12 research outputs found

    Use of the Haddon matrix as a tool for assessing risk factors for sharps injury in emergency departments in the United Arab Emirates

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    We investigated the epidemiology and prevention of sharps injuries in the United Arab Emirates. Among 82 emergency nurses and 38 doctors who responded to our questionnaire, risk factors for sharp device injuries identified using the Haddon matrix included personal factors (for the pre‐event phase, a lack of infection control training, a lack of immunization, and recapping needles, and for the postevent phase, underreporting of sharps injuries) and equipment‐related factors (for the pre‐event phase, failure to use safe devices; for the event phase, failure to use gloves in all appropriate situations). Nearly all injuries to doctors were caused by suture needles, and among nurses more than 50% of injuries were caused by hollow‐bore needles

    Molecular Investigation of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) and Identification its Isolates Disseminated in some Tomato Protected Culture in Al-Qadisiyah Province.

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    This study aimed at conducting a molecular investigation of some virus isolates associated with tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD). Ten tomato samples exhibiting TYLCD are collected from fields and tunnel at certain tomato growing area in Al-Qadisiyah Province (El-HamzaEl-Sharqi district, Al-Sadeer and Al-Sunnia).. Begomoviruses are investigated by Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using Deng a genus specific primer set in symptomatic samples. The amplified DNA fragments of expected size are sequenced, analyzed and compared to equivalent Gene Bank sequences using MEGA6 software. PCR technique using Deng primers could detect begomoviruses when amplified the 540 bp DNA fragments from 6 out of 10 symptomatic tomato samples. Sequence analysis shows that sequences obtained shared 96 - 99.5% nucleotide (nt) sequence identities with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) equivalent Gene bank coat protein CP sequences from Cuba (AJ223505), USA (AY530931) and Israel (AB110217). Neighbor-Joining phylogenetic tree constructed from partial coat protein region confirmed the relatedness when grouped all sequences obtained to equivalent sequences belong to TYLCV from Gen Bank but not to other begomovirus species. Sequence comparison shows that TYLCV isolates are variable when share nt sequence 91-100% (approximated)to each other’s, which indicates that sequences isolated may belong to different TYLCV strains. The high nucleotide sequence identities suggests that TYLCV may have been introduced to Al-Qadisiyah Provence through infected plant materials, however full length sequence comparisons and biological assays are required to confirm this relatedness and resolve the possible origin of TYLCV isolates in Al-Qadisiyah Province.

    First report of phytoplasma detection on sand olive, cowpea and alfalfa in Iraq

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    The association of phytoplasma was investigated in sand olive [Dodonaea viscosa ssp. Angustifolia (L. f.) J.G. West], cowpea [Vigna unguiclata (L.)] Wap and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants exhibiting witches broom, fasciation and little leaf symptoms, respectively. Sequence analysis of ~1.7 kb DNA fragments amplified by P1/P7 primer set confirmed the association of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ within symptomatic alfalfa, while ‘Ca. Phytoplasma cynodontis’ was associated within cowpea and sand olive

    Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan does not change the composition of breast milk

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    To determine possible effects of fasting on breast milk composition for Muslim mothers during the holy month of Ramadan in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)