52 research outputs found

    Optical coherence tomography angiography as an indicator of the efficacy of treatment for choroidal neovascularization

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    Background: Choroidal neovascularization (CNV) occurs in as much as 11.3% of patients with pathological myopia, and is a major cause of visual disability associated with irreversible loss of central vision. The advent of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) has opened up new opportunities for objective documentation and real-time qualitative and quantitative evaluation of CNV in the course of therapy. Purpose: To assess the efficacy of anti-vascular epithelium growth factor (VEGF) therapy with ranibizumab in CNV associated with pathological myopia using OCTA. Material and Methods: Thirty seven anti-VEGF-treatment naive patients (37 eyes) with myopic CNV were involved in the study. All study participants received an intravitreal ranibizumab injection (in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations) followed by as needed (PRN) retreatment. Results: Complete subretinal fluid resorption with adherence of the neurosensory retina was observed in all the 37 eyes; the mean number of intravitreal ranibizumab injections required was 4.56 ± 0.1. Over the 18-month follow up period, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) improved from 0.12 ± 0.03 to 0.42 ± 0.04 in 27 eyes (72.97%). OCTA patterns of CNV activity tended to fade, with the characteristic presence of isolated long filamentous vessels having a “dead tree” appearance. Conclusion: Application of OCTA, an information-rich modality, in pathological myopia, facilitates a personalized approach to determining the need for anti-VEGF therapy and selecting the mode of administration of anti-VEGF agents based on the CNV activity

    Optimization of a diagnostic algorithm for benign breast nodules

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    The results of examinations were studied in 76 reproductive-aged patients with benign breast nodules (BBNs). The determination of the leukocyte common antigen CD45 in the trephine biopsy specimens, as well as proteinase activity in the solid tumor homogenates and in the cyst puncture samples in the preoperative stage or the postpuncture period can identify groups of patients with BBNs in relation to a tissue inflammatory response. BBNs with a tissue inflammatory response showed increases in the level of nonspecific proteinases and in the expression of the leukocyte common antigen CD45, which was accompanied enhanced proliferative activity (Ki-67) and elevated levels of apoptosis proteins (p53 and Bcl-2), and estrogen and prolactin receptors

    Clinical and radiographic evaluation of optical density of bone tissue in the center of destruction of chronic apical periodontitis

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    The purpose of the complex examination was to determine the optical density of bone tissue in the periapical region in the focus of destruction in chronic apical periodontitis of masticatory groups of teeth in young people using methods of radiovisiography and dental computed tomography. To determine the parameters of optical density in the destruction center, 50 sighting images and 18 – dental computer tomograms were performed using radio – imaging data. 68 people aged 20 – 30 years, with various forms of chronic apical periodontitis without endodontic intervention in the anamnesis were examined. Based on the results of the study, there is a significant decrease in optical density in the focus of destruction, which indicates a significant decrease in bone density in the periapical region in chronic periodontitis, obtained by radiovisiography and dental computed tomography were reduced by 2 times compared to the norm. These data should be taken into account when monitoring the treatment of chronic apical periodontitis.Целью комплексного обследования явилось определение показателей оптической плотности костной ткани в периапикальной области в очаге деструкции при хроническом апикальном периодонтите жевательных групп зубов у лиц молодого возраста с помощью методов радиовизиографии и дентальной компьютерной томографии. Для определения параметров оптической плотности в очаге деструкции проводили по данным радиовизиографии – 50 прицельных снимков и 18 – дентальных компьютерных томограмм. Обследовано 68 человек в возрасте 20 – 30 лет, с различными формами хронического апикального периодонтита без эндодонтического вмешательством в анамнезе. Исходя из результатов исследования, отмечается значительное снижение оптической плотности в очаге деструкции, что свидетельствуют о значительном снижении костной плотности в периапикальной области при хроническом периодонтите, полученные методами радиовизиографии и дентальной компьютерной томографии были снижены в 2 раза по сравнению с нормой. Эти данные необходимо учитывать при мониторинге лечения хронического апикального периодонтита

    Assessment of the efficiency effects of complex physiotherapy in chronic gingivitis in persons of young age

