15 research outputs found

    Rational use of forest as a renewable natural resource

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    This article is devoted to the formation of a mechanism for the rational use of forests as a renewable natural resource, including transfer of forest areas in rent taking into account market indicators, advantages and disadvantages in the process of timber sales. The total income received in the form of fees for the use of forest fund and for the use of forests in 2016 in the Russian Federation is amounted to 24.4 billion rubles, which is 0.9 billion rubles (by 3.8%) more compared with the previous year. According to the state report of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, in the reporting 2016 year this payment was received in the amount of 27.8 billion rubles, which is 3.4 billion rubles (almost 14%) more than in 2015. Thus, due to the fact that Russia's natural forest resources constitute powerful strategic competitive advantage in the world economic system, the article, on the basis of the system approach, reveals correlation between the level of rent payments and profitability from the sale of round wood, taking into account harvested and considered assortments, which allows forming forest payments on the basis of domestic and export market prices and as a result increasing financial contribution from the use of forests to the national budget.peer-reviewe


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    RELEVANCE. Patients with encephalopathy due to acute chemical agents poisoning have some brain functioning changes and a cognitive impairment during the rehabilitation program. These changes require correction of appropriate diagnostic protocol and treatment.AIM. The aim of this study was to estimate changes of electroencephalography (EEG) and the P3 component of the event related potential (P300 ERP) that are observed in patients with encephalopathy due to acute chemical agents poisoning during stage of rehabilitation.MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study was included 25 patients (age 37 (32; 51)) poisoned different kind of neurotoxic substances (drugs, ethanol) and complicated by toxic and hypoxic encephalopathy. They have got the treatment of encephalopathy by mexidol intravenously, mesodiencephalic modulation (MDM) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). All patients were recoded EEG (electroencephalograph of “MBN” company, Russia) and P300 ERP (“Neuron-Spectrum-5/EP” of “Neurosoft”, Russia) according to the international recommendations of clinical neurophysiologists. Neuropsychological testing was used for the assessment of cognitive functions.RESULTS. There were some disturbances in primary electroencephalograms of all subjects. The follow-up EEG recording showed the main group of patients who had got the treatment (mexidol, MDM, HBOT) had more often (11 patients) the EEG improvements compared to the controls (1 patient). The main group had more rarely the EEG impairments compared to the control group. 6 patients of main group and 3 patients of controls did not have EEG changes during the follow-up EEG recordings. All controls and 17 patients of the main group patients had different cognitive disturbances. After the treatment 15 patients of the main group had improved on neuropsychological tests (MMSE, Munsterberg test, Schulte table, Number Connecting Test). They also had a decrease in the N200, P300 peak latency and an increase in the N200, P300 peak amplitude. Only 3 patients of controls had improved on neuropsychological tests.CONCLUSION. The results of this study show that mexidol, MDM, HBOT using in the treatment of patients with acute chemical agents poisoning leads to the improvement of brain state and cognitive function compared to the controls. The findings of study have allowed making a preliminary conclusion that using in the treatment this kind of patients the combination HBOT+mexidol or MDM+HBOT+mexidol improves the results of neuropsychological examination. АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ. У больных с энцефалопатией при острых отравлениях химической этиологии на этапе реабилитации отмечаются изменения функционального состояния головного мозга, а также нарушения когнитивных функций, требующие для своей коррекции соответствующих диагностических и лечебных мероприятий.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ. Оценка динамики показателей суммарной спонтанной электрической активности головного мозга (ЭЭГ) и вызванного потенциала, связанного с событием (ССП) у больных с энцефалопатией при острых отравлениях химической этиологии на этапе реабилитации на фоне различных методов лечения.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ. Всего обследовано 25 больных (ср. возраст — 37 (32; 51) с отравлениями различными нейротоксическими веществами (психофармакологические средства, наркотики, этанол), течение которых осложнилось токсико-гипоксической энцефалопатией. Основную группу составили 18 больных (ср. возраст — 37 (32; 52)), для лечения которых использовали внутривенное капельное введение мексидола, а также немедикаментозные методы лечения в виде мезодиэнцефальной модуляции (МДМ) и гипербарической оксигенации (ГБО). Контрольную группу составили 7 обследуемых (ср. возраст — 41 (31; 51)), которым не применяли вышеуказанные методы лечения. Всем больным регистрировали ЭЭГ на картографе фирмы МБН (Россия) и слуховой ССП на установке «Нейрон-Спектр–5/ВП», фирмы «НейроСофт» (Россия) согласно международным рекомендациям клинических нейрофизиологов. Для оценки когнитивных функций в работе использовали нейропсихологическое тестирование.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Первичное ЭЭГ-исследование выявило нарушения спонтанной электрической активности у всех обследованных больных как основной, так и контрольной групп. В ходе динамического наблюдения в основной группе (после проведенного лечения: мексидол, мезодиэнцефальная модуляция — МДМ, гипербарическая оксигенация — ГБО) по сравнению с контрольной группой положительная динамика в виде нормализации спонтанной электрической активности отмечалась у 11 пациентов, а в контрольной — только у одного; отрицательная динамика была выявлена у одного пациента основной группы и 3 пациентов контрольной группы. При этом отсутствие динамики, по данным ЭЭГ, было выявлено у 6 пациентов основной группы и у 3 пациентов контрольной группы. Результаты первичного психофизиологического исследования показали, что в основной группе в 17 случаях и у всех больных контрольной группы выявлялись нарушения когнитивной деятельности различной степени выраженности. После проведенного лечения у пациентов основной группы в большинстве случаев (15 больных) улучшились показатели по тестам mini-mental state examination (MMSE) — краткая шкала оценки психического статуса, батареи лобной дисфункции (БЛД), таблицам Шульте, тесту Мюнстерберга, тесту «Связь чисел», отмечалось сокращение показателей латентного периода (ЛП) компонентов N200, P300, нарастание амплитуды ответа. В контрольной группе положительная динамика была выявлена только в 3 наблюдениях по меньшему числу показателей (по тестам MMSE, таблицам Шульте, тесту «Связь чисел», по трем субтестам (1, 2, 3) из шести БЛД и менее выраженная по сравнению с основной группой).ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Использование мексидола, ГБО и МДМ в реабилитационном периоде отравлений нейротоксикантами, относительно контроля, приводит к более выраженному улучшению функционального состояния мозга в целом и показателей когнитивных функций.


