2,009 research outputs found

    An elementary model of nitrogen uptake and redistribution by annual plant species

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    Charged currents, color dipoles and xF_3 at small x

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    We develop the light-cone color dipole description of highly asymmetric diffractive interactions of left-handed and right-handed electroweak bosons. We identify the origin and estimate the strength of the left-right asymmetry effect in terms of the light-cone wave functions. We report an evaluation of the small-x neutrino-nucleon DIS structure functions xF_3 and 2xF_1 and present comparison with experimental data.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, misprints correcte

    Correlations between spectra with different symmetry: any chance to be observed?

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    A standard assumption in quantum chaology is the absence of correlation between spectra pertaining to different symmetries. Doubts were raised about this statement for several reasons, in particular, because in semiclassics spectra of different symmetry are expressed in terms of the same set of periodic orbits. We reexamine this question and find absence of correlation in the universal regime. In the case of continuous symmetry the problem is reduced to parametric correlation, and we expect correlations to be present up to a certain time which is essentially classical but larger than the ballistic time

    Innovator resilience potential: A process perspective of individual resilience as influenced by innovation project termination

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    Innovation projects fail at an astonishing rate. Yet, the negative effects of innovation project failures on the team members of these projects have been largely neglected in research streams that deal with innovation project failures. After such setbacks, it is vital to maintain or even strengthen project members’ innovative capabilities for subsequent innovation projects. For this, the concept of resilience, i.e. project members’ potential to positively adjust (or even grow) after a setback such as an innovation project failure, is fundamental. We develop the second-order construct of innovator resilience potential, which consists of six components – self-efficacy, outcome expectancy, optimism, hope, self-esteem, and risk propensity – that are important for project members’ potential of innovative functioning in innovation projects subsequent to a failure. We illustrate our theoretical findings by means of a qualitative study of a terminated large-scale innovation project, and derive implications for research and management

    Self-pulsing effect in chaotic scattering

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    We study the quantum and classical scattering of Hamiltonian systems whose chaotic saddle is described by binary or ternary horseshoes. We are interested in parameters of the system for which a stable island, associated with the inner fundamental periodic orbit of the system exists and is large, but chaos around this island is well developed. In this situation, in classical systems, decay from the interaction region is algebraic, while in quantum systems it is exponential due to tunneling. In both cases, the most surprising effect is a periodic response to an incoming wave packet. The period of this self-pulsing effect or scattering echoes coincides with the mean period, by which the scattering trajectories rotate around the stable orbit. This period of rotation is directly related to the development stage of the underlying horseshoe. Therefore the predicted echoes will provide experimental access to topological information. We numerically test these results in kicked one dimensional models and in open billiards.Comment: Submitted to New Journal of Physics. Two movies (not included) and full-resolution figures are available at http://www.cicc.unam.mx/~mejia

    Wet Granular Materials

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    Most studies on granular physics have focused on dry granular media, with no liquids between the grains. However, in geology and many real world applications (e.g., food processing, pharmaceuticals, ceramics, civil engineering, constructions, and many industrial applications), liquid is present between the grains. This produces inter-grain cohesion and drastically modifies the mechanical properties of the granular media (e.g., the surface angle can be larger than 90 degrees). Here we present a review of the mechanical properties of wet granular media, with particular emphasis on the effect of cohesion. We also list several open problems that might motivate future studies in this exciting but mostly unexplored field.Comment: review article, accepted for publication in Advances in Physics; tex-style change

    Open Mushrooms: Stickiness revisited

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    We investigate mushroom billiards, a class of dynamical systems with sharply divided phase space. For typical values of the control parameter of the system ρ\rho, an infinite number of marginally unstable periodic orbits (MUPOs) exist making the system sticky in the sense that unstable orbits approach regular regions in phase space and thus exhibit regular behaviour for long periods of time. The problem of finding these MUPOs is expressed as the well known problem of finding optimal rational approximations of a real number, subject to some system-specific constraints. By introducing a generalized mushroom and using properties of continued fractions, we describe a zero measure set of control parameter values ρ∈(0,1)\rho\in(0,1) for which all MUPOs are destroyed and therefore the system is less sticky. The open mushroom (billiard with a hole) is then considered in order to quantify the stickiness exhibited and exact leading order expressions for the algebraic decay of the survival probability function P(t)P(t) are calculated for mushrooms with triangular and rectangular stems.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. Includes discussion of a three-dimensional mushroo

    Flavor and Charge Symmetry in the Parton Distributions of the Nucleon

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    Recent calculations of charge symmetry violation(CSV) in the valence quark distributions of the nucleon have revealed that the dominant symmetry breaking contribution comes from the mass associated with the spectator quark system.Assuming that the change in the spectator mass can be treated perturbatively, we derive a model independent expression for the shift in the parton distributions of the nucleon. This result is used to derive a relation between the charge and flavor asymmetric contributions to the valence quark distributions in the proton, and to calculate CSV contributions to the nucleon sea. The CSV contribution to the Gottfried sum rule is also estimated, and found to be small

    Developing autonomous learning in first year university students using perspectives from positive psychology

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    Autonomous learning is a commonly occurring learning outcome from university study, and it is argued that students require confidence in their own abilities to achieve this. Using approaches from positive psychology, this study aimed to develop confidence in first‐year university students to facilitate autonomous learning. Psychological character strengths were assessed in 214 students on day one at university. Two weeks later their top three strengths were given to them in study skills modules as part of a psycho‐educational intervention designed to increase their self‐efficacy and self‐esteem. The impact of the intervention was assessed against a control group of 40 students who had not received the intervention. The results suggested that students were more confident after the intervention, and that levels of autonomous learning increased significantly compared to the controls. Character strengths were found to be associated with self‐efficacy, self‐esteem and autonomous learning in ways that were theoretically meaningful

    A High Statistics Search for Electron-Neutrino --> Tau-Neutrino Oscillations

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    We present new limits on nu_e to nu_tau and nu_e to nu_sterile oscillations by searching for electron neutrino dissappearance in the high-energy wide-band CCFR neutrino beam. Sensitivity to nu_tau appearance comes from tau decay modes in which a large fraction of the energy deposited is electromagnetic. The beam is composed primarily of muon neutrinos but this analysis uses the 2.3% electron neutrino component of the beam. Electron neutrino energies range from 30 to 600 GeV and flight lengths vary from 0.9 to 1.4 km. This limit improves the sensitivity of existing limits and obtains a lowest 90% confidence upper limit in sin**2(2*alpha) of 9.9 x 10**(-2) at delta-m**2 of 125 eV**2.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Rapid Com