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    The results of the study of patients with chronic gingivitis with an assessment of clinical and microbiological features are presented. Dental indices of patients with this pathology and dental status were determined. Statistical processing of the results was carried out. A comprehensive program of treatment using photodynamic therapy, electrophoresis in the near and long terms. It is established that as a result of application of this complex positive changes had expressed character.Представлены результаты исследования пациентов с хроническим гингивитом с оценкой клиническо-микробиологических особенностей. Определены стоматологические индексы пациентов с данной патологией и стоматологический статус. Проведена статистическая обработка результатов. Разработана комплексная программа лечения с применением фотодинамической терапии, электрофореза в ближайшие и отдаленные сроки. Установлено, что в результате применения данного комплекса положительные изменения носили выраженный характер

    Assessment of dental status of young people

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    In the work presented by us, the assessment of dental status is given and the peculiarities of the influence of risk factors on the development of inflammatory periodontal diseases in persons aged 20 to 35 years living in the city of Ufa are analyzed. STEPS–approach is used in the diagnosis of periodontal inflammatory diseases, evaluation of their severity and prevalence. The analysis of hygienic and periodontal indexes depending on the revealed risk factors is made.В представленной нами работе дана оценка стоматологического статуса и проанализированы особенности влияния факторов риска на развитие воспалительных заболеваний пародонта у лиц в возрасте от 20 до 35 лет, проживающих в городе Уфе. В диагностике воспалительных заболеваний пародонта, оценке их тяжести и распространенности использован STEPS–подход. Сделан анализ гигиенических и пародонтальных индексов в зависимости от выявленных факторов риска

    Modern approaches to the diagnosis of risk of development of caries and inflammatory periodontal diseases at young age

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    The article reflects modern methods for predicting risk predictors and diagnosing the risks of caries and inflammatory periodontal disease. Modern diagnostic non-invasive methods of oral fluid research have been applied, allowing early diagnostics and further therapeutic and prophylactic measures to reduce their prevalence. From this it follows that not only the forecasting of risks is urgent, but also the development and introduction of methods for early diagnosis of caries and periodontal inflammatory diseases, as well as the development of effective therapeutic and prophylactic measures in young people.В статье отражены современные методы прогнозирования предикторов риска и диагностики рисков развития кариеса и воспалительных заболеваний пародонта. Применены современные диагностические неинвазивные методы исследования ротовой жидкости, позволяющие провести раннюю диагностику и в дальнейшем лечебно-профилактические мероприятия позволяющие снизить их распространенность. Из этого следует, что актуальными являются не только прогнозирование рисков, но и разработка и внедрение методов ранней диагностики кариеса и воспалительных заболеваний пародонта, а также разработка эффективных лечебно-профилактических мероприятий у лиц молодого возраста

    Microbiological assessment of the oral cavity in patients with chronic inflammatory periodontal disease

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    Presents the examination results of 117 patients with chronic generalized periodontitis mild severity. The characteristic clinical features of these patients. Conducted microbiological assessment of the contents of periodontal pocket. Deals with diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis with the use of laeroporto with gel Canalsat. Determined the effectiveness of treatment.Представлены результаты обследования 117 пациентов, страдающих хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом легкой степени тяжести. Дана характеристика клиническим, функциональным особенностям этих больных. Проведена микробиологическая оценка содержимого пародонтального кармана. Рассмотрены вопросы диагностики и лечения пациентов с хроническим генерализованным пародонтитом с применением лазерофореза с гелем на основе альгиновой кислоты. Определена эффективность лечения

    New Antenatal Model in Africa and India (NAMAI) study: implementation research to improve antenatal care using WHO recommendations

