169 research outputs found

    Influence of biomaterial nanotopography on the adhesive and elastic properties of Staphylococcus aureus cells

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    Despite the well-known beneficial effects of biomaterial nanopatterning on host tissue integration, the influence of controlled nanoscale topography on bacterial colonisation and infection remains unknown. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the nanoscale effect of surface nanopatterning on biomaterial colonisation by S. aureus, utilising AFM nanomechanics and single-cell force spectroscopy (SCFS). Nanoindentation of S. aureus bound to planar (PL) and nanopatterned (SQ) polycarbonate (PC) surfaces suggested two distinct areas of mechanical properties, consistent with a central bacterial cell surrounded by a capsullar component. Nevertheless, no differences in elastic moduli were found between bacteria bound to PL and SQ, suggesting a minor role of nanopatterning in bacterial cell elasticity. Furthermore, SCFS demonstrated increased adhesion forces and work between S. aureus and SQ surfaces at 0 s and 1 s contact times. Although WLC modelling showed similarities in contour lengths for attachment to both surfaces, Poisson analysis suggests increased short-range forces for the S. aureus–SQ interactions. In the case of S. aureus–PL, long-range forces were found to not only be dominant but also repulsive in nature, which may help explain the reduced adhesion forces observed during AFM probing. In conclusion, although surface nanopatterning does not significantly influence the elasticity of attached bacterial cells, it was found to promote the early-adhesion of S. aureus cells to the biomaterial surface

    Control of crystal polymorph in microfluidics using molluscan 28 kDa Ca2+-binding protein

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    Biominerals produced by biological systems in physiologically relevant environments possess extraordinary properties that are often difficult to replicate under laboratory conditions. Understanding the mechanism that underlies the process of biomineralisation can lead to novel strategies in the development of advanced materials. Using microfluidics, we have demonstrated for the first time, that an extrapallial (EP) 28 kDa protein, located in the extrapallial compartment between mantle and shell of Mytilus edulis, can influence, at both micro- and nanoscopic levels, the morphology, structure and polymorph that is laid down in the shell ultrastructure. Crucially, this influence is predominantly dependent on the existence of an EP protein concentration gradient and its consecutive interaction with Ca2+ ions. Novel lemon-shaped hollow vaterite structures with a clearly defined nanogranular assembly occur only where particular EP protein and Ca2+ gradients co-exist. Computational fluid dynamics enabled the progress of the reaction to be mapped and the influence of concentration gradients across the device to be calculated. Importantly, these findings could not have been observed using conventional bulk mixing methods. Our findings not only provide direct experimental evidence of the potential influence of EP proteins in crystal formation, but also offer a new biomimetic strategy to develop functional biomaterials for applications such as encapsulation and drug delivery

    Tunable BODIPY derivatives amenable to "click" and peptide chemistry

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    Novel azido- and amino- functionalised fluorescent probes based on the BODIPY framework have been developed. The probes can be easily and cheaply synthesised, exhibit the highly desirable BODIPY fluorescent properties, and are amenable to “click” and peptide chemistry methodologies. These probes provide a stable and readily available tool amenable for the visualisation of both solution and solid supported events

    Influence of biomaterial nanotopography on the adhesive and elastic properties of Staphylococcus aureus cells

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    Despite the well-known beneficial effects of biomaterial nanopatterning on host tissue integration, the influence of controlled nanoscale topography on bacterial colonisation and infection remains unknown. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the nanoscale effect of surface nanopatterning on biomaterial colonisation by S. aureus, utilising AFM nanomechanics and single-cell force spectroscopy (SCFS). Nanoindentation of S. aureus bound to planar (PL) and nanopatterned (SQ) polycarbonate (PC) surfaces suggested two distinct areas of mechanical properties, consistent with a central bacterial cell surrounded by a capsullar component. Nevertheless, no differences in elastic moduli were found between bacteria bound to PL and SQ, suggesting a minor role of nanopatterning in bacterial cell elasticity. Furthermore, SCFS demonstrated increased adhesion forces and work between S. aureus and SQ surfaces at 0 s and 1 s contact times. Although WLC modelling showed similarities in contour lengths for attachment to both surfaces, Poisson analysis suggests increased short-range forces for the S. aureus–SQ interactions. In the case of S. aureus–PL, long-range forces were found to not only be dominant but also repulsive in nature, which may help explain the reduced adhesion forces observed during AFM probing. In conclusion, although surface nanopatterning does not significantly influence the elasticity of attached bacterial cells, it was found to promote the early-adhesion of S. aureus cells to the biomaterial surface

