269 research outputs found

    Construction and Analysis Tool Design Capture Pengerih (Stow Net) Used Fishing Village Bay Sub in Waters Kampar Peninsula Kampar Peninsula Pelalawan Province Riau

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    Stow net fishing gear used fisher bay is not effective to operate because the use of shortening with a value of 17.8 % on the body gear stow net cause the formation of a perfect in body construction with water thus affecting the shape of mesh openings and the mechanism of operation of the tool . Formations are good for shortening the fishing cape stow net used selukup is 15 % for mouth and body , and 10 % for the waist , tummy and pouch . Due to the characteristics of fast-flowing waters tend bumpy enough and strong , it is necessary to increase the buoyancy of 2.880 gf so well established tools when operated

    Biologi, Gejala Serangan, Dan Pengendalian Hama Bubuk Jagung Sitophilus Zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    Salah satu kendala dalam penyimpanan jagung adalah serangan hamagudang. Salah satu hama gudang jagung adalah Sitophilus zeamaisMotschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Hama ini ditemukan didaerah panas maupun lembap. Hama ini bersifat polifag, dapatmerusak serealia seperti beras/gabah, jagung, gandum, dan sorgum,namun dilaporkan sebagai hama penting pada jagung. Kehilanganhasil jagung di wilayah tropis akibat S. zeamais berkisar antara 30-100%. Biji jagung yang disimpan selama 6 bulan menunjukkankerusakan 85% dan bobot biji menyusut 17%. Telur hama tersebutdiletakkan di dalam biji dan dalam beberapa hari akan menetasmenjadi larva. Larva menyelesaikan siklus hidupnya di dalam biji.Telur berwarna putih Bening, berbentuk lonjong, lunak dan licin,berukuran 0,7 mm x 0,3 mm. Larva berwarna putih kekuningan,tidak bertungkai, kepala berwarna cokelat, terdiri atas empat instar,panjang 1,5–4 mm. Periode larva berlangsung 25 hari. Imago S.zeamais berukuran 3-4,5 mm. Hama S. zeamais dapat dikendalikandengan cara: 1) menyimpan jagung dalam wadah maupun gudangsecara higienis, 2) menanam varietas tahan, 3) menggunakanmusuh alami yaitu parasit, predator, dan patogen, seperti parasitoidLariophagus distinguendus dan Anisopteromalus calandrae, sertapatogen Beauveria bassiana, 4) memanfaatkan insektisida nabatiyang memiliki toksisitas tinggi terhadap S. zeamais, yaitu Ageratumconnyzoides (bandotan), Andropogon nardus (serai), Allium sativum(bawang merah), Nicotiana tabacum (tembakau), Zingiber officinale(jahe), dan Azadirachta indica (mimba), serta 5) menyemprotkaninsektisida sintetis metil pirimifos

    Efektivitas Biopestisida Bacillus Subtilis Bnt 8 Dan Pestisida Nabati Untuk Pengendalian Penyakit Hawar Pelepah Dan Upih Daun Jagung

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    Effectiveness of the biopesticide of Bacillus subtilis BNt 8 and botanical pesticide in controlling banded leaf and sheath blight disease on maize. Banded leaf and sheath blight disease (BLSB) caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani is difficult to control because it pertained soil borne fungus that can survive in a long time in the soil. Control the disease with synthetic pesticide causing contamination to the environment, so that an environmentally friendly alternative control is needed. This study aimed to obtain a Bacillus subtilis formulation as biological agents and selected botanical pesticides that effective to control BLSB in the field. The study was conducted at the Plant Pathology Laboratory of Indonesia Cereals Research Institutein Maros and at the Bajeng Experimental Farm in Gowa, held from February to August 2015. The reatments consists of several botanical pesticides, B. subtilis formulation, a synthetic fungicide, positive and negative controls. In vitro test was inhibition test between botanical pesticide with R. solani and antagonistic test between the B. subtilis and botanical pesticides, each of them consists of 6 treatments and 3 replications, while the field activity consists of test of effectiveness of single treatment and combination between B. subtilis formulation and botanical pesticides. The results showed that combination of formulated B. subtilis with botanical pesticide of cloves leaves, betel leaves, and turmeric were not significantly different from single treatment of formulated B. subtilis and botanical pesticides. Formulated B. subtilis suppressed the severity of BLSB as much as 39.1% and yield reached 8.4 t/ha

    Penerapan Model Kooperatif Student Teams Achievement Divisions untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa padapembelajaran matematika dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif Tipe STADdengan pendekatan matematika realistik di kelas VIIA semester gasal Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016.Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari 2 siklus, denganmenerapkan model pembelajaran Kooperative Tipe STAD dengan pendekatan matematikarealistik. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIIA SMP Negeri 3 Tinambung. Teknikpengumpulan data penelitian hasil belajar siswa dilakukan dengan mengunakan tes sedangkanaktivitas belajar siswa mengunakan lembar observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakanadalah analisis deskriptif yakni menjelaskan arah Perubahan peningkatan hasil belajar siswadalam penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD dengan pendekatan matematikarealistik. Dari analisis data dengan penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperative Tipe STADdengan pendekatan matematika realistik, Pada siklus I rata-rata keterlaksanaan pembelajaransebesar (70,00%), rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa sebesar (57,89%), serta diperoleh skor rataratahasil belajar siswa sebesar 67 dan pada siklus II rata-rata keterlaksanaan pembelajaransebesar (95,00%), rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa sebesar (86,87%), serta deperoleh skor rataratahasil belajar siswa sebesar 80, dari data tersebut terlihat bahwa terdapat peningkatanketerlaksanaan pembelajaran dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar (25,00%), terjadi peningkatanaktivitas belajar siswa siklus I ke siklus II sebesar (28,95%), serta peningkatan ketuntasanbelajar siswa dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar (23,81%). Pada siklus II ini telah tercapaiindikator ketuntasan belajar yang ditetapkan, jika paling sedikit 70% dari jumlah siswa dalamkelas telah mencapai ketuntasan β‰₯ 70% tujuan pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikanbahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Kooperative Tipe STAD dengan pendekatan matematikarealistik dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VIIA SMPNegeri 3 Tinambung