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    Background: In 2020, an estimated 287 000 women died globally from pregnancy‐related causes and 2 million babies were stillborn. Many of these outcomes can be prevented by quality healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth. Within the continuum of maternal health, antenatal care (ANC) is a key moment in terms of contact with the health system, yet it remains an underutilized platform. This paper describes the protocol for a study conducted in collaboration with Ministries of Health and country research partners that aims to employ implementation science to systematically introduce and test the applicability of the adapted WHO ANC package in selected sites across four countries. Methods: Study design is a mixed methods stepped-wedge cluster randomized implementation trial with a nested cohort component (in India and Burkina Faso). The intervention is composed of two layers: (i) the country- (or state)-specific ANC package, including evidence-based interventions to improve maternal and newborn health outcomes, and (ii) the co-interventions (or implementation strategies) to help delivery and uptake of the adapted ANC package. Using COM-B model, co-interventions support behaviour change among health workers and pregnant women by (1) training health workers on the adapted ANC package and ultrasound (except in India), (2) providing supplies, (3) conducting mentoring and supervision and (4) implementing community mobilization strategies. In Rwanda and Zambia, a fifth strategy includes a digital health intervention. Qualitative data will be gathered from health workers, women and their families, to gauge acceptability of the adapted ANC package and its components, as well as experience of care. The implementation of the adapted ANC package of interventions, and their related costs, will be documented to understand to what extent the co-interventions were performed as intended, allowing for iteration. Discussion: Results from this study aim to build the global evidence base on how to implement quality ANC across different settings and inform pathways to scale, which will ultimately lead to stronger health systems with better maternal and perinatal outcomes. On the basis of the study results, governments will be able to adopt and plan for national scale-up, aiming to improve ANC nationally. This evidence will inform global guidance. Trial registration number: ISRCTN, ISRCTN16610902. Registered 27 May 2022. https://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN16610902

    Features of the dental status and microbiological status of oral cavity in individuals with chronic inflammatory periodontal disease depending on age

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    The paper presents characteristics of dental and microbiological status of oral cavity in different age groups. Conducted in-depth clinical dental survey of 175 individuals (94 men and 81 women) aged 20 to 44 years has allowed to reveal a high prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases in 98.4% of cases. In the diagnosis and assessment of severity and prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases in different age groups used the system STEPS-recommended approach (who, 2013). Microbiological examination included the use of selective and non-selective environments and different test-systems for qualitative and quantitative determination of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. PCR diagnosed with periodontopathogenic microorganisms - Porphyromonas gingivalis and R. endodentalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum. Depending on the condition of the dental status and composition of the microflora of different biotopes of oral cavity significantly increases the incidence of detection of opportunistic microorganisms and arodontopathogenic. The findings have important prognostic value for both diagnosis and to justify preventive measures in inflammatory periodontal disease.В работе представлены особенности состояния стоматологического и микробиологического статуса полости рта разных возрастных групп населения. Проведенное углубленное клиническое стоматологическое обследование 175 лиц (94 мужчин и 81 женщины) в возрасте от 20 до 44 лет позволило выявить высокую распространенность воспалительных заболеваний пародонта в 98,4% случаев. В диагностике и оценке степени тяжести и распространенности воспалительных заболеваний пародонта различных возрастных групп населения использовали систему STEPS-подхода рекомендованную (ВОЗ, 2013 г). Микробиологическое исследование включало использование селективных и неселективные сред, а также различных тест-систем для качественного и количественного определения условно-патогенных микроорганизмов. Методом ПЦР диагностированы пародонтопатогены - Porphyromonas gingivalis и P.endodentalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum. В зависимости от состояния стоматологического статуса и состава микрофлоры различных биотопов полости рта достоверно увеличивается частота обнаружения условно-патогенных и пародонтопатогенных микроорганизмов. Полученные данные имеют важное прогностическое значение, как для диагностики, так и для обоснования лечебно-профилактических мероприятий при воспалительных заболеваний пародонта

    Indicators of dental health in young adults

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    To assess the level of dental health of key WHO groups, as well as the intensity and prevalence of caries and non-carious lesions, 660 young people were examined according to the procedure recommended by WHO in the Russian Federation. Epidemiology of the main dental diseases in Ufa is characterized by a significant spread of caries to 98 ± 0,001%, while the intensity of the carious process averaged 12.29 ± 0.97, the prevalence of non-carious lesions was 60%.Для оценки уровня стоматологического здоровья ключевых групп по ВОЗ, а также интенсивности и распространенности кариеса и некариозных поражений проведено обследование 660 лиц молодого возраста по методике, рекомендованной ВОЗ в РФ. Эпидемиология основных стоматологических заболеваний в Уфе характеризуется значительным распространением кариеса до 98±0,001%, при этом интенсивность кариозного процесса составила в среднем 12,29±0,97, распространенность некариозных поражений составила 60%