345 research outputs found

    Bhabha scattering at LEP1. Calorimeter event selection

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    Analitical calculations have been used to describe the calorimeter event selection in small-angle electron-positron scattering at LEP1. The first-order QED correction to the Born cross-section has been derived with leading log and the next-to-leading log approximations. The second- and the third-order corrections were computed with leading accuracy. The present analytical results are illustated by Tabeles and compared with the corresponding results obtained with the Monte Carlo generator BHLUMI.Comment: 26p., submitted to Journ. of Physics

    Comparative analysis of the range list of medicines for the treatment of arterial hypertension in accordance with domestic and international clinical guidelines

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    Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death and disability worldwide. There are more than 12 million patients with hypertension in Ukraine. Timely prescription of medicines patients with AH in accordance with current clinical guidelines significantly improves the quality of life and survival of patients. The purpose of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the international and domestic range of modern medicines for the treatment of hypertension according to INN and ATC-classification and to investigate the status of their registration and inclusion in the reimbursement lists in Ukraine in order to determine the potential physical availability of drugs for the treatment of hypertension. An analysis of the domestic regulatory framework showed that international CG for the treatment of hypertension and national CPs can be used in Ukraine. The content analysis of the CG showed that international CG include classes of medicines for initial and maintenance therapy of hypertension: ACE inhibitors, ARBs, diuretics (thiazide and thiazide-like), calcium antagonists and beta-blockers, while preference is given to combinations of these drugs due to better adherence patients for treatment. It was found that according to the ATC classification, 41 ACE inhibitors and their combinations are represented on the international pharmaceutical market for the treatment of hypertension; of which 16 are single-component drugs, 25 are combined; ARB II and their combinations ‒ 32, single-component 10, combinations ‒ 22; calcium channel blockers and their combinations ‒ 21, single-component ‒ 18, combinations ‒ 2, thiazide diuretics ‒ 10, thiazide-like diuretics ‒ 11. An analysis of the status of registration in Ukraine according to certain INN and ATC classification showed that 56 drugs were registered, which is 48.69% of the possible 115 (drugs and ACE inhibitors and their combinations 22 (53.65%), ARBs II and their combinations 21 (65.63%); CCBs and their combinations ‒ 8 (38.10%); thiazide diuretics ‒ 1 (10%), thiazide-like diuretics ‒ 3 (27.27%))

    Meromorphic Approximants to Complex Cauchy Transforms with Polar Singularities

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    We study AAK-type meromorphic approximants to functions FF, where FF is a sum of a rational function RR and a Cauchy transform of a complex measure λ\lambda with compact regular support included in (1,1)(-1,1), whose argument has bounded variation on the support. The approximation is understood in LpL^p-norm of the unit circle, p2p\geq2. We obtain that the counting measures of poles of the approximants converge to the Green equilibrium distribution on the support of λ\lambda relative to the unit disk, that the approximants themselves converge in capacity to FF, and that the poles of RR attract at least as many poles of the approximants as their multiplicity and not much more.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figure

    Fractional Kinetics for Relaxation and Superdiffusion in Magnetic Field

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    We propose fractional Fokker-Planck equation for the kinetic description of relaxation and superdiffusion processes in constant magnetic and random electric fields. We assume that the random electric field acting on a test charged particle is isotropic and possesses non-Gaussian Levy stable statistics. These assumptions provide us with a straightforward possibility to consider formation of anomalous stationary states and superdiffusion processes, both properties are inherent to strongly non-equilibrium plasmas of solar systems and thermonuclear devices. We solve fractional kinetic equations, study the properties of the solution, and compare analytical results with those of numerical simulation based on the solution of the Langevin equations with the noise source having Levy stable probability density. We found, in particular, that the stationary states are essentially non-Maxwellian ones and, at the diffusion stage of relaxation, the characteristic displacement of a particle grows superdiffusively with time and is inversely proportional to the magnetic field.Comment: 15 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures PostScrip

    Characteristics of intestinal microbiota of infants according to data of sequencing of the 16s RRNA gene

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    The article presents the results of a single study the intestinal microbiota of healthy infants. Study was performed 11 fecal samples, followed by targeted sequencing the amplified sites on the 16S rRNA gene Miseq platform (Illumina, USA), according to standard protocols. Total 600 unique OTU (operation taxonomic units), grouped into 7 bacterial phyla (Phylum) have been identified. Each sample had an average of 190±80 OTU at the species level. Established predominance of gram-positive anaerobic bacteria (71±23%). Quantitative phylum distribution was as follows: phylum Firmicutes – 43±15% (represented by Clostridium spp., Blautia spp., Lactobacillus spp., Enterococcus spp. and Veillonella spp.), The phylum Actinobacteria – 38±10% (of which more than 90% the OTU were represented Bifidobacterium spp.) and the phylum Proteobacteria – 15±8% (represented by the family Enterobacteriaceae). Representatives of phylum Bacteroidetes been identified (7–15%) in only three of eleven samples. All samples characterized by low species diversity, Shannon index and criterion α-diversity were in the range of 1,5–4,2, and 3–20, respectively. Children who are breastfed, observed a higher number of representatives of Proteobacteria, compared with children on artificial feeding. Noted the influence of adverse factors of pregnancy mothers (antibiotics, respiratory infection) on the composition of the intestinal microbiota of children, which reflected in the dominance of Klebsiella pneumoniae in one case, and the dominance of Enterococcus durans otherwise

    Reimbursement of combined antihypertensive medicenes in Ukraine: aspects of inclusion and external reference pricing

