168 research outputs found

    Analysis of the SXT Constin of Antibiotic-Sensitive <I>Vibrio cholerae </I>Strain of Non-O1/ Non-O139 Serogroup

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    In the genome of antibiotic-sensitive Vibrio cholerae strain belonging to O50 serogroup, isolated in the territory of the Russian Federation in 1974, detected is the SXT conjugative trasposone – SXT constin. Analysis if its structure revealed that it does not contain genes of resistance to such antibiotics as streptomycin, sulfamethoxasole, trimethoprim, chloramphenicol, and kanamycin, being, probably, one of the predecessors of antibiotic-resistant SXT constins which spread out within the genomes of epidemic Vibrio cholerae O139 strains in 1992

    Source material for breeding winter bread wheat in the north of the Middle Volga region

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    Background. Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), due to significant progress in breeding, has high potential of biological productivity, but its implementation is quite low. To change the situation for the better, it is necessary to increase the resistance of developed cultivars to unfavorable abiotic and biotic factors in the regions of its cultivation. To solve this problem, source material is required. The purpose of this research was to evaluate a set of winter wheat accessions from the VIR collection, and first of all, the newly introduced accessions, and the accessions from the working collection of Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences for variability of agronomic traits and stability under the conditions of the north of the Middle Volga region, and to identify sources promising for inclusion in the crossing programs.Materials and methods. A three-year field study of 166 winter bread wheat accessions was carried out. All accessions were assessed for their overwintering and plant and ear productivity traits using the methods developed by VIR and the State Variety Trials. The best accessions, or sources, were selected by comparing them with the reference cv. ‘Kazan 560’, taking into account the quantitative values of such indicators as “general adaptability” (ОАСi ), variance of “specific adaptability” (σ2САСi ) and “relative stability” (Sgi) for each accession according to A. V. Kilchevsky and L. V. Khotyleva.Results and conclusion. Descriptions of winter bread wheat accessions are presented in the context of their agronomic traits. Groups and subgroups of accessions with different trait variability levels were identified. Some accessions with stable levels of trait manifestation exceeded the reference in ear productivity. All of them are promising for wheat breeding programs. It is shown that the group of accessions “weakly changing” over the years of study differs from the group of “moderately/strongly changing” accessions in values of correlations between traits and the number of significant correlations

    Development of the PCR Assay with Universal Primers for the Detection of Different <i>tcpA</i> Gene Variants

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    Developed is the PCR assay for the detection of the structural genes of toxin co-regulated adhesion piluses - tcpA of different types. Determined are the universal primers, the usage of which provides for the detection of the stated above genes in V. cholerae of various serogroups. With the help of this PCR assay identified is a new variant of tcpA gene in toxigenic cholera vibrio of non-O1/non-O139 serogroup

    Efficiency of the using singulyar at treatment of the bronchial asthma beside children

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    Using singulyar for reinforcement base treatment beside children allows to reach checking on clinical symptoms of the bronchial asthma and vastly perfect the factors to functions of the external breathing at more short periods


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    Currently, Clostridium difficile is the main reason of a nosocomial diarrhea, caused by uncontrolled antibacterial treatment. This problem is not paid, enough attention in our country. We analyzed. 536 cases of antibiotic associated infections using new immunochromotographical assay for express detection of Clostridium difficile. Since 2008 to 2011 evaluated rate of the positive tests was 28,7 % among the hospital patients. The first line therapy of this infection is vancomycine and metronidazole. We also observed increased incidence of mycosis, which accompanying the antibiotic associated diarrheas. During the same period the rate of Candida spp. infection was 50,8 % among the same patients. We used fluconazole and. amphotericine for the mycosis treatment. We also recommended to manage disbiosis during one year after discontinue of the treatment, and. we supposed reasonable to be managed by infectionist for this group of patients

