38,933 research outputs found

    Seasonal changes in abundance of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (s. gairdnerii) assessed by drift diving in the Rangitikei river, New Zealand

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    Numbers and approximate sizes of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) and rainbow trout (5. gairdnerii Richardson) were estimated by snorkel divers at 6 sites in the middle reaches of the Rangitikei River, North Island, New Zealand, over 14 months. The results showed that different species and sizes of trout varied in abundance with time. The species of fingerling trout (6-12 cm FL) could not be identified because of their small size and shoaling behaviour. Rainbow trout abundance varied seasonally and was greatest in January and April (between 18 and 60 fish per kilometre) when fish between 23 and 38 cm FL were the most abundant size class. Brown trout abundance showed much less variation with time (between 5 and 36 fish per kilometre at most sites). Also in contrast to rainbow trout, the majority of brown trout were > 38 cm FL, and in June, when the greatest density was observed (56 fish per kilometre), 70 redds were seen at the same site. Two sites were dived within a 48 h period to test the variability of the method. Comparisons between the 3 dives at each site revealed no significant differences between the numbers offish in different species and size classes

    Quinnat salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha) spawning in the Rangitikei river

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    The occurrence of adult quinnat salmon {Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum)) in the Rangitikei River, North Island, New Zealand, has been confirmed on several occasions since 1922, but juvenile salmon have not previously been recorded. In late February 1981 a 79-mm-fork-length smolt was caught in a stranded side channel 180 km upstream from the mouth. This suggests that quinnat salmon can spawn successfully in this river

    The shape of primordial non-Gaussianity and the CMB bispectrum

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    We present a set of formalisms for comparing, evolving and constraining primordial non-Gaussian models through the CMB bispectrum. We describe improved methods for efficient computation of the full CMB bispectrum for any general (non-separable) primordial bispectrum, incorporating a flat sky approximation and a new cubic interpolation. We review all the primordial non-Gaussian models in the present literature and calculate the CMB bispectrum up to l <2000 for each different model. This allows us to determine the observational independence of these models by calculating the cross-correlation of their CMB bispectra. We are able to identify several distinct classes of primordial shapes - including equilateral, local, warm, flat and feature (non-scale invariant) - which should be distinguishable given a significant detection of CMB non-Gaussianity. We demonstrate that a simple shape correlator provides a fast and reliable method for determining whether or not CMB shapes are well correlated. We use an eigenmode decomposition of the primordial shape to characterise and understand model independence. Finally, we advocate a standardised normalisation method for fNLf_{NL} based on the shape autocorrelator, so that observational limits and errors can be consistently compared for different models.Comment: 32 pages, 20 figure

    Don’t get involved: an examination of how public sector organisations in England are involving disabled people in the Disability Equality Duty

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    The Disability Equality Duty (DED) came into force in December 2006. It stipulated that all public sector organisations were to develop policies to promote the equality of disabled people as staff members, consumers or visitors. Its emergence comes as part of a network of social policies developed over the last 20 years to promote disability rights and citizenship in the UK. However unlike previous legislation, the DED set in place the need for organisations to be pro-active in their policies and work with disabled people to move towards change in public sector cultures and working practices. This article reports on this early stage of implementation in England. Findings show that whilst some progress has been made in securing change, practice varied greatly. Therefore if a fundamental change in the culture of work and service provision is to be secured, this key requirement will need to be given a higher priority by organisations

    Primordial non-Gaussianity and the CMB bispectrum

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    We present a new formalism, together with efficient numerical methods, to directly calculate the CMB bispectrum today from a given primordial bispectrum using the full linear radiation transfer functions. Unlike previous analyses which have assumed simple separable ansatze for the bispectrum, this work applies to a primordial bispectrum of almost arbitrary functional form, for which there may have been both horizon-crossing and superhorizon contributions. We employ adaptive methods on a hierarchical triangular grid and we establish their accuracy by direct comparison with an exact analytic solution, valid on large angular scales. We demonstrate that we can calculate the full CMB bispectrum to greater than 1% precision out to multipoles l<1800 on reasonable computational timescales. We plot the bispectrum for both the superhorizon ('local') and horizon-crossing ('equilateral') asymptotic limits, illustrating its oscillatory nature which is analogous to the CMB power spectrum

    Gamma-Ray Bursts observed by XMM-Newton

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    Analysis of observations with XMM-Newton have made a significant contribution to the study of Gamma-ray Burst (GRB) X-ray afterglows. The effective area, bandpass and resolution of the EPIC instrument permit the study of a wide variety of spectral features. In particular, strong, time-dependent, soft X-ray emission lines have been discovered in some bursts. The emission mechanism and energy source for these lines pose major problems for the current generation of GRB models. Other GRBs have intrinsic absorption, possibly related to the environment around the progenitor, or possible iron emission lines similar to those seen in GRBs observed with BeppoSAX. Further XMM-Newton observations of GRBs discovered by the Swift satellite should help unlock the origin of the GRB phenomenon over the next few years.Comment: To appear in proceedings of the "XMM-Newton EPIC Consortium meeting, Palermo, 2003 October 14-16", published in Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italian

    Bessel beam propagation: Energy localization and velocity

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    The propagation of a Bessel beam (or Bessel-X wave) is analyzed on the basis of a vectorial treatment. The electric and magnetic fields are obtained by considering a realistic situation able to generate that kind of scalar field. Specifically, we analyze the field due to a ring-shaped aperture over a metallic screen on which a linearly polarized plane wave impinges. On this basis, and in the far field approximation, we can obtain information about the propagation of energy flux and the velocity of the energy.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Delayed soft X-ray emission lines in the afterglow of GRB 030227

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    Strong, delayed X-ray line emission is detected in the afterglow of GRB 030227, appearing near the end of the XMM-Newton observation, nearly twenty hours after the burst. The observed flux in the lines, not simply the equivalent width, sharply increases from an undetectable level (<1.7e-14 erg/cm^2/s, 3 sigma) to 4.1e-14 erg/cm^2/s in the final 9.7 ks. The line emission alone has nearly twice as many detected photons as any previous detection of X-ray lines. The lines correspond well to hydrogen and/or helium-like emission from Mg, Si, S, Ar and Ca at a redshift z=1.39. There is no evidence for Fe, Co or Ni--the ultimate iron abundance must be less than a tenth that of the lighter metals. If the supernova and GRB events are nearly simultaneous there must be continuing, sporadic power output after the GRB of a luminosity >~5e46 erg/s, exceeding all but the most powerful quasars.Comment: Submitted to ApJL. 14 pages, 3 figures with AASLaTe