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), in particular arterial hypertension (AH), are the main causes of morbidity and mortality, Ukraine is on the 1st place in Europe for mortality from these diseases. Modern clinical guidelines emphasize the use of combined antihypertensive drugs, and improving the accessibility of these medicines for Ukrainian patients with hypertension is relevant. In Ukraine, at the end of 2022, there were no combined antihypertensive drugs in the List of reimbursed drugs. Therefore, there is a need to develop scientific and practical approaches to improve the «Affordable Medicines» reimbursement program in accordance with modern trends in the treatment of hypertension. The aim of the study is to formulate scientific and practical proposals for the inclusion of combined antihypertensive drugs in the state reimbursement program «Affordable Medicines» and to improve external reference pricing. Оbjects of the study were Orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, national and international clinical guidelines, WHO ATC/DDD methodology guidelines. The study used content analysis, methods of comparative and logical analysis. At the 1st stage of the study, it was found that the current legislation of Ukraine does not prohibit the inclusion of combined antihypertensive drugs in the National List of Essential Medicines, and it is not limited solely to WHO recommendations. In the second stage of the study, it is proposed to use the data of pharmacoepidemiological studies and data of studies of actual consumption of combinated antihypertensive drugs in Ukraine, for further state HTA assessment and inclusion in the National List of Essential Medicines and «Affordable Medicines» program. The third and fourth stages of the study showed that the mechanism of external reference pricing needs to be improved and an algorithm for conducting external reference pricing for combined antihypertensive drugs, consisting of five consecutive stages, was developed and proposed. The current regulatory framework of Ukraine provides the possibility of including combined antihypertensive drugs in the state program «Affordable Medicines», and the initiation of the inclusion of medicines is within the competence of the Ministry of Health and the NHSU. A scientific and practical approach to the use of pharmaco-epidemiological research data to identify the most used doses of combined antihypertensive drugs as potential candidates for inclusion in the «Affordable Medicines» program is proposed. A scientific and practical algorithm for external reference pricing for combinated antihypertensive drugs was developed, considering current regulatory and methodological aspects

    Advantages and perspectives of using medicines in the form of auto injectors and prefilled syringes

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    Today, there is a need to introduce medical devices into everyday medical practice with the goal to self-administer injectional drugs. The speed and safety of auto-injectors / pre-filled syringe pens use (AI/PFS) is the introduction of an injectional form drug in a special medical device, which allows patients to enter a pre-designated therapeutic dose due to the characteristics of the structure of the product, automatic dosing, data of the interactive display on some devices, comfortable design, etc. Considering that AI/PFS were developed to improve the quality of life of patients with various pathological conditions, therefore the creation of affordable medical devices for low-income groups of the population is relevant today. Also an actual issue is the provision of high-quality first-aid kits for soldiers, which is a vital component for medical care in the context of active combat conditions and the lack of the required number of field hospitals.The speed of administration, the onset of effect and ease of use provides significant advantages for AI / PFS. Therefore, the issue of affordability for the low-income groups of the population and the army with the necessary drugs should be sufficiently supported by state regulation.Purpose of study – study of the international experience in the implementation and use of drugs (drugs) in the form of affordable, safe and effective modern dosage forms in the form of autoinjectors.Materials and methods – foreign and domestic literature on the use of AI/PFS in complex and monotherapy treatment of various diseases. State registries of medicines of Ukraine, the USA and some EU countries. The study used systematic, statistical and comparative analyzes, as well as the generalization of information. The data used is freely available among various medical scientific and metric bases, the Internet and international scientific conferences.The analysis of the use of AI/PFS indicates that today the world market of medicines and medical devices contains a large number of drugs under different trade names. However, many patients in the world refrain from using these dosage forms due to the significant cost of medical devices, which makes impossible the required regular use of such drugs for the low-income population groups. This is a significant disadvantage, since AI / PFS is implemented to correct not only chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, but also to provide emergency careinurgent conditions (anaphylactic reactions, intense pain, etc.).In the global market for drugs and medical devices, injectable medicines in the form of AI/PFS are widely represented. The effectiveness of the use of such devices indicates the advantages and prospects for the use of existing AI/PFS on the global market for patients and medical personnel. Today, the most commonly used drugs in AI/PFSare for the treatment of diabetes, emergency conditions in civil and military medicine, chronic diseases of various etiologies, pediatric practice. The use of AI /PFS significantly improves patient compliance for the treatment of chronic diseases due to ease of use and reduction of adverse reactions at the site of administration. Most of the analyzed sources indicate a low level of economic affordability of drugs in the form of AI/PFS for the population and the government sector of drug supply due to the high cost of the medical devices, compared to traditional syringes. But the results of the study indicate a high level of advantages and prospects in the use of drugs in AI/PFS in medical practice for both medical personnel and patients

    Calculation technical and operational parameters of incandescence lamps in electric network of the any configuration

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    В роботі описано математичну модель ламп розжарення, використання якої дозволяє визначати як технічні, так і експлуатаційні інтегральні параметри ламп розжарення при довільних значеннях напруги мережі. Це дає можливість оцінювати енергетичну ефективність експлуатації ламп розжарення в системах регулювання світлового потоку або при відхиленнях напруги мережі від номінальних значень при аналізі електричних кіл довільної конфігурації.In work is considered the algebraic mathematical model of incandescent lamps which uses allows to define electric and lighting characteristics of incandescent lamps at any values of a voltage of a network. It enables to estimate power efficiency of operation of incandescent lamps in regulating systems of a lighting stream at deviations of a mains voltage from rating values