4,233 research outputs found

    Effective Dynamics of the Matrix Big Bang

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    We study the leading quantum effects in the recently introduced Matrix Big Bang model. This amounts to a study of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory compactified on the Milne orbifold. We find a one-loop potential that is attractive near the Big Bang. Surprisingly, the potential decays very rapidly at late times, where it appears to be generated by D-brane effects. Usually, general covariance constrains the form of any effective action generated by renormalization group flow. However, the form of our one-loop potential seems to violate these constraints in a manner that suggests a connection between the cosmological singularity and long wavelength, late time physics.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX; some minor changes; an improved discussion of the potentia

    Intersecting black branes in strong gravitational waves

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    We consider intersecting black branes with strong gravitational waves propagating along their worldvolume in the context of supergravity theories. Both near-horizon and space-filling gravitational wave modes are included in our ansatz. The equations of motion (originally, partial differential equations) are shown to reduce to ordinary differential equations, which include a Toda-like system. For special arrangements of intersecting black branes, the Toda-like system becomes integrable, permitting a more thorough analysis of the gravitational equations of motion.Comment: 17 pages; v2: cosmetic improvements, published versio

    FUCA1 is induced by wild-type p53 and expressed at different levels in thyroid cancers depending on p53 status

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    Fucose residues of cell surface glycans, which play important roles in growth, invasion and metastasis, are added by fucosyltransferases (FUTs) and removed by α-L-fucosidases (FUCAs). By the differential display method, we isolated a 3' non-coding region of α-L-fucosidase-1 (FUCA1) (a gene coding for the lysosomal fucosidase-1 enzyme) as a wild-type p53-inducible gene: 18S and 20S FUCA1 mRNA species were induced in Saos-2 cells transfected with a temperature-sensitive p53 mutant at the permissive temperature. By microarray analyses of thyroid cancer biopsy samples, FUCA1 RNA expression levels were found to be lower in anaplastic thyroid cancer samples (ATCs), while they were higher in papillary thyroid cancer samples (PTCs) and in normal thyroid tissues. Since most ATCs were reported to carry the mutated form of p53, while PTCs carry mostly the wild-type form of p53, it is likely that FUCA1 expression levels are regulated, at least in part, by the p53 status in thyroid cancers. In order to better understand the role played by FUCA genes in thyroid tumorigenesis, we examined the clonogenic potential in vitro of thyroid cell lines transfected with either FUCA1 or FUCA2 (the latter gene coding for a secreted, non-lysosomal enzyme). We found that α-L-fucosidases did not suppress grossly cell growth. Contrary to what we observed with the expression of FUCA1, the FUT8 expression levels were found high in ATCsbut lower in PTCs and normal thyroid tissues. Taken together, these results suggest the possibility that the higher fucose levels on cell surface glycans of aggressive ATCs, compared to those of less aggressive PTCs, may be at least in part responsible for the more aggressive and metastatic phenotype of ATCs compared to PTCs, as the expression levels of FUCA1 and FUT8 were inversely related in these two types of cancers. Fucose residues of cell surface glycans, which play important roles in growth, invasion and metastasis, are added by fucosyltransferases (FUTs) and removed by α-L-fucosidases (FUCAs). By the differential display method, we isolated a 3' non-coding region of α-L-fucosidase-1 (FUCA1) (a gene coding for the lysosomal fucosidase-1 enzyme) as a wild-type p53-inducible gene: 18S and 20S FUCA1 mRNA species were induced in Saos-2 cells transfected with a temperature-sensitive p53 mutant at the permissive temperature. By microarray analyses of thyroid cancer biopsy samples, FUCA1 RNA expression levels were found to be lower in anaplastic thyroid cancer samples (ATCs), while they were higher in papillary thyroid cancer samples (PTCs) and in normal thyroid tissues. Since most ATCs were reported to carry the mutated form of p53, while PTCs carry mostly the wild-type form of p53, it is likely that FUCA1 expression levels are regulated, at least in part, by the p53 status in thyroid cancers. In order to better understand the role played by FUCA genes in thyroid tumorigenesis, we examined the clonogenic potential in vitro of thyroid cell lines transfected with either FUCA1 or FUCA2 (the latter gene coding for a secreted, non-lysosomal enzyme). We found that α-L-fucosidases did not suppress grossly cell growth. Contrary to what we observed with the expression of FUCA1, the FUT8 expression levels were found high in ATCs but lower in PTCs and normal thyroid tissues. Taken together, these results suggest the possibility that the higher fucose levels on cell surface glycans of aggressive ATCs, compared to those of less aggressive PTCs, may be at least in part responsible for the more aggressive and metastatic phenotype of ATCs compared to PTCs, as the expression levels of FUCA1 and FUT8 were inversely related in these two types of cancers

    Cosmologies with Null Singularities and their Gauge Theory Duals

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    We investigate backgrounds of Type IIB string theory with null singularities and their duals proposed in hep-th/0602107. The dual theory is a deformed N=4 Yang-Mills theory in 3+1 dimensions with couplings dependent on a light-like direction. We concentrate on backgrounds which become AdS_5 x S^5 at early and late times and where the string coupling is bounded, vanishing at the singularity. Our main conclusion is that in these cases the dual gauge theory is nonsingular. We show this by arguing that there exists a complete set of gauge invariant observables in the dual gauge theory whose correlation functions are nonsingular at all times. The two-point correlator for some operators calculated in the gauge theory does not agree with the result from the bulk supergravity solution. However, the bulk calculation is invalid near the singularity where corrections to the supergravity approximation become important. We also obtain pp-waves which are suitable Penrose limits of this general class of solutions, and construct the Matrix Membrane theory which describes these pp-wave backgrounds.Comment: 43 pages REVTeX and AMSLaTeX. v2: references adde

