556 research outputs found

    A universal relationship between magnetization and local structure changes below the ferromagnetic transition in La_{1-x}Ca_xMnO_3; evidence for magnetic dimers

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    We present extensive X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) measurements on La_{1-x}Ca_xMnO_3 as a function of B-field (to 11T) and Ca concentration, x (21-45%). These results reveal local structure changes (associated with polaron formation) that depend only on the magnetization for a given sample, irrespective of whether the magnetization is achieved through a decrease in temperature or an applied magnetic field. Furthermore, the relationship between local structure and magnetization depends on the hole doping. A model is proposed in which a filamentary magnetization initially develops via the aggregation of pairs of Mn atoms involving a hole and an electron site. These pairs have little distortion and it is likely that they pre-form at temperatures above T_c.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures (1 with 2 parts) -- v2. new data added (updated figures); discussion expande

    Observation of ferromagnetism above 900 K in Cr-GaN and Cr-AlN

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    We report the observation of ferromagnetism at over 900K in Cr-GaN and Cr-AlN thin films. The saturation magnetization moments in our best films of Cr-GaN and Cr-AlN at low temperatures are 0.42 and 0.6 u_B/Cr atom, respectively, indicating that 14% and 20%, of the Cr atoms, respectively, are magnetically active. While Cr-AlN is highly resistive, Cr-GaN exhibits thermally activated conduction that follows the exponential law expected for variable range hopping between localized states. Hall measurements on a Cr-GaN sample indicate a mobility of 0.06 cm^2/V.s, which falls in the range characteristic of hopping conduction, and a free carrier density (1.4E20/cm^3), which is similar in magnitude to the measured magnetically-active Cr concentration (4.9E19/cm^3). A large negative magnetoresistance is attributed to scattering from loose spins associated with non-ferromagnetic impurities. The results indicate that ferromagnetism in Cr-GaN and Cr-AlN can be attributed to the double exchange mechanism as a result of hopping between near-midgap substitutional Cr impurity bands.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, submitted to AP

    Optical Properties of MFe_4P_12 filled skutterudites

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    Infrared reflectance spectroscopy measurements were made on four members of the MFe_4P_12 family of filled skutterudites, with M=La, Th, Ce and U. In progressing from M=La to U the system undergoes a metal-insulator transition. It is shown that, although the filling atom induces such dramatic changes in the transport properties of the system, it has only a small effect on lattice dynamics. We discuss this property of the compounds in the context of their possible thermoelectric applications.Comment: Manuscript in ReVTeX format, 7 figures in PostScirpt forma

    Varenicline Reduces Alcohol Intake During Repeated Cycles of Alcohol Reaccess Following Deprivation in Alcohol-Preferring (P) Rats

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    Background Most alcoholics experience periods of voluntary alcohol abstinence or imposed alcohol deprivation followed by a return to alcohol drinking. This study examined whether varenicline (VAR) reduces alcohol intake during a return to drinking after periods of alcohol deprivation in rats selectively bred for high alcohol drinking (the alcohol preferring or “P” rats). Methods Alcohol-experienced P rats were given 24-hour access to food and water and scheduled access to alcohol (15% and 30% v/v) for 2 h/d. After 4 weeks, rats were deprived of alcohol for 2 weeks, followed by reaccess to alcohol for 2 weeks, and this pattern was repeated for a total of 3 cycles. Rats were fed either vehicle (VEH) or VAR, in doses of 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 mg/kg BW, at 1 hour prior to onset of the daily alcohol reaccess period for the first 5 days of each of the 3 alcohol reaccess cycles. Results Low-dose VAR (0.5 mg/kg BW) reduced alcohol intake during the 5 days of drug treatment in alcohol reaccess cycles 1 and 2. Higher doses of VAR (1.0 mg/kg BW and 2.0 mg/kg BW) reduced alcohol intake during the 5 days of treatment in all 3 alcohol reaccess cycles. The decrease in alcohol intake disappeared with termination of VAR treatment in all alcohol reaccess cycles. Conclusions The results demonstrate that VAR decreases alcohol intake during multiple cycles of alcohol reaccess following alcohol deprivation in rats and suggests that it may prevent a return to heavy alcohol drinking during a lapse from alcohol abstinence in humans with alcohol use disorder

    Unusual behaviors in the transport properties of REFe4_{4}P12_{12} (RE: La, Ce, Pr, and Nd)

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    We have investigated the resistivity (ρ\rho), thermoelectric power (TEP) and Hall coefficient (RHR_{H}) on high quality single crystals of REFe4_{4}P12_{12}. TEP in CeFe4_{4}P12_{12} is extremely large (\sim 0.5mV/K at 290K) with a peak of \sim 0.75mV/K at around 65K. The Hall mobility also shows a peak at \sim 65K, suggesting carriers with heavy masses developed at lower temperatures related with the f-hybridized band. Both Pr- and Nd- systems exhibit an apparent increase of ρ\rho with decreasing temperature far above their magnetic transition temperatures. In the same temperature ranges, TEP exhibits unusually large absolute values of -50μ\muV/K for PrFe4_{4}P12_{12} and -15μ\muV/K for NdFe4_{4}P12_{12}, respectively. For PrFe4_{4}P12_{12}, such anomalous transport properties suggest an unusual ground state, possibly related with the Quadrupolar Kondo effect.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Coefficient of restitution for elastic disks

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    We calculate the coefficient of restitution, ϵ\epsilon, starting from a microscopic model of elastic disks. The theory is shown to agree with the approach of Hertz in the quasistatic limit, but predicts inelastic collisions for finite relative velocities of two approaching disks. The velocity dependence of ϵ\epsilon is calculated numerically for a wide range of velocities. The coefficient of restitution furthermore depends on the elastic constants of the material via Poisson's number. The elastic vibrations absorb kinetic energy more effectively for materials with low values of the shear modulus.Comment: 25 pages, 12 Postscript figures, LaTex2

    Evidence for a common physical description of non-Fermi-liquid behavior in f-electron systems

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    The non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior observed in the low temperature specific heat C(T)C(T) and magnetic susceptibility χ(T)\chi(T) of f-electron systems is analyzed within the context of a recently developed theory based on Griffiths singularities. Measurements of C(T)C(T) and χ(T)\chi(T) in the systems Th1xUxPd2Al3Th_{1-x}U_{x}Pd_{2}Al_{3}, Y1xUxPd3Y_{1-x}U_{x}Pd_3, and UCu5xMxUCu_{5-x}M_{x} (M = Pd, Pt) are found to be consistent with C(T)/Tχ(T)T1+λC(T)/T \propto \chi(T) \propto T^{-1+\lambda} predicted by this model with λ<1\lambda <1 in the NFL regime. These results suggest that the NFL properties observed in a wide variety of f-electron systems can be described within the context of a common physical picture.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Plasticity and memory effects in the vortex solid phase of twinned YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals

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    We report on marked memory effects in the vortex system of twinned YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals observed in ac susceptibility measurements. We show that the vortex system can be trapped in different metastable states with variable degree of order arising in response to different system histories. The pressure exerted by the oscillating ac field assists the vortex system in ordering, locally reducing the critical current density in the penetrated outer zone of the sample. The robustness of the ordered and disordered states together with the spatial profile of the critical current density lead to the observed memory effects