7 research outputs found

    The improvement of hazardous goods transportation technology

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    This article analyses the conception of the improvement of hazardous goods transportation technology as well as its theoretical principles. Basic organizational aspects of hazardous goods safe transportation are also represented. effective and safe hazardous goods transportation is possible only using good informational supply. Process modelling and the creation of hazardous goods transportation informational system can improve each hazardous goods transportation technological process. This system should join its components on the whole and coordinate state institutions. The article studies the experience of foreign countries in the creation of informational systems. In the world developed countries various methods of safe dangerous goods transportation are used. This article analyses the types of informational technologies application problems, shows their schemes. It is noted that the solution of transport technology problems is based on the improvement of technological supply, the rational usage of informational modelling methodology of the whole transportation process

    Risk analysis and assessment for transportation of dangerous freight

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    This work examines conditions to ensure safe transportation of dangerous freight, to manage and minimize the risk of carriage of such freight along the whole route. This article presents the probabilities in transport of dangerous freight, probability of possible damage and that of a possible accident, when transporting dangerous freight and a method of calculating costs of damage to the environment and that of calculating accident probability. The article points out the ways of reducing the risk of possible damage and probability of accident

    Investigation of Informational technologies in freight

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    This article examines types of informational technologies application problems, shows their scheme, observes basic data structures of technological problems, principles and methods of modeling these structures. It is noted that the solution of transport technology problems is based on the improvement of technological supply, the rational usage of informational modeling methodology of the whole transportation process. There are informational search and presentation computerized technologies when indexation and coding system are used to create them. As an example, dangerous freight forwarding resolution codification is shown, which is used for searching the most important resolutions and for their presentation to all the dangerous freight-forwarding participants. The present informational search and presentation programs that improve the possibilities of the presented search are observed as well

    Mobile solutions in road transport

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    The article dwells on the aspects of mobile solutions of public information and transport. The work presents major decision making principles based on object positioning and a system of positioning-based GSM solutions. The newly developed remote identification systems for transport facilities and goods and passenger transport and their schematic view are presented. The main units of the remote identification system of vehicles and goods embrace: TI portal, TVIM portal, content control system (SMS, GPRS), mobile phone, the unit for stating the geographical position of vehicles and goods. Portals are designed so that the data provided by various systems of observation, such as GSM, GPS, WLAN, wireless internet, etc., can be used there. Portals (TI and TVIM) can also be used for testing, complex evaluation of monitoring functions as well as for providing the data on geographical location of objects, transmitting data to mobile telephones, etc. Purposes and functions of the portals are presented. The article describes the facility of implementing the mobile user concept, changes made in the portal pages to support the mobile users

    Development of automobile distribution networks on the basis of multi-criteria evaluation of distribution channels

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    .The days when a buyer was forced to choose from what is being offered have passed. These days, buyers demand a product that would answer their exclusive expectations at a time of their preference and at an acceptable price. Therefore, manufacturers aiming to survive the competition battle have to rethink their operation strategies. Special importance is attached to the process of development and reconstruction of supply chains, and the process which may feature particularities, depending on the branch of industry. Automobile manufacturing is the biggest the fastest industry developing across the globe. New automobiles are listed as luxury commodities and are, therefore, subjected to very strict requirements with regard to various logistic operations and technologies, which are vital for ensuring efficient automobile delivery to the final users. Due to the growing demand for brand-new automobiles and the distance to the user, automobile manufacturers are constantly searching for solutions to the development and support of an efficient distribution network. Strategy shaping of distribution network requires evaluation of a number of criteria, which influence the distribution system. The article analyzes the development of automobile distribution networks on the basis of multi-criteria evaluation of distribution channels


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    The infrastructure of transport means has to be modernized and organized in such a way that operators could employ effective transportation technologies and processes and that the sustainable development of different transport modes and their proper interoperability with the transport systems of the neighbouring states are achieved. The long-term development strategy of the Lithuanian transport system notes that the solution to the problems of transport technology is based on improvements in technological supply and the rational use of the informational modeling methodology of the whole transportation process. The interaction between different transport modes in the terminal is a complex and multiplex task. To reach a successful solution for this task, a thorough evaluation and analysis of numerous factors is required and a preliminary research of respective elements is necessary. The application of advanced technologies is essential in the terminal where several road transport modes are involved in the process of interaction. Therefore, an information transmission centre (ITC) is necessary