39 research outputs found


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    The main goal of reconstructive surgery is to improve the quality of life of patients who have undergone surgery. However, recurrences and postoperative complications after such surgeries pose a serious challenge.The purpose of the study was to evaluate immediate surgical outcomes in head and neck cancer patients who underwent reconstructive surgery following tumor resection, as well as to analyze the causes of postoperative complications.Material and Methods. Immediate treatment outcomes were analyzed in 272 head and neck cancer patients, who were treated from 2008 to 2018. All patients were divided into 2 groups. Group I consisted of 172 patients, who underwent radical surgery and reconstruction. Group II comprised 100 patients, who underwent radical surgery alone. The groups were matched by stage, gender, age, previous treatment, and tumor location.Results. The incidence of recurrence was lower in Group I than in Group II (19 % versus 32 %, p>0,05). Postoperative complications occurred in 14 % of patients who underwent reconstruction of postoperative defects with rotation flaps and in 35 % of patients who underwent reconstruction with free revascularized flaps (p<0,05). The rate of complications was higher in patients undergoing maxillary and mandibular reconstructions (39,6 %) than in patients undergoing reconstructions of the other parts of the head and neck (23,7 %) (p<0,05). Patients who received chemoradiotherapy had higher rate of postoperative complications than those who had no neoadjuvant treatment (37 % versus 22 %, p>0,05).Conclusion. Knowledge of the factors that have a significant impact on the likelihood of developing postoperative complications after reconstructive surgeries makes it possible to take measures to prevent  them. Основной целью реконструктивно-пластических операций является улучшение качества жизни прооперированных больных. Однако возникающие рецидивы и  послеоперационные осложнения при подобных операциях являются значимой проблемой и требуют дальнейшего изучения. Целью исследования явились оценка непосредственных результатов хирургического лечения больных злокачественными новообразованиями головы и шеи с реконструктивно-пластическим компонентом и анализ причин возникновения  послеоперационных осложнений. Материал и методы. Проведен анализ непосредственных результатов лечения 272 больных злокачественными опухолями головы и шеи за период с 2008 по 2018 г., которые были разделены на 2 группы. В первую группу (n=172) вошли больные,  которым вместе с радикальным удалением опухоли был выполнен реконструктивно- пластический этап; во вторую группу (n=100) – пациенты, которым проведена радикальная операция без пластического этапа. Группы были сопоставимы по стадии, полу, возрасту, предшествующему лечению и локализации опухолевого процесса. Результаты. По данным исследования отмечена меньшая частота продолженного роста опухоли в группе с реконструктивно-пластическим этапом – 19 % больных, по  сравнению с контрольной группой – 32 % (p>0,05). Установлено, что при использовании ротированных лоскутов послеоперационные осложнения возникли в 14  %, а свободных реваскуляризированных лоскутов – в 35 % случаев (p<0,05). Реконструкция верхней и нижней челюсти сопровождается более частым развитием осложнений (39,6 %), чем устранение дефектов в других областях головы и шеи (23,7 %) (p<0,05). У больных, получивших химиолучевое лечение, послеоперационные  осложнения наблюдались чаще, чем у пациентов без неоадъювантного лечения, – в 37 % и 22 % случаев соответственно (p>0,05). Заключение. Знание факторов, оказывающих значимое влияние на вероятность развития послеоперационных осложнений при реконструктивно-пластических операциях, дает возможность проводить эффективные мероприятия по их профилактике

    Brazilian Consensus on Photoprotection

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    Prospects of fermented milk products in children with primary hypolactasia of the adult type

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    Lactose (β-galactosyl-1,4 glucose) is milk sugar, the main disaccharide of human and other mammalian breast milk. Lactase is intestinal disaccharidase that catalyzes the lactose hydrolysis. The lactase gene LCT controls biological function of the enzyme. The age-related genetically determined feature of disaccharide expression, epigenetic factors, and natural selection with persistent tolerance to milk sugar throughout lifetime has divided the human population according to the LCT gene into two phenotypes: lactase persistent and lactase non-persistent. There is conflicting evidence that the latter phenotype is associated with low calcium absorption and the development of osteoporosis. The regular use of fermented probiotic dairy products by individuals with the lactase non-persistence phenotype ensures the accumulation of peak bone mineralization and prevents osteoporosis

    Late blight resistant potato hybrid clones in the VIR collection of plant genetic resources

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    Background. Late blight (LB) causes serious damage to potato crop. The genetic diversity of potato and their wild relatives in the VIR collection served as the basis for creating interspecific hybrids.Objective of the study. Selection of hybrid potato clones with high and long-term resistance to LB and identification of genotypes that can serve as the most promising sources of new LB resistance genes or new alleles of the already known resistance genes.Materials and methods. In 2015-2017, 45 hybrid clones with genetic material from two to nine species of Solanum L. section Petota Dumort. and six potato varieties were assessed in field conditions in the Northwestern and Central regions of Russia. The index of plant damage by P. infestans (rAUDPC), relative resistance to LB (Sx) and damage to plants at the end of growth period were determined. Thirty-six genotypes were evaluated in the lab for resistance to highly aggressive P. infestans isolates from the collection of VNIIF (All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology). In parallel, DNA markers were used to reveal three genes that confer broad-spectrum resistance to P. infestance (Rpi).Results and conclusions. The initial period of infection, the rate of pathogen development and the degree of potato crop damage by LB differed significantly in 2015, 2016 and 2017. The relationship between rAUDPC values in different years of study was statistically significant for hybrids and potato varieties (r = 0.87-0.94). Each year, var. 'Sarpo Mira', clones 10 / 05-09 and 50/1 KBA were highly resistant to LB (Sx = 7-8 points). As to other potato genotypes, the values of the Sx index varied between the years of the study. 'Sarpo Mira' and 12 clones, namely 38 KVA, 24-1, 24-2, 16/27-09, 4-1-2012, 118-5-2011, 39-1-2005, 50/1 KBA, 12/1-09, 171-3, 134-2-2006 and 15/13-09 were highly resistant to artificial infection with P. infestans. The average degree of consistency of potato resistance assessments in the field and laboratory experiments was established: the Spearman correlation coefficient r was 0.45-0.50 (p <0.05). In the cluster analysis, 36 potato genotypes were divided into three groups, which differed significantly in their resistance to LB under various environmental conditions. High resistance to LB correlated with the presence of resistance genes that confer broad-spectrum resistance (R8 = Rpi-smira2 in 'Sarpo Mira' and Rpi-blb1, Rpi-blb2 and Rpi-vnt1 in interspecific hybrids)

    Maximum Mixing Times of Methane and Air

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