    Stem Cell Therapy for Perianal Crohn’s Disease

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    Aim. To compare the effectiveness of the effect of combination therapy (local and systemic administration) with bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC), anticlitokine therapy with infliximab (IFX), and antibiotic (AB)/immunosuppressive (IS) therapy on the frequency of healing of simple perianal fistulas in Crohn's disease. Materials and methods. In our study, the 1-st group of patients aged 19 to 58 years (Me-29) (n = 12) received MSCs culture systemically according to the scheme and locally. The 2-nd group of patients with CD (n = 10) from 20 to 68 years old (Me-36) received anticytokine therapy with infliximab (IFX) according to the scheme. The 3-d group of patients with CD (n=14) from 20 to 62 years old (Me-28) received antibiotics (AB) and immunosuppressors (IS). Efficacy was assessed by the index of perianal activity of Crohn's disease (PCDAI) and the frequency of relapses. Results. After 12 weeks among patients of the 1-st group, healing of simple fistulas was noted in 8/12 patients (66.6%), in the 2-nd group in 6/10 (60.0%) In the 3-d group, in 1/14 patients (7.14%). After 6 months in the 1-st group of patients, healing of simple fistulas was preserved in 8/12 (66.6%), in the 2-nd group - in 6/10 (60.0%). In the 3-d group - in 1/14 patients (7.14%). After 12 months in the 1-st group, healing of simple fistulas was preserved in 7/12 (58.3%), in the second group - in 6/10 (60.0%). In the 3-d group - in 2/14 patients (14.3%). After 24 months, among the patients of the 1-st group, fistula closure was maintained in 5/12 patients (41.6%), in the 2-nd group - in 4/10 (40.0%). In the 3-d group - in 0/14 patients (0.0%). Conclusion. Combined cellular and anticytokine therapy of CD with perianal lesions significantly contributes to the more frequent and prolonged closure of simple fistulas, as compared to antibiotics/immunosuppressors, and to a decrease in the frequency of recurrence of the disease

    Development of a Set of Primers for Drug-Resistance Genes Detection in the Agents of Dangerous Bacterial Infections as Exemplified by <I>Yersinia pestis</I>, <I>Vibrio cholerae</I>, <I>Escherichia coli</I> Strains

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    A set of primers for detection of genes encoding resistance to streptomycin ( strA, strB ), tetracyclin ( tetA, tetR ), chloramphenicol ( catА ), kanamycin ( npt , aphA ), vankomycin ( sanA ), polymyxin ( pmrD ) has been developed with the aim of rapid and effective detection of drug-resistant strains of dangerous bacterial infections agents. Efficacy of constructed primers has been confirmed against a panel of 40 Yersinia pestis, 49 Vibrio cholerae, and 2 Escherichia coli strains from the State collection of pathogenic bacteria of the RAPI “Microbe”. Drug-resistance genes ntp and catA have been detected in plague agent strains , strA, strB , npt , aphA , tetA and tetR - in cholera agent; strA , tetR , ntp and aphA - in pathogenic strain E. coli О157:H7. Determined is universal character of the designed primers for drug-resistance genes detection in these pathogenic bacteria species

    Microbiological diagnostics of pyoinflammatory abdominal diseases

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    The aim of the work was to establish the significance of complex bacteriological research in the diagnostics of acute appendicitis and to determine an optimal material for the research based on the findings. We examined 19 patients with acute phlegmonous or acute gangrenous appendicitis (males, aged 18-60 years). We performed bacteriological research of abdominal exudate (n = 19) and biopsy specimen (n = l9) of appendix wall taken before opening the lumen of the intestine. Both abdominal exudate and appendix wall specimen were taken at the same time. Aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms were detected and identified, antimicrobial susceptibility was tested. In total, we detected 25 strains of aerobic and 13 strains of anaerobic microorganisms. It has been established that a bioptate was most informative for testing (68.4 %); the parallel study of an abdominal exudate gave positive results in 21.1 % of cases. In the structure of clinically significant microflora dominated E. coli (43.3 %), then went nonfermentative gram-negative bacteria (13.3 %) and Bacteroides spp. (16.7 %). We marked growing resistance of detected strains of gram-negative bacteria to some antibiotics. For instance, 62 % of detected E. coli strains were resistant to ampicillin, 25 % - to ciprofloxacin. 92 % of strains were resistant to cefepime, 93 % -to ceftriaxone, 77 % - to Amoxiclav, 67 % - to gentamicin, 90 % - to tobramycin. From one bioptate a strain of E. coli ESBL was separated. The study of intraoperative bioptate of appendix wall increases effectiveness of microbiological diagnostics in comparison with the abdominal exudate research

