25 research outputs found
Peculiar Aspects of Epidemiological Situation on Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever in the Russian Federation in 2011
Outlined is the analysis of epidemiological and epizootiological situation on Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF) in the south of the Russian Federation in 2011. Discussed are the causes of nosocomial outbreak of CHF at the Salsk district central hospital, the Rostov Region. Prognostication on CHF situation for 2012 is made based on the epizootiological monitoring
Epidemiological Situation on Natural Focal Viral Infections in the Territory of the Stavropol Region
Landscape-geographical and climatic peculiarities of the Stavropol Region, high abundance of mosquito and ticks, the diversity of wild mammal and bird species, developed agriculture and infrastructure create favorable conditions for circulation of arboviruses and hantaviruses, emergence of cases of viral infections, which sometimes cause serious epidemic complications. CHF natural focus actively functions in the territory of the Stavropol Region at present. Detected is presence of West Nile fever, tick-born encephalitis, Batai fever agents and specific antibodies, as well as hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome agent
Проведена оценка клинической эффективности и переносимости терапии антибактериальным препа-ратом Лефокцин (левофлоксацин компании Шрея Лайф Саенсиз Пвт. Лтд., Индия) у 125 больных внеболь-ничной пневмонией в возрасте от 18 до 76 лет. Установлено достоверное (p < 0,05) уменьшение симптомов заболевания (уменьшение кашля, одышки, снижение количества мокроты и степени ее гнойности в обеих группах) уже к 3-му дню антибактериальной терапии препаратом Лефокцин. Клиническая эффективность по окончании терапии отмечалась у всех пациентов. Антибактериальный препарат Лефокцин хорошо пе-реносится больными. Переносимость препарата Лефокцин при лечении внебольничной пневмонии была признана отличной у 84 (67,2 %) больных, хорошей -у 32 (25,6 %) больных. Серьезных побочных реакций, требующих отмены препарата, отмечено не было. Высокая клиническая эффективность, хорошая перено-симость позволяют рекомендовать Лефокцин как антибактериальный препарат для эмпирической терапии внебольничной пневмонии. Clinical Polyclinic № 5, Kemerovo, 6 City clinical polyclinic № 5, Perm, e-mail: [email protected]; 7 Stavropol state medical university, Stavropol, e-mail: [email protected] Evaluation of clinical effi cacy and tolerability of antimicrobial Lefoxin (levofl oxacin of the company Shreya Life Sciences PVT.LTD., India) was performed on 125 patients with community-acquired pneumonia at the age from 18 to 76 years. It was established (p < 0,05) that the symptoms reduced (decrease coughing, wheezing, reduction in the number of sputum and its degree of purulence in both groups) by the 3rd day of antibiotic therapy with Lefoxin. At the end of treatment clinical effi cacy was observed in all patients. The antibacterial drug Lefoxin was well tolerated. The drug tolerance of Lefoxin was considered as excellent in 84 (67,2 %) patients and good in 32 (25,6 %) patients in the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia. Serious adverse reactions requiring discontinuation of the drug have not been detected. Clinical effi cacy and good tolerability allow us to recommend Lefoxin as an antibacterial drug for the empirical treatment of community-acquired pneumonia
Concept of JINR Corporate Information System
The article presents the concept of JINR Corporate Information System (JINR CIS). Special attention is given to the information support of scientific researches – Current Research Information System as a part of the corporate information system. The objectives of such a system are focused on ensuring an effective implementation and research by using the modern information technology, computer technology and automation, creation, development and integration of digital resources on a common conceptual framework. The project assumes continuous system development, introduction the new information technologies to ensure the technological system relevance