10 research outputs found

    Discrete Family of Dissipative Soliton Pairs in Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers

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    We numerically investigate the formation of soliton pairs (bound states) in mode-locked fiber ring lasers. In the distributed model (complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation) we observe a discrete family of soliton pairs with equidistantly increasing peak separation. This family was identified by two alternative numerical schemes and the bound state instability was disclosed by a linear stability analysis. Moreover, similar families of unstable bound state solutions have been found in a more realistic lumped laser model with an idealized saturable absorber (instantaneous response). We show that a stabilization of these bound states can be achieved when the finite relaxation time of the saturable absorber is taken into account. The domain of stability can be controlled by varying this relaxation time

    Magnetization of NdIn3, GdIn3 and DyIn3 single crystals

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    L'aimantation de monocristaux de NdIn3, GdIn3 et DyIn3 a été mesurée suivant trois axes cristallographiques principaux dans le domaine antiferromagnétique ordonné, sous champ magnétique continu jusqu'à 19 T. On a observé sur DyIn3 un processus d'aimantation à plusieurs sauts attribué à la structure magnétique spécifique de ce compost. L'aimantation à saturation de NdIn3 et DyIn3 atteint des valeurs inférieures aux valeurs calculées pour les ions terres rares libres.The magnetization of NdIn3, GdIn3 and DyIn3 single crystals has been studied in the antiferromagnetically ordered state along three principal crystallographic axes in stationary magnetic fields up to 19 T. The multiple-step magnetization process has been found in DyIn3 due to its specific magnetic structure. Saturation magnetization of NdIn3 and DyIn3 reaches the values lower than those expected for free RE3+ ions