619 research outputs found

    SU(3) Decomposition of Two-Body B Decay Amplitudes

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    We present the complete flavor SU(3) decomposition of decay amplitudes for decays of the triplet (B^+_u, B^0_d, B^0_s) of B mesons nonleptonically into two pseudoscalar mesons. This analysis holds for arbitrarily broken SU(3) and can be used to generate amplitude relations when physical arguments permit one to neglect or relate any of the reduced amplitudes.Comment: 31 pages, revtex, no figure

    A method for determining CP violating phase γ\gamma

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    A new way of determining the phases of weak amplitudes in charged BB decays based on SU(3) symmetry is proposed. The CP violating phase γ\gamma can now be determined without the previous difficulty associated with electroweak penguins.Comment: 9 pages plus one figure, Revte

    Determination of CKM phases through rigid polygons of flavor SU(3) amplitudes

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    Some new methods for the extraction of CKM phases α\alpha and γ\gamma using flavor SU(3) symmetry have been suggested through the construction of rigid polygons in the complex plane with sides equal to the decay amplitudes of B mesons into two mesons belonging to the light (charmless) pseudoscalar octet. These rigid polygons incorporate all the possible amplitude triangles and, being overdetermined, also serve as consistency checks and in estimating the rates of some decay modes. The same techniques also lead to numerous useful amplitude triangles when octet-singlet mixing has been taken into account and nearly physical η,η\eta,\eta' are used.Comment: A few detailed explanations added, some rearrangement of sections and a few minor changes in notation. 19 pages, 1 PostScript figure, uses psfig.st

    Combining CP Asymmetries in BKπB \to K \pi Decays

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    We prove an approximate relation, to leading order in dominant terms, between CP-violating rate differences in B0/Bˉ0K±πB^0/\bar{B}^0 \to K^{\pm}\pi^{\mp} and B±K±π0B^{\pm} \to K^{\pm}\pi^0. We show how data from these two processes may be combined in order to enhance the significance of a nonzero result.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters, revise

    Determining the Weak Phase γ\gamma From Charged BB Decays

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    A quadrangle relation is shown to be satisfied by the amplitudes for B+π0K+, π+K0, ηK+B^+ \to \pi^0 K^+,~\pi^+ K^0,~\eta K^+, and ηK+\eta' K^+. By comparison with the corresponding relation satisfied by BB^- decay amplitudes, it is shown that the relative phases of all the amplitudes can be determined up to discrete ambiguities. Making use of an SU(3) relation between amplitudes contributing to the above decays and those contributing to B±π±π0B^{\pm} \to \pi^{\pm} \pi^0, it is then shown that one can determine the weak phase γArg(VubVcb/VusVcs)\gamma \equiv {\rm Arg} (V_{ub}^* V_{cb}/V_{us}^* V_{cs}), where VV is the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix describing the charge-changing weak interactions between the quarks (u,c,t)(u,c,t) and (d,s,b)(d,s,b).Comment: 16 pages, latex, 7 uuencoded figure

    A Possibility of large electro-weak penguin contribution in B -> K pi modes

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    We discuss about a possibility of large electro-weak penguin contribution in B -> K pi from recent experimental data. The several relations among the branching ratios which realize when the contributions from tree type and electro-weak penguin are small compared with the gluon penguin and can be treated as the expansion parameters do not satisfy the data. The difference comes from the r^2 terms which is the square of the ratio with the gluon penguin and the main contribution comes from electro-weak penguin. We find that the contribution from electro-weak penguin may be large to explain the experimental data. If the magnitude estimated from experiment is quite large compared with the theoretical estimation, then it may be including some new physics effects.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, Typos correcte

    Electroweak Model Independent Tests for SU(3) Symmetry in Hadronic B Decays

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    We study effects of new physics beyond the Standard Model on SU(3) symmetry in charmless hadronic two body B decays. It is found that several equalities for some of the decay amplitudes, such as A(Bd(Bu)π+π,π+K(πKˉ0))=A(BsK+π,KK+(K0Kˉ0))A(B_d (B_u) \to \pi^+\pi^-,\pi^+ K^- (\pi^- \bar K^0)) =A(B_s \to K^+ \pi^-, K^- K^+ (K^0 \bar K^0)), A(Bdπ+ρ,πρ+,Kρ+,π+K)=A(BsK+ρ,πK+,KK+,K+K)A(B_d \to \pi^+\rho^-, \pi^- \rho^+, K^-\rho^+, \pi^+ K^{*-}) = A(B_s \to K^+ \rho^-, \pi^- K^{*+}, K^- K^{*+}, K^+ K^{*-}), A(Bd(Bu)ρ+ρ,ρ+K(ρKˉ0))=A(BsK+ρ,KK+(K0Kˉ0))A(B_d (B_u) \to \rho^+\rho^-, \rho^+ K^{*-}(\rho^- \bar K^{*0})) =A(B_s \to K^{*+} \rho^-, K^{*-} K^{*+} (K^{*0} \bar K^{*0})), predicted by SU(3) symmetry in the SM are not affected by new physics. These relations provide important electroweak model independent tests for SU(3) symmetry in B decays.Comment: 4 pages, revte

    Weak Coupling Phase from Decays of Charged B Mesons to πK\pi K and ππ\pi\pi

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    The theory of CPCP violation based on phases in weak couplings in the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix requires the phase γArg Vub\gamma \equiv {\rm Arg~} V^*_{ub} (in a standard convention) to be nonzero. A measurement of γ\gamma is proposed based on charged BB meson decay rates to π+K0\pi^+ K^0, π0K+\pi^0 K^+, π+π0\pi^+ \pi^0, and the charge-conjugate states. The corresponding branching ratios are expected to be of the order of 10510^{-5}. (submitted to Physical Review Letters)Comment: LaTeX, 8 pages, 2 figures (not included, available upon request), TECHNION-PH-94-7, EFI-94-14, UdeM-LPN-TH-94-19

    Annihilation, Rescattering, and CP Asymmetries in B Meson Decays

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    A number of BB meson decays may proceed only through participation of the spectator quark, whether through amplitudes proportional to fB/mBf_B/m_B or via rescattering from other less-suppressed amplitudes. An expected hierarchy of amplitudes in the absence of rescattering will be violated by rescattering corrections. Such violations could point the way toward channels in which final-state interactions could be important. Cases in which final state phases can lead to large CP asymmetries are pointed out.Comment: 9 page