1,505,831 research outputs found

    On the foundations of cancer modelling: selected topics, speculations, & perspectives

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    This paper presents a critical review of selected topics related to the modelling of cancer onset, evolution and growth, with the aim of illustrating, to a wide applied mathematical readership, some of the novel mathematical problems in the field. This review attempts to capture, from the appropriate literature, the main issues involved in the modelling of phenomena related to cancer dynamics at all scales which characterise this highly complex system: from the molecular scale up to that of tissue. The last part of the paper discusses the challenge of developing a mathematical biological theory of tumour onset and evolution

    A quantum walk with a delocalized initial state: contribution from a coin-flip operator

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    A unit evolution step of discrete-time quantum walks is determined by both a coin-flip operator and a position-shift operator. The behavior of quantum walkers after many steps delicately depends on the coin-flip operator and an initial condition of the walk. To get the behavior, a lot of long-time limit distributions for the quantum walks starting with a localized initial state have been derived. In the present paper, we compute limit distributions of a 2-state quantum walk with a delocalized initial state, not a localized initial state, and discuss how the walker depends on the coin-flip operator. The initial state induced from the Fourier series expansion, which is called the (α,β)(\alpha,\beta) delocalized initial state in this paper, provides different limit density functions from the ones of the quantum walk with a localized initial state.Comment: International Journal of Quantum Information, Vol.11, No.5, 1350053 (2013

    Partonic transverse momenta in non-relativistic hyper-central quark potential models

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    We investigate the impact of three-body forces on the transverse-momentum distribution of partons inside the proton. This is achieved by considering the three-body problem in a class of hyper-central quark potential models. Solving the corresponding Schr\"odinger equation, we determine the quark wave function in the proton and with appropriate transformations and projections we find the transverse-momentum distribution of a single quark. In each case the parameters of the quark potentials are adjusted in order to sufficiently describe observable properties of the proton. Using a factorization ansatz, we incorporate the obtained transverse-momentum distribution in a perturbative QCD scheme for the calculation of the cross-section for prompt photon production in pp collisions. A large set of experimental data is fitted using as a single free parameter the mean partonic transverse momentum. The dependence of on the collision characteristics (initial energy and transverse momentum of the final photon) is much smoother when compared with similar results found in the literature using a Gaussian distribution for the partonic transverse momenta. Within the considered class of hyper-central quark potentials the one with the weaker dependence on the hyper-radius is preferred for the description of the data since it leads to the smoothest mean partonic transverse-momentum profile. We have repeated all the calculations using a two-body potential of the same form as the optimal (within the considered class) hyper-central potential in order to check if the presence of three-body forces is supported by the experimental data. Our analysis indicates that three-body forces influence significantly the form of the parton transverse-momentum distribution and consequently lead to an improved description of the considered data.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Open shells in reduced-density-matrix-functional theory

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    Reduced-density-matrix-functional theory is applied to open-shell systems. We introduce a spin-restricted formulation by appropriately expressing approximate correlation-energy functionals in terms of spin-dependent occupation numbers and spin-independent natural orbitals. We demonstrate that the additional constraint of total-spin conservation is indispensable for the proper treatment of open-shell systems. The formalism is applied to the first-row open-shell atoms. The obtained ground-state energies are in very good agreement with the exact values as well as other state of the art quantum chemistry calculationsComment: 4 pages, 2 figures, corrected typo

    Higgs boson decay into two photons in an electromagnetic background

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    The amplitude for Higgs boson decay into two photons in a homogeneous and time-independent magnetic field is investigated by proper-time regularization in a gauge invariant manner and is found to be singular at large field values. The singularity is caused by the component of the charged vector boson field that is tachyonic in a strong magnetic field. Also tools for the computation of the amplitude in a more general electromagnetic background are developed.Comment: 31 page

    Russian Forestry Planning: Forestry Revenue and Expenditures

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    The expenditure-revenue comparison of forestry in market conditions is becoming a pressing issue. For the government, expenditures are tied to forest management costs, and revenue is generated in the form of payments for forest use. At the same time, the target of budget forestry funding is parcels of forest reserve land that are not leased. Forest management within the borders of leased forest lands is carried out by the tenants at their own expense, while continuing to make lease payments. As studies have shown, expenditures for all budget levels of forestry management in the Russian Federation from 2011 to 2017 consistently exceeded revenue from forest use. One of the key problems in Russian forestry is underfunding. Given these conditions, this industry's existing systems of budgeting and revenue increases must be transformed. This paper offers recommendations on how to change the current situation. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Problems of Codifying Security Law

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