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    ABSTRACT. The article is dedicated to the problem of nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage surgery. Principal concern was given to the contemporary aspects of target and urgent diagnostics of vascular pathology of the brain, being the cause of hemorrhage, and ischemic complications detection. Modern surgical technologies applied for surgical treatment of patients with intracranial hemorrhages are described and surgical results achieved in Sklifosovsky Research Institute are represented. РЕЗЮМЕ. В статье освещается проблема хирургического лечения нетравматических внутричерепных кровоизлияний. Особое внимание уделено современным аспектам плановой и экстренной диагностики сосудистой патологии головного мозга как причины нетравматических кровоизлияний и выявлению ишемических осложнений. Описаны современные хирургические технологии, применяемые для лечения больных с внутричерепными кровоизлияниями и представлены результаты лечения этих больных в НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского.

    On the problem of lexical semantic change

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    The article provides an insight into a problem of lexical semantic change. A short historical outline of the development of semantic studies is given. The authors analyze some of the most important stages in the history of the formation of this fiel

    Francophonie: to the history of the French-speaking network

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    The article deals with the history of the French-speaking countries and the francophone organization - Francophonie. The authors glance on the using the word francophonie, its interpreting. The aim of the article is to show the role of Francophonie in joining up the French-speaking world and developing its policies. The actual material is based on various works of French-, English- and Russian speaking scientists from all over the worl

    Drug-based neuroprotection in acute phase of traumatic brain injury of moderate severity

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most common types of brain injuries and is one of the major causes of death and disability among the population. The outcomes for people with TBI vary by degree of severity - from functional to severe neurological disorders also requiring correction and affecting the ability to work. Drug neuroprotection is one of the most promising areass in the treatment of patients with TBI. The article discusses the results of the original study of the effectiveness of neuroprotective drug Cerebrolysin in patients with traumatic brain injury of moderate severity

    Language shift and loss in the multilingual context of Africa

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    The article gives an insight into the phenomenon of language shift and death in Africa. It starts out with the discussion of the theoretical assumptions the work is based on. The sociolinguistic status of languages in the multilingual and multicultural context of Africa is also considere


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    RELEVANCE. Patients with encephalopathy due to acute chemical agents poisoning have some brain functioning changes and a cognitive impairment during the rehabilitation program. These changes require correction of appropriate diagnostic protocol and treatment.AIM. The aim of this study was to estimate changes of electroencephalography (EEG) and the P3 component of the event related potential (P300 ERP) that are observed in patients with encephalopathy due to acute chemical agents poisoning during stage of rehabilitation.MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study was included 25 patients (age 37 (32; 51)) poisoned different kind of neurotoxic substances (drugs, ethanol) and complicated by toxic and hypoxic encephalopathy. They have got the treatment of encephalopathy by mexidol intravenously, mesodiencephalic modulation (MDM) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). All patients were recoded EEG (electroencephalograph of “MBN” company, Russia) and P300 ERP (“Neuron-Spectrum-5/EP” of “Neurosoft”, Russia) according to the international recommendations of clinical neurophysiologists. Neuropsychological testing was used for the assessment of cognitive functions.RESULTS. There were some disturbances in primary electroencephalograms of all subjects. The follow-up EEG recording showed the main group of patients who had got the treatment (mexidol, MDM, HBOT) had more often (11 patients) the EEG improvements compared to the controls (1 patient). The main group had more rarely the EEG impairments compared to the control group. 6 patients of main group and 3 patients of controls did not have EEG changes during the follow-up EEG recordings. All controls and 17 patients of the main group patients had different cognitive disturbances. After the treatment 15 patients of the main group had improved on neuropsychological tests (MMSE, Munsterberg test, Schulte table, Number Connecting Test). They also had a decrease in the N200, P300 peak latency and an increase in the N200, P300 peak amplitude. Only 3 patients of controls had improved on neuropsychological tests.CONCLUSION. The results of this study show that mexidol, MDM, HBOT using in the treatment of patients with acute chemical agents poisoning leads to the improvement of brain state and cognitive function compared to the controls. The findings of study have allowed making a preliminary conclusion that using in the treatment this kind of patients the combination HBOT+mexidol or MDM+HBOT+mexidol improves the results of neuropsychological examination


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    ABSTRACT. The article is dedicated to the problem of nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage surgery. Principal concern was given to the contemporary aspects of target and urgent diagnostics of vascular pathology of the brain, being the cause of hemorrhage, and ischemic complications detection. Modern surgical technologies applied for surgical treatment of patients with intracranial hemorrhages are described and surgical results achieved in Sklifosovsky Research Institute are represented