    Gauge Theories with Time Dependent Couplings and their Cosmological Duals

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    We consider the N=4 SYM theory in flat 3+1 dimensional spacetime with a time dependent coupling constant which vanishes at t=0t=0, like gYM2=tpg_{YM}^2=t^p. In an analogous quantum mechanics toy model we find that the response is singular. The energy diverges at t=0t=0, for a generic state. In addition, if p>1p>1 the phase of the wave function has a wildly oscillating behavior, which does not allow it to be continued past t=0t=0. A similar effect would make the gauge theory singular as well, though nontrivial effects of renormalization could tame this singularity and allow a smooth continuation beyond t=0t=0. The gravity dual in some cases is known to be a time dependent cosmology which exhibits a space-like singularity at t=0t=0. Our results, if applicable in the gauge theory for the case of the vanishing coupling, imply that the singularity is a genuine sickness and does not admit a meaningful continuation. When the coupling remains non-zero and becomes small at t=0t=0, the curvature in the bulk becomes of order the string scale. The gauge theory now admits a time evolution beyond this point. In this case, a finite amount of energy is produced which possibly thermalizes and leads to a black hole in the bulk.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figure; v2. minor modifications; v3: PRD version, conclusions in the field theory case significantly revised to include possible renormalization effects, quantum mechanics toy model unchanged, abstract and introduction revised, additional subsection 4.1 adde

    A trans-homologue interaction between reciprocally imprinted miR-127 and Rtl1 regulates placenta development.

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    The paternally expressed imprinted retrotransposon-like 1 (Rtl1) is a retrotransposon-derived gene that has evolved a function in eutherian placentation. Seven miRNAs, including miR-127, are processed from a maternally expressed antisense Rtl1 transcript (Rtl1as) and regulate Rtl1 levels through RNAi-mediated post-transcriptional degradation. To determine the relative functional role of Rtl1as miRNAs in Rtl1 dosage, we generated a mouse specifically deleted for miR-127. The miR-127 knockout mice exhibit placentomegaly with specific defects within the labyrinthine zone involved in maternal-fetal nutrient transfer. Although fetal weight is unaltered, specific Rtl1 transcripts and protein levels are increased in both the fetus and placenta. Phenotypic analysis of single (ΔmiR-127/Rtl1 or miR-127/ΔRtl1) and double (ΔmiR-127/ΔRtl1) heterozygous miR-127- and Rtl1-deficient mice indicate that Rtl1 is the main target gene of miR-127 in placental development. Our results demonstrate that miR-127 is an essential regulator of Rtl1, mediated by a trans-homologue interaction between reciprocally imprinted genes on the maternally and paternally inherited chromosomes.This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Medical Research Council (MRC) and EU FP7 Marie Curie Action 290123 (INGENIUM). This work was partly funded by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) CJ Martin Biomedical Fellowship to A.N.S.P.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://dev.biologists.org/content/early/2015/07/01/dev.121996.abstract

    Supersymmetric Intersecting Branes on the Waves

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    We construct a general family of supersymmetric solutions in time- and space-dependent wave backgrounds in general supergravity theories describing single and intersecting p-branes embedded into time-dependent dilaton-gravity plane waves of an arbitrary (isotropic) profile, with the brane world-volume aligned parallel to the propagation direction of the wave. We discuss how many degrees of freedom we have in the solutions. We also propose that these solutions can be used to describe higher-dimensional time-dependent "black holes", and discuss their property briefly.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe

    The Certification of ATLAS Thin Gap Chambers Produced in Israel and China

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    Thin gap chambers (TGCs) are used for the muon trigger system in the forward region of the LHC experiment ATLAS. A TGC consists of a plane of closely spaced wires maintained at positive high voltage, sandwiched between resistive grounded cathode planes with an anode wire to cathode plane gap distance smaller than the wire-to-wire spacing. The TGCs are expected to provide a trigger signal within 25 ns of the bunch spacing of the LHC accelerator, with an efficiency exceeding 95%, while exposed to an effective photon and neutron background ranging from 30 to 500 Hz/cm2. About 2,500 out of the 3,600 ATLAS TGCs are being produced at the Weizmann institute in Israel, and in Shandong University in China. Once installed in the ATLAS detector the TGCs will be inaccessible. A vigorous production quality control program is therefore implemented at the production sites. Furthermore, after chamber completion, a thorough program of quality assurance is implemented to ensure the efficient performance of the chambers during more than ten years of operation in the LHC high rate environment. This program consists of a detailed mapping of the detectors response using cosmic rays, as well as checking the chambers behavior using a high rate radiation source. An aging test performed on five chambers in a serial gas connection is presented. Finally the results of the chambers certification tests performed at CERN before the installation in ATLAS are described.Comment: Presented at 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 2004, Rome, Oct 200

    Light-like Big Bang singularities in string and matrix theories

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    Important open questions in cosmology require a better understanding of the Big Bang singularity. In string and matrix theories, light-like analogues of cosmological singularities (singular plane wave backgrounds) turn out to be particularly tractable. We give a status report on the current understanding of such light-like Big Bang models, presenting both solved and open problems.Comment: 20 pages, invited review for Class. Quant. Grav; v3: section 2.3 shortened, discussion on DLCQ added in section 3.1, published versio
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