    Development of a novel 3D culture system for screening features of a complex implantable device for CNS repair

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    Tubular scaffolds which incorporate a variety of micro- and nanotopographies have a wide application potential in tissue engineering especially for the repair of spinal cord injury (SCI). We aim to produce metabolically active differentiated tissues within such tubes, as it is crucially important to evaluate the biological performance of the three-dimensional (3D) scaffold and optimize the bioprocesses for tissue culture. Because of the complex 3D configuration and the presence of various topographies, it is rarely possible to observe and analyze cells within such scaffolds in situ. Thus, we aim to develop scaled down mini-chambers as simplified in vitro simulation systems, to bridge the gap between two-dimensional (2D) cell cultures on structured substrates and three-dimensional (3D) tissue culture. The mini-chambers were manipulated to systematically simulate and evaluate the influences of gravity, topography, fluid flow, and scaffold dimension on three exemplary cell models that play a role in CNS repair (i.e., cortical astrocytes, fibroblasts, and myelinating cultures) within a tubular scaffold created by rolling up a microstructured membrane. Since we use CNS myelinating cultures, we can confirm that the scaffold does not affect neural cell differentiation. It was found that heterogeneous cell distribution within the tubular constructs was caused by a combination of gravity, fluid flow, topography, and scaffold configuration, while cell survival was influenced by scaffold length, porosity, and thickness. This research demonstrates that the mini-chambers represent a viable, novel, scale down approach for the evaluation of complex 3D scaffolds as well as providing a microbioprocessing strategy for tissue engineering and the potential repair of SCI

    A membrane’s blueprint: in silico investigation of fluid flow and molecular transport as a function of membrane design parameters in organ-on-a-chip

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    Following the rapid growth of Organ-on-a-Chip (OoaC) technology, porous membranes have become essential components for in vitro tissue barrier models. Nonetheless, literature highlights lacking knowledge on their integration and effect on microfluidic devices. Therefore, we conducted finite element modelling (FEM) to characterize the influence of membrane, channel geometry, flow and diffusion parameters, in modelling flow rate, shear stress, transient transport and steady state molecular concentration. This analysis was performed for four different conditions based on single channel (SCP) and parallel perfusion (PP). It was found that membrane and geometry parameters are crucial in determining flow and shear for SCP. However, for PP, flow and shear are predominantly governed by the inlet flow rate. Although the transient behaviour is well-controlled within SCP and PP, only PP allows modelling the steady state concentration distribution. It is highlighted that: (1) the pore radius has great influence on flow and shear; (2) a shallow cell channel and a long membrane are capable of establishing different levels of shear on opposing surfaces of the same channel; (3) the membrane thickness, membrane length, height of the cell and flow channels, and inlet flow rate provide good control over transient transport; (4) the membrane length and inlet flow rate enable changing the concentration from a uniform distribution to a complete heterogeneous state across the device. Experimental assays were performed to support the FEM and evidence its significance for OoaC applications. Ultimately, extensive, and systematic guidelines are provided on designing future OoaC devices with integrated porous membranes

    Label-free segmentation of co-cultured cells on a nanotopographical gradient

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    The function and fate of cells is influenced by many different factors, one of which is surface topography of the support culture substrate. Systematic studies of nanotopography and cell response have typically been limited to single cell types and a small set of topographical variations. Here, we show a radical expansion of experimental throughput using automated detection, measurement, and classification of co-cultured cells on a nanopillar array where feature height changes continuously from planar to 250 nm over 9 mm. Individual cells are identified and characterized by more than 200 descriptors, which are used to construct a set of rules for label-free segmentation into individual cell types. Using this approach we can achieve label-free segmentation with 84% confidence across large image data sets and suggest optimized surface parameters for nanostructuring of implant devices such as vascular stents

    Superchiral hot-spots in “real” chiral plasmonic structures

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    Light scattering from chiral plasmonic structures can create near fields with an asymmetry greater than the equivalent circularly polarised light, a property sometimes referred to as superchirality. These near fields with enhanced chiral asymmetries can be exploited for ultrasensitive detection of chiral (bio)molecules. In this combined experimental and numerical modelling study, we demonstrate that superchiral hot-spots are created around structural heterogeneities, such as protrusions and indentations, possessed by all real metal structures. These superchiral hot-spots, have chiral asymmetries greater than what would be expected from an idealised perfect structure. Our work indicates that surface morphology could play a role in determining the efficacy of a chiral structure for sensing
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