19 research outputs found

    Variability in interpretation of chest radiographs among Russian clinicians and implications for screening programmes: observational study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine variability in interpretation of chest radiographs among tuberculosis specialists, radiologists, and respiratory specialists. DESIGN: Observational study. SETTING: Tuberculosis and respiratory disease services, Samara region, Russian Federation. PARTICIPANTS: 101 clinicians involved in the diagnosis and management of pulmonary tuberculosis and respiratory diseases. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Interobserver and intraobserver agreement on the interpretation of 50 digital chest radiographs, using a scale of poor to very good agreement (kappa coefficient: < or = 0.20 poor, 0.21-0.40 fair, 0.41-0.60 moderate, 0.61-0.80 good, and 0.81-1.00 very good). RESULTS: Agreement on the presence or absence of an abnormality was fair only (kappa = 0.380, 95% confidence interval 0.376 to 0.384), moderate for localisation of the abnormality (0.448, 0.444 to 0.452), and fair for a diagnosis of tuberculosis (0.387, 0.382 to 0.391). The highest levels of agreement were among radiologists. Level of experience (years of work in the specialty) influenced agreement on presence of abnormalities and cavities. Levels of intraobserver agreement were fair. CONCLUSIONS: Population screening for tuberculosis in Russia may be less than optimal owing to limited agreement on interpretation of chest radiographs, and may have implications for radiological screening programmes in other countries

    Influence of the Introduction of Carbon-Fluorine Additive to the Slag of the Production of Silicomanganese on the Weld Joint Quality

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    In the paper a possibility in principle is outlined to use a silicomanganese by-product ladle slag and a gas purification dust of aluminum production for manufacturing welding fluxes. The appropriate component concentration in welding fluxes is determined. The results of metallographic research are provided. The use of carbon-fluorine additive makes it possible to reduce the level of non-metallic impurities in the weld joint

    Study of motor load regulation training with visual feedback in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy

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    BACKGRAUND: Violation of gait and body balance in patients with diabetic polyneuropathy actualizes the development of new effective measures of motor rehabilitation. In this regard, an observation was carried out in which biofeedback training was used for the reference reaction in the conditions of variable feedback parameters.AIMS: To investigate the effect of a stepwise change in the depth of feedback (sensitivity) in a motor-cognitive task with visual feedback on the reference response to the result of its execution.METHODS: Single-sample observational observation with controlled conditions. 27 patients with diabetic polyneuropathy. All patients were treated according to modern standards. The observation was performed in one series at the beginning of the course of inpatient treatment. Estimation of body balance on a power platform — stabiloplatform) — stabilometry. The procedure included 5 stages of management, in which the patient followed the instructions (training) in which there was a stepwise increase in the depth of feedback («sensitivity») at each stage from 10 to 50% of the conditional «normal», with a step of 10%. A quantitative assessment of the external result (execution of instructions) and parameters of regulation of the vertical posture was carried out.RESULTS: All patients included in the follow-up showed that the implementation of instructions with increasing depth of feedback decreased sharply when the conditionally «normal» value was exceeded by 30–35%. At the same time, the initial parameters of vertical posture control in the sample patients did not affect the dynamics of results when performing the task with visual feedback. Factor analysis indicates the presence of the only significant factor associated with the effectiveness of performing a motor-cognitive task here — changes in the depth of feedback. The accepted significance level α = 0.05.CONCLUSIONS: The depth of feedback in motor-cognitive tasks with visual feedback is a key characteristic that affects performance. The ability to increase the depth of feedback in the range of about 35; from conditionally «normal», can be useful for ensuring differentiation of loads during motor rehabilitation of patients in order to increase the effectiveness of training. In addition, in theoretical terms, the proposed model of the motor-cognitive problem can be relevant in the study of «dual» problems, where the relationship of motor and cognitive components is studied

    Diagnosis and programmers of treatment patients with erosions of teeth induced gastroesophagialoral reflux (gastroesophagialoral reflux disease)

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    In article present materials of 126 patients with gastroesophagial reflux (gastroesophagial reflux disease), teeth erosion. Diagnosis and treatment its patients summed as quidlines for practitionally stomathologists.Обследовано 126 пациентов с эрозиями зубов при гастроэзофагеальнооральным рефлюксе в нозологических рамках гастроэзофагеальный рефлюкс болезни. Определен алгоритм верификации диагноза. Лечебных программ. Это послужило основой выработки клинических рекомендаций (grideliens) для практикующих стоматологов


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    The microbial landscape of microflora of a pharynx at patients with tonsillit’s pathology were studied. Materials and methods. 79 patients from GBUZ “Research Institute of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology” (78.5% patients with various forms of chronic tonsillitis and 21.5% of patients without chronic tonsillitis (control group). Among patients of the main group with chronic tonsillitis, at 60 (96.8%) patients there was a diagnosis chronic tonsillitis a toxical-allergic form of 1 degree (TAF I), at 1 (1.6%) the patient — chronic tonsillitis a toxical-allergic form II of degree (TAF II) and at 1 (1.6%) the patient — chronic tonsillitis. Identification of microorganisms carried out on cultural-morphological and biochemical properties. Specific identification of the hardly cultivated microorganisms and Corynebacterium was carried out by MALDI-TOFF MS of BioMerieux VITEK MS MALDI-TOF (“bioMerieux”, France). Identification of the allocated Corynebacterium was carried out by amplification of a gene rpoB and the subsequent direct sequencing. Results. The majority (98.7%) of the allocated microorganisms, treated 27 types and were Gram-positive. It is revealed 159 strains of 29 species of microorganisms, from them 41.4% of strains belonged to the Streptococcus, 19.7% — Staphylococcus, 36.9% — Corynebacterium. Among Streptococcus — 55.4% of S. viridans, 38.4% — S. pyogenes and 3.1% — of S. pneumoniae и S. oralis; Staphylococcus — 64.5% of S. aureus, 32.2% of S. epidermidis and 3.3% of S. hominis. 18 types of Corynebacterium — С. tuberculostearicum (17.2% strains), C. рseudodiphtheriticum (15.5% strains) and C. aurimucosum (18.9% strains) are revealed. At 44.3% of the surveyed patients the microflora is presented by a monoculture and at 55.7% associations are revealed. Conclusion. The microflora at patients with tonsillit’s pathology is characterized. At the expressed pathological process in a microbiota of a pharynx the monoculture while existence of associations testifies to less expressed pathological process prevails