866 research outputs found

    Topological Phenomena in the Real Periodic Sine-Gordon Theory

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    The set of real finite-gap Sine-Gordon solutions corresponding to a fixed spectral curve consists of several connected components. A simple explicit description of these components obtained by the authors recently is used to study the consequences of this property. In particular this description allows to calculate the topological charge of solutions (the averaging of the xx-derivative of the potential) and to show that the averaging of other standard conservation laws is the same for all components.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, 3 figure

    On Integrable Systems and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    The properties of the N=2 SUSY gauge theories underlying the Seiberg-Witten hypothesis are discussed. The main ingredients of the formulation of the finite-gap solutions to integrable equations in terms of complex curves and generating 1-differential are presented, the invariant sense of these definitions is illustrated. Recently found exact nonperturbative solutions to N=2 SUSY gauge theories are formulated using the methods of the theory of integrable systems and where possible the parallels between standard quantum field theory results and solutions to integrable systems are discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 38 pages, no figures; based on the lecture given at INTAS School on Advances in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics, Como, Italy, 1996; minor changes, few references adde

    Invariant description of solutions of hydrodynamic type systems in hodograph space: hydrodynamic surfaces

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    Hydrodynamic surfaces are solutions of hydrodynamic type systems viewed as non-parametrized submanifolds of the hodograph space. We propose an invariant differential-geometric characterization of hydrodynamic surfaces by expressing the curvature form of the characteristic web in terms of the reciprocal invariants.Comment: 12 page

    Weakly-nonlocal Symplectic Structures, Whitham method, and weakly-nonlocal Symplectic Structures of Hydrodynamic Type

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    We consider the special type of the field-theoretical Symplectic structures called weakly nonlocal. The structures of this type are in particular very common for the integrable systems like KdV or NLS. We introduce here the special class of the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures which we call the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures of Hydrodynamic Type. We investigate then the connection of such structures with the Whitham averaging method and propose the procedure of "averaging" of the weakly nonlocal Symplectic structures. The averaging procedure gives the weakly nonlocal Symplectic Structure of Hydrodynamic Type for the corresponding Whitham system. The procedure gives also the "action variables" corresponding to the wave numbers of mm-phase solutions of initial system which give the additional conservation laws for the Whitham system.Comment: 64 pages, Late

    Slow flows of an relativistic perfect fluid in a static gravitational field

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    Relativistic hydrodynamics of an isentropic fluid in a gravitational field is considered as the particular example from the family of Lagrangian hydrodynamic-type systems which possess an infinite set of integrals of motion due to the symmetry of Lagrangian with respect to relabeling of fluid particle labels. Flows with fixed topology of the vorticity are investigated in quasi-static regime, when deviations of the space-time metric and the density of fluid from the corresponding equilibrium configuration are negligibly small. On the base of the variational principle for frozen-in vortex lines dynamics, the equation of motion for a thin relativistic vortex filament is derived in the local induction approximation.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figur

    Classification of integrable two-component Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type in 2+1 dimensions

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    Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type occur in a wide range of applications including fluid dynamics, the Whitham averaging procedure and the theory of Frobenius manifolds. In 1+1 dimensions, the requirement of the integrability of such systems by the generalised hodograph transform implies that integrable Hamiltonians depend on a certain number of arbitrary functions of two variables. On the contrary, in 2+1 dimensions the requirement of the integrability by the method of hydrodynamic reductions, which is a natural analogue of the generalised hodograph transform in higher dimensions, leads to finite-dimensional moduli spaces of integrable Hamiltonians. In this paper we classify integrable two-component Hamiltonian systems of hydrodynamic type for all existing classes of differential-geometric Poisson brackets in 2D, establishing a parametrisation of integrable Hamiltonians via elliptic/hypergeometric functions. Our approach is based on the Godunov-type representation of Hamiltonian systems, and utilises a novel construction of Godunov's systems in terms of generalised hypergeometric functions.Comment: Latex, 34 page

