2,831 research outputs found

    Calculation of the Thomas-Ehrman shift in 16^{16}F and 15^{15}O(p,p) cross section with the Gamow shell model

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    The 16^{16}F nucleus is situated at the proton drip-line and is unbound by proton emission by only about 500 keV. Continuum coupling is then prominent in this nucleus. Added to that, its low-lying spectrum consists of narrow proton resonances as well. It is then a very good candidate to study nuclear structure and reactions at proton drip-line. The low-lying spectrum and scattering proton-proton cross section of 16^{16}F have then been calculated with the coupled-channel Gamow shell model framework for that matter using an effective Hamiltonian. Experimental data are very well reproduced, as well as in its mirror nucleus 16^{16}N. Isospin-symmetry breaking generated by the Coulomb interaction and continuum coupling explicitly appears in our calculations. In particular, the different continuum couplings in 16^{16}F and 16^{16}N involving s1/2s_{1/2} partial waves allow to explain the different ordering of low-lying states in their spectrum.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C. (Letters

    Online Data Stream Learning and Classification with Limited Labels

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    Mining data streams such as Internet traffic andnetwork security is complex. Due to the difficulty of storage, datastreams analytics need to be done in one scan. This limits thetime to observe stream feature and hence, further complicatesthe data mining processes. Traditional supervised data miningwith batch training natural is not suitable to mine data streams.This paper proposes an algorithm for online data streamclassification and learning with limited labels using selective selftrainingsemi-supervised classification. The experimental resultsshow it is able to achieve up to 99.6% average accuracy for 10%labeled data and 98.6% average accuracy for 1% labeled data. Itcan classify up to 34K instances per second

    Transition Density and Pressure at the Inner Edge of Neutron Star Crusts

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    Using the nuclear symmetry energy that has been recently constrained by the isospin diffusion data in intermediate-energy heavy ion collisions, we have studied the transition density and pressure at the inner edge of neutron star crusts, and they are found to be 0.040 fm3^{-3} ρt0.065\leq \rho_{t}\leq 0.065 fm3^{-3} and 0.01 MeV/fm3^{3} Pt0.26\leq P_{t}\leq 0.26 MeV/fm3^{3}, respectively, in both the dynamical and thermodynamical approaches. We have also found that the widely used parabolic approximation to the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter gives significantly higher values of core-crust transition density and pressure, especially for stiff symmetry energies. With these newly determined transition density and pressure, we have obtained an improved relation between the mass and radius of neutron stars.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, proceeding of "The International Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics in Heavy-Ion Reactions and the Symmetry Energy (IWND2009)

    Online peer-to-peer traffic identification based on complex events processing of traffic event signatures

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications are bandwidth-heavy and lead to network congestion. The masquerading nature of P2P traffic makes conventional methods of its identification futile. In order to manage and control P2P traffic efficiently preferably in the network, it is necessary to identify such traffic online and accurately. This paper proposes a technique for online P2P identification based on traffic events signatures. The experimental results show that it is able to identify P2P traffic on the fly with an accuracy of 97.7%, precision of 98% and recall of 99.2%

    Pressure dependence of the charge-density-wave gap in rare-earth tri-tellurides

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    We investigate the pressure dependence of the optical properties of CeTe3_3, which exhibits an incommensurate charge-density-wave (CDW) state already at 300 K. Our data are collected in the mid-infrared spectral range at room temperature and at pressures between 0 and 9 GPa. The energy for the single particle excitation across the CDW gap decreases upon increasing the applied pressure, similarly to the chemical pressure by rare-earth substitution. The broadening of the bands upon lattice compression removes the perfect nesting condition of the Fermi surface and therefore diminishes the impact of the CDW transition on the electronic properties of RRTe3_3.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Z2_2 topology and superconductivity from symmetry lowering of a 3D Dirac Metal Au2_2Pb

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    3D Dirac semi-metals (DSMs) are materials that have massless Dirac electrons and exhibit exotic physical properties It has been suggested that structurally distorting a DSM can create a Topological Insulator (TI), but this has not yet been experimentally verified. Furthermore, quasiparticle excitations known as Majorana Fermions have been theoretically proposed to exist in materials that exhibit superconductivity and topological surface states. Here we show that the cubic Laves phase Au2_2Pb has a bulk Dirac cone above 100 K that gaps out upon cooling at a structural phase transition to create a topologically non trivial phase that superconducts below 1.2 K. The nontrivial Z2_2 = -1 invariant in the low temperature phase indicates that Au2_2Pb in its superconducting state must have topological surface states. These characteristics make Au2_2Pb a unique platform for studying the transition between bulk Dirac electrons and topological surface states as well as studying the interaction of superconductivity with topological surface states

    An evolved disk surrounding the massive main sequence star MWC 297?

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    We present the results of the interferometric observations of the circumstellar disk surrounding MWC 297 in the continuum at 230 GHz (1.3 mm) and in the (J=2-1) rotational transitions of 12^{12}CO,13^{13}CO and C18^{18}O using the Submillimeter Array. At a distance of 250 pc, MWC 297 is one of the closest, young massive stars (M_{\star} \sim10 M_{\odot}) to us. Compact continuum emission is detected towards MWC 297 from which we estimate a disk mass (gas+dust) of 0.07 M_{\odot} and a disk radius of \le 80 AU. Our result demonstrates that circumstellar disks can survive around massive stars well into their main sequence phase even after they have become optically visible. Complementing our observations with the data compiled from the literature, we find the submm dust opacity index β\beta to be between 0.1 and 0.3. If the emission is optically thin, the low value of β\beta indicates the presence of relatively large grains in the disk, possibly because of grain growth. We do not detect any CO emission associated with the continuum source. We argue that the 13^{13}CO emission from the disk is likely optically thin, in which case, we derive an upper limit to the gas mass which implies significant depletion of molecular gas in the disk. The mass of this disk and the evolutionary trends observed are similar to those found for intermediate mass Herbig Ae stars and low mass T Tauri stars.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Suppression of decoherence by bath ordering

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    The dynamics of two coupled spins-1/2 coupled to a spin-bath is studied as an extended model of the Tessieri-Wilkie Hamiltonian \cite{TWmodel}. The pair of spins served as an open subsystem were prepared in one of the Bell states and the bath consisted of some spins-1/2 is in a thermal equilibrium state from the very beginning. It is found that with the increasing the coupling strength of the bath spins, the bath forms a resonant antiferromagnetic order. The polarization correlation between the two spins of the subsystem and the concurrence are recovered in some extent to the isolated subsystem. This suppression of the subsystem decoherence may be used to control the quantum devices in practical applications.Comment: 32 pages, Chinese Physics (accepted

    Evidence for coupling between collective state and phonons in two-dimensional charge-density-wave systems

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    We report on a Raman scattering investigation of the charge-density-wave (CDW), quasi two-dimensional rare-earth tri-tellurides RRTe3_3 (RR= La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd and Dy) at ambient pressure, and of LaTe3_3 and CeTe3_3 under externally applied pressure. The observed phonon peaks can be ascribed to the Raman active modes for both the undistorted as well as the distorted lattice in the CDW state by means of a first principles calculation. The latter also predicts the Kohn anomaly in the phonon dispersion, driving the CDW transition. The integrated intensity of the two most prominent modes scales as a characteristic power of the CDW-gap amplitude upon compressing the lattice, which provides clear evidence for the tight coupling between the CDW condensate and the vibrational modes