    Evaluasi Lima Jenis Inner Carrier Dan Formulasi Bacillus Subtilis Untuk Pengendalian Hawar Pelepah Jagung (Rhizoctonia Solani Kuhn)

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    Evaluation of five inner carriers and Bacillus subtilis formulation to control banded leaf and sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn). One alternative control method against plant pathogens is the use of antagonistic microorganisms, such as Bacillus subtilis. The use of the antagonistic bacteria on corn especially in Indonesia is still lack. The objective of this research was to evaluate some inner carrier and to make formulated antagonistic B. subtilis to be used as biological control agents on corn diseases. This research consists of laboratory and greenhouse activities. The laboratory activities consist of B. subtilis biomass production, formulation of B. subtilis, and evaluation of five types of inner carrier. In the greenhouse, testing the formulation B. subtilis with talc as an inner carrier, which is compared with the treatment solution of B. subtilis, nordox, metalaxyl fungicides. The data collected in this study were percentage of germination, damping off due to pathogen R. solani, plant height, plant fresh weight, and percentages of R. solani incidence on 14 DAP. The results showed that talc powder and corn flour were the best inner carrier to be used in sorage formulation of antagonistic Bacillus. Formulated Bacillus subtilis TM4 showed no negative affect on seed germination and able to suppress the development of R. solani in greenhouse

    Kontribusi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu terhadap Penghidupan Masyarakat Hutan: Studi Kasus di Dusun Pampli Kabupaten Luwu Utara

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    The contribution of non-timber forest products (NTFP) to local livelihood has been studied in Pampli hamlet Luwu Utara district South Sulawesi. This study was conducted using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Method from early September to late November 2005. Study results indicated that, although the hamlet community owned rice field and occupied hectares of farming land, their income was generated mostly from collecting NTFP. Rattan is the main species among the NTFP from where almost all of the households earn cash. A rattan collector could earn more than Rp. 1,000,000 of cash within 16 days in the forest. Wild honey, resin, and gaharu were other kinds of NTFP that are also collected by hamlet community for earning cash. Fresh water shrimp and fishes collected from the Patikala river served the major portion of protein needed by the hamlet community, while some plant species collected from the forest were used for medicines and vegetable as well. Fuelwood collected from the forest was the only source of energy for the hamlet community. Since NTFP could fill their need for cash and other living-requirements anytime they want, there was a tendency that the hamlet community did not plant their farming land intensively using crops or fruit trees

    Analisis Atas Pelaporan Keuangan pada Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

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    The research was conducted at the Education and Culture Office of Padang Pariaman Regency which is a local government agency that carries out some of the Government's affairs in the field of education and culture. The purpose of this study is to determine the conformity of the Government's financial statements on the Education and Culture Office of Padang Pariaman Regency already with Government Regulation Law number 24 in 2005 on government accounting standards, analyzing financial statements using efficiency ratios, independence ratios, budget growth ratios, analyzing internal control systems in the process of preparing financial reports, analyzing the quality of human resources and educational background of civil states aparatus and employees as financial managers in the process of preparing reports finance in the Education and Culture Office of Padang Pariaman Regency. The method used in this study is by library study method and field research with related officials, after which the data has been collected is analyzed descriptively that comparing the actual situation with relevant theories, in order to obtain the results of research for the problems encountered related with the implementation of government financial reporting on Education and Culture Office of Padang Pariaman Regency. From the data analysis conducted, obtained the result that the government's financial report on the Education and Culture Office of Padang Pariaman Regency Already in accordance with Government Regulation number 24 in 2005; The efficiency ratio of the Education and Culture Office of Padang Pariaman Regency in 2016 is in efficient condition with the percentage ratio of 95.32%. The 2016 independence ratio is in the pattern of delegative relations. The 2016 budget growth ratio was positive growth with a 10% increase. Internal Control System has been done well with data integrity and documents or archives that have been stored well, the evaluation of the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness has been in accordance with the set targets. The quality of human resources at the Department of Education and Culture is good, civil states aparatus / Employees have skill and work experience long enough

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Mencapai Ketuntasan Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pokok Bahasan Kesetimbangan Kimia di Kelas XI Sman 1 Sungai Lala Indragiri Hulu

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    TheResearch onthe application of learning model of guided inquiry has beendoneto achieve student'smastery learning on the subject of chemical equilibrium inclassXI SMAN1 Sungai Lala Indragiri Hulu. This researchis pra-experimentresearchwith one-shotstudy casedesign. The time of data collection was 01 November to 29 Novenber 2014.The sample was selected by the consideration of twoclasse of XI MIA, namely classXI MIA 1.The data analysis techniqueused the calculation of presentation of classicallearning mastery of knowledge competency, attitude competency and skill competency. The result of research was that classical learning mastery of knowledge competency is 92,59%. Then, the result of attitude competency and skill competency is 100%. Itmeans thatthe application oflearning model of guided inquiry can achieve student'smastery learning on the subject of chemical equilibrium inclassXISMAN1 Sungai Lala Indragiri Hulu
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