    On Bohr-Sommerfeld bases

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    This paper combines algebraic and Lagrangian geometry to construct a special basis in every space of conformal blocks, the Bohr-Sommerfeld (BS) basis. We use the method of [D. Borthwick, T. Paul and A. Uribe, Legendrian distributions with applications to the non-vanishing of Poincar\'e series of large weight, Invent. math, 122 (1995), 359-402, preprint hep-th/9406036], whereby every vector of a BS basis is defined by some half-weighted Legendrian distribution coming from a Bohr-Sommerfeld fibre of a real polarization of the underlying symplectic manifold. The advantage of BS bases (compared to bases of theta functions in [A. Tyurin, Quantization and ``theta functions'', Jussieu preprint 216 (Apr 1999), e-print math.AG/9904046, 32pp.]) is that we can use information from the skillful analysis of the asymptotics of quantum states. This gives that Bohr-Sommerfeld bases are unitary quasi-classically. Thus we can apply these bases to compare the Hitchin connection with the KZ connection defined by the monodromy of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation in combinatorial theory (see, for example, [T. Kohno, Topological invariants for 3-manifolds using representations of mapping class group I, Topology 31 (1992), 203-230; II, Contemp. math 175} (1994), 193-217]).Comment: 43 pages, uses: latex2e with amsmath,amsfonts,theore

    Systems of Hess-Appel'rot Type and Zhukovskii Property

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    We start with a review of a class of systems with invariant relations, so called {\it systems of Hess--Appel'rot type} that generalizes the classical Hess--Appel'rot rigid body case. The systems of Hess-Appel'rot type carry an interesting combination of both integrable and non-integrable properties. Further, following integrable line, we study partial reductions and systems having what we call the {\it Zhukovskii property}: these are Hamiltonian systems with invariant relations, such that partially reduced systems are completely integrable. We prove that the Zhukovskii property is a quite general characteristic of systems of Hess-Appel'rote type. The partial reduction neglects the most interesting and challenging part of the dynamics of the systems of Hess-Appel'rot type - the non-integrable part, some analysis of which may be seen as a reconstruction problem. We show that an integrable system, the magnetic pendulum on the oriented Grassmannian Gr+(4,2)Gr^+(4,2) has natural interpretation within Zhukovskii property and it is equivalent to a partial reduction of certain system of Hess-Appel'rot type. We perform a classical and an algebro-geometric integration of the system, as an example of an isoholomorphic system. The paper presents a lot of examples of systems of Hess-Appel'rot type, giving an additional argument in favor of further study of this class of systems.Comment: 42 page

    Rational Solutions of the Painleve' VI Equation

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    In this paper, we classify all values of the parameters α\alpha, β\beta, γ\gamma and δ\delta of the Painlev\'e VI equation such that there are rational solutions. We give a formula for them up to the birational canonical transformations and the symmetries of the Painlev\'e VI equation.Comment: 13 pages, 1 Postscript figure Typos fixe

    Temperature, composition and age of the Kara Sea Shelf sediments in the area of the Marre-Sale Geocryological Station

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    The paper presents results of the study of the uppermost 20 m-thick layer of the near-Yamal shelf bottom sediments, penetrated in May 2014 by two VSEGINGEO boreholes equipped with LРС loggers, with an aim of the temperature regime dynamics monitoring in the nearshore bottom sediments, both for the research purposes and in as much as the data add value to the forthcoming hydrocarbon resource development on the Russian continental shelf. On the basis of the temperature variation observations during three summer months of 2014, it has been established that marine silty clays and aleurites composing the bottom sediment section, represent relict frozen deposits subjected to cryogenic metamorphism in the subaerial exposure environment. Diatom assemblages occurring in aleurite and clayey deposits consist exclusively of the marine extinct species typical of the Early Eocene Pyxilla gracilis diatom zone. A modern marine sublittoral diatom assemblage is found inhabiting the sands of the upper part of the onshore borehole section