6 research outputs found


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    In this work, a porous layer on an n+ emitter by a chemical route was realized. The MEB observation shows a nanoporous shape of the surface. The subsequent contact depositions needs a heat treatment that has an influence on hydrogen and oxygen distributions in the porous layer. After heat treatments, the porous silicon layer is analyzed by secondary ion mass spectroscopy. The concentration profile of light elements like H, O, C, F and N are measured and compared with untreated porous layer. The results show that oxygen is present at high level at ambient temperature and then decreases from 25°C to 775°C. This means that oxygen desorption is observed on the surface. At 800°C the oxygen content increases again showing an oxidation of porous layer surface. For hydrogen, the concentration decreases from the ambient temperature until 750°C was noted. Then the hydrogen is restored at its first concentration. The FTIR spectra correlate this hydrogen distribution. The absorption spectra show the appearance of Si–Hx bonds (with x = 1, 2, 3) at 2089, 2115, and 2140 cm-1, respectively. Both elements O and H are present deeply in the porous silicon layer as shown by the sputter time.Concentration profile, porous silicon, heat treatment, light elements


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    The aim of this study is the formation of porous silicon (PS) and the heat treatment effect on the optical properties of the PS layer. An optimized HF:HNO3 chemical solution is used at ambient temperature on the n + p silicon surface. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) pictures show the form of the nanopores. We studied the effect of the heating on the morphology and the reflection of the PS layer. A chemical analysis of the surface is also carried out. The measurements show that the pore shape and the oxygen content on the surface are changing with temperature. Specular reflection spectra under variable incidence angles are measured on each treated surface. Curves of weighted reflection Rw are drawn to illustrate the evolution with temperature. The modification of oxygen content of the porous surface is correlated with the sheet resistance of the emitter. Results show the lower the oxygen percent the lower the resistivity. The layout of Rw according to the temperature of annealing indicates that the shape of the curve is the same for the angles of incidences 20°, 30°, 40°, and 50°. At a low temperature Rw is minimal indicating the presence of an oxide coating on the porous layer an indication of optical adaptation between the air and the substrate of silicon.Porous silicon, reflection, solar cell, heat treatment