q^2, as we showed previously, our expression is an expansion in powers of log (1/x) that satisfies the Froissart bound. Here we show that for each x, the Q^2 dependence of the data is well described by an expansion in powers of log Q^2. The resulting analytic expression allows us to predict the logarithmic derivatives {({\partial}^n F_2^p/{{(\partial\ln Q^2}})^n)}_x for n = 1,2 and to compare the results successfully with other data. We extrapolate the proton structure function F_2^p(x,Q^2) to the very large Q^2 and the very small x regions that are inaccessible to present day experiments and contrast our expectations with those of conventional global fits of parton distribution functions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, a few changes in the text. Version to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Ultra-high energy neutrino scattering

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    Estimates are made of the ultra-high energy neutrino cross sections based on an extrapolation to very small Bjorken x of the logarithmic Froissart dependence in x shown previously to provide an excellent fit to the measured proton structure function F_2^p(x,Q^2) over a broad range of the virtuality Q^2. Expressions are obtained for both the neutral current and the charged current cross sections. Comparison with an extrapolation based on perturbative QCD shows good agreement for energies where both fit data, but our rates are as much as a factor of 10 smaller for neutrino energies above 10^9 GeV, with important implications for experiments searching for extra-galactic neutrinos.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 table; Title, abstract and text changed, conclusions unchanged. Version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Automobile Parts

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    New physics, the cosmic ray spectrum knee, and pppp cross section measurements

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    We explore the possibility that a new physics interaction can provide an explanation for the knee just above 10610^6 GeV in the cosmic ray spectrum. We model the new physics modifications to the total proton-proton cross section with an incoherent term that allows for missing energy above the scale of new physics. We add the constraint that the new physics must also be consistent with published pppp cross section measurements, using cosmic ray observations, an order of magnitude and more above the knee. We find that the rise in cross section required at energies above the knee is radical. The increase in cross section suggests that it may be more appropriate to treat the scattering process in the black disc limit at such high energies. In this case there may be no clean separation between the standard model and new physics contributions to the total cross section. We model the missing energy in this limit and find a good fit to the Tibet III cosmic ray flux data. We comment on testing the new physics proposal for the cosmic ray knee at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Contract Negotiation Skills: A Workshop for Women in Medicine

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    © 2020 Simone et al. Introduction: Contract negotiation is a high-stakes interaction, yet most physicians are never taught negotiation skills. Studies suggest that women, as compared with men, display a lower propensity to initiate negotiations and negotiate less competitively, highlighting a need for training to help level the playing field for female physicians. Methods: We devised a learner-centered workshop for female physicians that included a mini-didactic on negotiation principles, a question-and-answer time with a lawyer, an interactive role-play on contract negotiation style, and guided reflection. The workshop was intended for women in medicine from the level of medical student to full professor. The workshop was evaluated by pre- and postworkshop surveys with quantitative questions assessing perceived comfort with and knowledge of negotiation skills and strategies, as well as qualitative questions assessing lessons learned and areas for improvement. Results: After the workshop, participants (n = 34) reported significantly improved comfort with contract negotiation (p \u3c .01) and with negotiation skills and strategies (p \u3c .01). Through qualitative evaluation, we discovered that participants gained an appreciation for the self-advocacy in negotiation, as well as a better understanding of negotiation logistics. We also received positive feedback from participant comments, with most learners reporting that the topic was useful and worthwhile. Discussion: We believe that this workshop fills a gap in the literature regarding contract negotiation training for physicians while also helping to level the playing field with regard to female physicians and the gender pay gap

    Small x Behavior of Parton Distributions from the Observed Froissart Energy Dependence of the Deep Inelastic Scattering Cross Section

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    We fit the reduced cross section for deep-inelastic electron scattering data to a three parameter ln^2 s fit, A + beta ln^2 (s/s_0), where s= [Q^2/x] (1-x) + m^2, and Q^2 is the virtuality of the exchanged photon. Over a wide range in Q^2 (0.11 < Q^2 < 1200 GeV^2) all of the fits satisfy the logarithmic energy dependence of the Froissart bound. We can use these results to extrapolate to very large energies and hence to very small values of Bjorken x -- well beyond the range accessible experimentally. As Q^2 --> infinity, the structure function F_2^p(x, Q^2) exhibits Bjorken scaling, within experimental errors. We obtain new constraints on the behavior of quark and antiquark distribution functions at small x.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Analytic models and forward scattering from accelerator to cosmic-ray energies

