3,748 research outputs found

    Giant Goos-H\"anchen shift in Scattering: the role of interfering Localized Plasmon modes

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    The longitudinal and the transverse beam shifts, namely, the Goos-H\"anchen (GH) and the Spin-Hall (SH) shifts are usually observed at planar interfaces. It has recently been shown that the transverse SH shift may also arise due to scattering of plane waves. Here, we show that analogous in-plane (longitudinal) shift also exist in scattering of plane waves from micro/nano systems. We study both the GH and the SH shifts in plasmonic metal nanoparticles/ nanostructures and dielectric micro-particles employing a unified framework that utilizes the transverse components of the Poynting vector of the scattered wave. The results demonstrate that interference of neighboring resonance modes in plasmonic nanostructures (e.g., electric dipolar and quadrupolar modes in metal spheres) leads to giant enhancement of GH shift in scattering from such systems. We also unravel interesting correlations between these shifts with the polarimetry parameters, diattenuation and retardance.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    QQˉQ\bar Q (Q{b,c}Q\in \{b, c\}) spectroscopy using Cornell potential

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    The mass spectra and decay properties of heavy quarkonia are computed in nonrelativistic quark-antiquark Cornell potential model. We have employed the numerical solution of Schr\"odinger equation to obtain their mass spectra using only four parameters namely quark mass (mcm_c, mbm_b) and confinement strength (AccˉA_{c\bar c}, AbbˉA_{b\bar b}). The spin hyperfine, spin-orbit and tensor components of the one gluon exchange interaction are computed perturbatively to determine the mass spectra of excited SS, PP, DD and FF states. Digamma, digluon and dilepton decays of these mesons are computed using the model parameters and numerical wave functions. The predicted spectroscopy and decay properties for quarkonia are found to be consistent with available experimental observations and results from other theoretical models. We also compute mass spectra and life time of the BcB_c meson without additional parameters. The computed electromagnetic transition widths of heavy quarkonia and BcB_c mesons are in tune with available experimental data and other theoretical approaches

    Proton decay matrix elements with domain-wall fermions

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    Hadronic matrix elements of operators relevant to nucleon decay in grand unified theories are calculated numerically using lattice QCD. In this context, the domain-wall fermion formulation, combined with non-perturbative renormalization, is used for the first time. These techniques bring reduction of a large fraction of the systematic error from the finite lattice spacing. Our main effort is devoted to a calculation performed in the quenched approximation, where the direct calculation of the nucleon to pseudoscalar matrix elements, as well as the indirect estimate of them from the nucleon to vacuum matrix elements, are performed. First results, using two flavors of dynamical domain-wall quarks for the nucleon to vacuum matrix elements are also presented to address the systematic error of quenching, which appears to be small compared to the other errors. Our results suggest that the representative value for the low energy constants from the nucleon to vacuum matrix elements are given as |alpha| simeq |beta| simeq 0.01 GeV^3. For a more reliable estimate of the physical low energy matrix elements, it is better to use the relevant form factors calculated in the direct method. The direct method tends to give smaller value of the form factors, compared to the indirect one, thus enhancing the proton life-time; indeed for the pi^0 final state the difference between the two methods is quite appreciable.Comment: 56 pages, 17 figures, a comment and two references added in the introduction, typo corrected in Eq.1

    B-factory Signals for a Warped Extra Dimension

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    We study predictions for B-physics in a class of models, recently introduced, with a non-supersymmetric warped extra dimension. In these models few (3\sim 3) TeV Kaluza-Klein masses are consistent with electroweak data due to bulk custodial symmetry. Furthermore, there is an analog of GIM mechanism which is violated by the heavy top quark (just as in SM) leading to striking signals at BB-factories:(i) New Physics (NP) contributions to ΔF=2\Delta F= 2 transitions are comparable to SM. This implies that, within this NP framework, the success of SM unitarity triangle fit is a ``coincidence'' Thus, clean extractions of unitarity angles via e.g. Bππ,ρπ,ρρ,DKB \to \pi \pi,\rho \pi, \rho \rho, DK are likely to be affected, in addition to O(1) deviation from SM prediction in BsB_s mixing. (ii) O(1) deviation from SM predictions for BXsl+lB \to X_s l^+ l^- in rate as well as in forward-backward and direct CP asymmetry. (iii) Large mixing-induced CP asymmetry in radiative B decays, wherein the SM unamibgously predicts very small asymmetries. Also with KK masses 3 TeV or less, and with anarchic Yukawa masses, contributions to electric dipole moments of the neutron are roughly 20 times larger than the current experimental bound so that this framework has a "CP problem".Comment: On further consideration, we found that our framework does have a "CP problem" in that though contributions to neutron's electric dipole moment from CKM-like phases vanish at the one-loop level, sizeable contributions are induced by Majorana-like phases. Last sentence of abstract is changed along with para #3 and 4 on page

    Semileptonic D(s)-meson decays in the light of recent data

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    Inspired by recent improved measurements of charm semileptonic decays at BESIII, we study a large set of D(Ds)-meson semileptonic decays where the hadron in the final state is one of D0, ρ, ω, η ( η') in the case of D+ decays, and D0, φ, K0, K*(892), η (η') in the case of Ds decays. The required hadronic form factors are computed in the full kinematical range of momentum transfer by employing the covariant confined quark model developed by us. A detailed comparison of the form factors with those from other approaches is provided. We calculate the decay branching fractions and their ratios, which show good agreement with available experimental data. We also give predictions for the forward-backward asymmetry and the longitudinal and transverse polarizations of the charged lepton in the final state