684 research outputs found

    Quantum point contact with large localized spin: fractional quantization of the ballistic conductance

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    We analyze the conductance of the quantum point contact containing large localized spin J. The additional plateau is formed on a ballistic conductance staircase if only one propagating channel is rendered conducting. The conductance value at this plateau is shown to depend strongly on J and decrease from 3e^2/2h to e^2/h when J increases from 1/2 to infinity, which is in a good agreement with the experimental observations [D.J. Reilly, et al, Phys. Rev. B 63, 121311 (2001)].Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Mg(2)Si(x)Sn(1-x)heterostructures on Si(111) substrate for optoelectronics and thermoelectronics

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    Thin (50-90 m) non-doped and doped (by Al atoms) Mg2Sn0.6Si0.4 and Mg(2)Sn(0.4)Si(0.6)films with roughness of 1.9-3.7 nm have been grown by multiple deposition and single annealing at 150 degrees C of multilayers formed by repetition deposition of three-layers (Si-Sn-Mg) on Si(111) p-type wafers with 45 cm resistivity. Transmission electron microscopy has shown that the first forming layer is an epitaxial layer of hex-Mg2Sn(300) on Si(111) substrate with thickness not more than 5-7 nm. Epitaxial relationships: hex-Mg2Sn(300)parallel to Si(111), hex-Mg2Sn[001]parallel to Si[-112] and hex-Mg2Sn[030]parallel to Si[110] have been found for the epitaxial layer. But inclusions of cub-Mg2Si were also observed inside hex-Mg2Sn layer. It was found that the remaining part of the film thickness is in amorphous state and has a layered distribution of major elements: Mg, Sn and Mg without exact chemical composition. It was established by optical spectroscopy data that both type films are semiconductor with undispersed region lower 0.18 eV with n(o) = 3.59 +/- 0.01, but only two direct interband transitions with energies 0.75-0.76 eV and 1.2 eV have been determined. The last interband transition has been confirmed by photoreflectance data at room temperature. Fourier transmittance spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy data have established the formation of stannide, silicide and ternary compositions

    Exclusive semileptonic B decays to radially excited D mesons

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    Exclusive semileptonic B decays to radially excited charmed mesons are investigated at the first order of the heavy quark expansion. The arising leading and subleading Isgur-Wise functions are calculated in the framework of the relativistic quark model. It is found that the 1/m_Q corrections play an important role and substantially modify results. An interesting interplay between different corrections is found. As a result the branching ratio for the B-> D'e\nu decay is essentially increased by 1/m_Q corrections, while the one for B-> D*'e\nu is only slightly influenced by them.Comment: 19 pages, revtex, 6 figures, uses rotating.st

    Rare radiative B decays to orbitally excited K mesons

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    The exclusive rare radiative B meson decays to orbitally excited axial-vector mesons K_1^*(1270), K_1(1400) and to the tensor meson K_2^*(1430) are investigated in the framework of the relativistic quark model based on the quasipotential approach in quantum field theory. These decays are considered without employing the heavy quark expansion for the s quark. Instead the s quark is treated to be light and the expansion in inverse powers of the large recoil momentum of the final K^{**} meson is used to simplify calculations. It is found that the ratio of the branching fractions of rare radiative B decays to axial vector K^*_1(1270) and K_1(1400) mesons is significantly influenced by relativistic effects. The obtained results for B decays to the tensor meson K_2^*(1430) agree with recent experimental data from CLEO.Comment: 17 pages, revte

    Spin interference in silicon three-terminal one-dimensional rings

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    We present the first findings of the spin transistor effect in the Rashba gate-controlled ring embedded in the p-type self-assembled silicon quantum well that is prepared on the n-type Si (100) surface. The coherence and phase sensitivity of the spin-dependent transport of holes are studied by varying the value of the external magnetic field and the bias voltage that are applied perpendicularly to the plane of the double-slit ring. Firstly, the amplitude and phase sensitivity of the 0.7(2e^2/h) feature of the hole quantum conductance staircase revealed by the quantum point contact inserted in the one of the arms of the double-slit ring are found to result from the interplay of the spontaneous spin polarization and the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. Secondly, the quantum scatterers connected to two one-dimensional leads and the quantum point contact inserted are shown to define the amplitude and the phase of the Aharonov-Bohm and the Aharonov-Casher conductance oscillations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Relativistic Description of Exclusive Heavy-to-Light Semileptonic Decays Bπ(ρ)eνB\to\pi(\rho)e\nu

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    The method of calculating electroweak decay matrix elements between heavy-heavy and heavy-light meson states is developed in the framework of relativistic quark model based on the quasipotential approach in quantum field theory. This method is applied for the study of exclusive semileptonic Bπ(ρ)B\to\pi(\rho) decays. It is shown that the large value of the final π(ρ)\pi(\rho) meson recoil momentum allows for the expansion in inverse powers of bb-quark mass of the decay form factors at q2=0q^2=0, where q2q^2 is a momentum carried by the lepton pair. This 1/mb1/m_b expansion considerably simplifies the analysis of these decays and is carried out up to the second order. The q2q^2-dependence of the form factors is investigated. It is found that the q2q^2-behaviour of the axial form factor A1A_1 is different from the other form factors. It is argued that the ratios Γ(Bρeν)/Γ(Bπeν)\Gamma(B\to\rho e\nu)/\Gamma(B\to\pi e\nu) and ΓL/ΓT\Gamma_L/\Gamma_T are sensitive probes of the A1A_1 q2q^2-dependence, and thus their experimental measurement may discriminate between different approaches. We find Γ(Bπeν)=(3.0±0.6)×Vub2×1012\Gamma(B\to\pi e\nu)=(3.0\pm0.6) \times|V_{ub}|^2\times10^{12}s1^{-1} and Γ(Bρeν)=(5.4±1.2)×Vub2×1012\Gamma(B\to\rho e\nu) =(5.4\pm 1.2)\times|V_{ub}|^2\times10^{12}s1^{-1}. The relation between semileptonic and rare radiative BB-decays is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, two figures included, LATE

    Quark-antiquark potential with retardation and radiative contributions and the heavy quarkonium mass spectra

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    The charmonium and bottomonium mass spectra are calculated with the systematic account of all relativistic corrections of order v^2/c^2 and the one-loop radiative corrections. Special attention is paid to the contribution of the retardation effects to the spin-independent part of the quark-antiquark potential, and a general approach to accounting for retardation effects in the long-range (confining) part of the potential is presented. A good fit to available experimental data on the mass spectra is obtained.Comment: 20 pages, revtex, 2 Postscript figure