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    Analytic models for hadron-hadron scattering are characterized by analytical parametrizations for the forward amplitudes and the use of dispersion relation techniques to study the total cross section σtot\sigma_{tot} and the ρ\rho parameter. In this paper we investigate four aspects related to the application of the model to pppp and pˉp\bar{p}p scattering, from accelerator to cosmic-ray energies: 1) the effect of different estimations for σtot\sigma_{tot} from cosmic-ray experiments; 2) the differences between individual and global (simultaneous) fits to σtot\sigma_{tot} and ρ\rho; 3) the role of the subtraction constant in the dispersion relations; 4) the effect of distinct asymptotic inputs from different analytic models. This is done by using as a framework the single Pomeron and the maximal Odderon parametrizations for the total cross section. Our main conclusions are the following: 1) Despite the small influence from different cosmic-ray estimations, the results allow us to extract an upper bound for the soft pomeron intercept: 1+ϵ=1.0941 + \epsilon = 1.094; 2) although global fits present good statistical results, in general, this procedure constrains the rise of σtot\sigma_{tot}; 3) the subtraction constant as a free parameter affects the fit results at both low and high energies; 4) independently of the cosmic-ray information used and the subtraction constant, global fits with the odderon parametrization predict that, above s70\sqrt s \approx 70 GeV, ρpp(s)\rho_{pp}(s) becomes greater than ρpˉp(s)\rho_{\bar{p}p}(s), and this result is in complete agreement with all the data presently available. In particular, we infer ρpp=0.134±0.005\rho_{pp} = 0.134 \pm 0.005 at s=200\sqrt s = 200 GeV and 0.151±0.0070.151 \pm 0.007 at 500 GeV (BNL RHIC energies).Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, aps-revtex, wording changes, corrected typos, to appear in Physical Review

    Mid-Infrared Galaxy Morphology Along the Hubble Sequence

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    The mid-infrared emission from 18 nearby galaxies imaged with the IRAC instrument on Spitzer Space Telescope samples the spatial distributions of the reddening-free stellar photospheric emission and the warm dust in the ISM. These two components provide a new framework for galaxy morphological classification, in which the presence of spiral arms and their emission strength relative to the starlight can be measured directly and with high contrast. Four mid-infrared classification methods are explored, three of which are based on quantitative global parameters (colors, bulge-to-disk ratio) similar to those used in the past for optical studies; in this limited sample, all correlate well with traditional B-band classification. We suggest reasons why infrared classification may be superior to optical classification.Comment: ApJS (in press), Spitzer Space Telescope Special Issue; 13 pages, LaTeX (or Latex, etc); Figure 1ab is large, color plate; full-resolution plates in .pdf format available at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/irac/publications

    The uneasy heirs of acquaintance

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    My contribution to the first round of a tetralog with Bill Brewer, Anil Gupta, and John McDowell. Each of us has written a response to the writings of the other three philosophers on the topic "Empirical Reason". My initial contribution focuses on what we know a priori about perception. In the second round, we will each respond to the each writer's first-round contributions

    Human-centered Explainable AI: Towards a Reflective Sociotechnical Approach

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    Explanations--a form of post-hoc interpretability--play an instrumental role in making systems accessible as AI continues to proliferate complex and sensitive sociotechnical systems. In this paper, we introduce Human-centered Explainable AI (HCXAI) as an approach that puts the human at the center of technology design. It develops a holistic understanding of "who" the human is by considering the interplay of values, interpersonal dynamics, and the socially situated nature of AI systems. In particular, we advocate for a reflective sociotechnical approach. We illustrate HCXAI through a case study of an explanation system for non-technical end-users that shows how technical advancements and the understanding of human factors co-evolve. Building on the case study, we lay out open research questions pertaining to further refining our understanding of "who" the human is and extending beyond 1-to-1 human-computer interactions. Finally, we propose that a reflective HCXAI paradigm-mediated through the perspective of Critical Technical Practice and supplemented with strategies from HCI, such as value-sensitive design and participatory design--not only helps us understand our intellectual blind spots, but it can also open up new design and research spaces.Comment: In Proceedings of HCI International 2020: 22nd International Conference On Human-Computer Interactio