    Mesenchymal stromal cells of bone marrow and azathioprine in Crohn's disease therapy

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    Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic, recurring disease of the gastrointestinal tract of unclear etiology. One of the new approaches to CD therapy is the use of the possibilities of stem cells, in particular, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). Currently, the use of MSC in clinical practice for the treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases is being studied in patients who receive concomitant therapy with other immunomodulatory medications. Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of MSCs therapy in patients with CD receiving azathioprine (AZA). Materials and methods. The study included 34 patients with inflammatory (luminal) form of CD. The 1st group of patients (n=15) received anti-inflammatory therapy using MSCs culture in combination with AZA. The 2nd group (n=19) received MSCs without AZA. The severity of the attack was assessed in points in accordance with the of Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI). Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM), interleukins (IL) 1β, 4, 10, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interferon-γ (INF-γ), transforming growth factor-1β (TGF-1β), C-reactive protein (CRP), platelets and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) at 2, 6 and 12 months from the beginning of MSCs therapy. Results. The initial mean CDAI in the 1st group was 337.6±17.1 points, in the 2nd group - 332.7±11.0 points (p=0.3). In both groups of patients there was a significant decrease in CDAI after 2 months. From the beginning of therapy MSCs: in the 1st group to 118.9±12.4 points, in the 2nd - 120.3±14.1 points (p=0.7), after 6 months - 110.3±11.1 and 114.3±11.8 points (p=0.8), respectively. After 12 months CDAI in the 1st group was 99.9±10.8 points, in the 2nd group it was 100.6±12.1 points (p=0.8). The level of IgA, IgG, IgM was significantly lower in the group of patients with a longer history of the disease and long-term ASA. After the introduction of MSC in both groups of patients with BC, there was a tendency for the growth of pro - and anti-inflammatory cytokines, with a significantly lower level of pro-inflammatory cytokines - INF-γ, TNF-α, IL-1β - in the 1st group, indicating potentiation of the immunosuppressive effect of MSCs and AZA, which provides a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Conclusion. Transplantation of MSCs promotes an increase in the serum of patients with CD initially reduced concentration of IG, cytokines and restoring their balance as the onset of clinical remission. The combination with AZA has a more pronounced anti-inflammatory effect

    Molecular-Genetic and Phenotypic Peculiarities of Plague Agent Strains Isolated in Vietnam

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    Objective of the study is to investigate phenotypic and molecular-genetic features and perform whole genome sequencing of Y. pestis strains isolated in Vietnam. Materials and methods. Studied were phenotypic and genotypic peculiarities of 20 plague agent strains isolated in different prefectures of Vietnam. Carried out was SNP-analysis of the strains, sequenced were genomes of 8 Y. pestis strains. Results and conclusions. Based on the results of studies of differential biochemical characteristics all the investigated strains were attributed to oriental biovar of the main subspecies of plague agent, which was confirmed by the presence of marker indel mutation – deletion of 93 bps in glpD gene. Investigated was also the plasmid composition of the strains. On the basis of the conducted genome sequencing and SNP-analysis appurtenance of 19 out of 20 strains under examination was determined. They belong to 1.ORI2v phylogenetic branch, relative to the strains isolated in Yunnan Province, China, which points to their common origin. Identified was a marker SNP and developed the method of SNP-typing for 1.ORI2v strains from Vietnam