19 research outputs found

    Ультратонкие волокна на основе биополимера полигидроксибутирата (ПГБ), модифицированные наноразмерными модификациями диоксида титана

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    The technological characteristics of spinning polymer solutions (viscosity, conductivity) and the parameters of the EPI - a process based on poly-3-hydroxybutyrate modified with nanoscale titanium dioxide were optimized. The composite materials were studied by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy and physico-mechanical analysis (tensile test, elongation). A significant improvement in their physical and mechanical properties (breaking length, elongation) and resistance to the maturing were found.Оптимизированы технологические характеристики формовочных полимерных растворов (вязкость, электропроводность) и параметры ЭФВ (электроформование волокнистых материалов) - процесса на основе поли-3-гидроксибутирата, модифицированных наноразмерным диоксидом титана. Композитные материалы изучены методами рентгенографии, дифференциально-сканирующей калориметрии, ИК-спектроскопии и физико-механического анализа (испытания на разрыв-удлинение). Установлено существенное улучшение их физико-механических характеристик (разрывная длина, относительное удлинение) и стойкости к старению


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    The urgency of developing a drug laxative action of grass harrow the field in the form of dry extract. The technology of dry extract of grass harrow using the method of vacuum filtration of extraction. A quantification of the active ingredients – phenolic compounds of a dry extract of grass harrow causing its laxative effect. The total content of phenolic compounds (isoflavones, flavonoids, phenolcarbonic acids) in phytopreparations harrow was about 25 %

    Possible Use of an Agricultural Service with Artificial Intelligence to Monitor Crops

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    Today, AI technology is a promising field for the development and automation of many processes in various fields. Therefore, the use of AI in the field of agriculture will have a positive impact on many problems that used to take a lot of time and effort, both for individuals and large companies. This work is aimed at suggesting new approaches in agriculture. The suggested approach is to create fully autonomy service that will automatically identify and monitor diseases of crops at an early stage and their further treatment


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    Рассматривается развитие мобильных ОС с опорой на информацию, имеющуюся в открытых источ-никах (интернет). В результате проведённого аналитического исследования был сделан следующий вывод: сегодня рынок мобильных ОС поделен между тремя игроками: Apple (iOS), Google (Android) и Microsoft (Windows). В рамках курса «Операционные системы» студенты должны иметь возможность познакомиться, во-первых, с основными компонентами операционных систем (ОС), во-вторых, с основными разновидно-стями операционных систем, так как направление ОС для мобильных устройств является одним из быстро развивающихся направлений в разработке операционных систем. Следует помнить, что ОС для мобильных устройств имеют свою специфику, связанную с различиями в требованиях к мобильному устройству в от-личие от настольного или портативного компьютера, а также зависящую от их реализации. В связи с этим проведённое аналитическое исследование, представленное в данной статье, является достаточно актуаль-ным в рамках разработки учебно-методических материалов для студентов направления «Информатика и ин-формационные технологии». Ключевые слова: надёжность, безопасность, интерфейс, мобильная операционная система ANALYTICAL REVIEW AND COMPARISON OF THE CAPABILITIES OF OPERATING SYSTEMS FOR MOBILE Ziyatdinova A., Staroverova N.A. Kazan National Reseach Techonological University, Kazan, e-mail: [email protected] The article discusses the development of the mobile OS, based on the information available in the public domain of the Internet. As a result of the analytical study was concluded today, the mobile OS market is divided between three players: Apple (iOS), Google (Android) and Microsoft (Windows). In the framework of the course «Operating systems», students must have the opportunity to meet, fi rst, with the major components of operating systems (OS), and secondly, with the main varieties of operating systems. Since the direction of the OS for mobile devices, is one of the fastest growing sectors in the development of operating systems. It should be remembered that operating system for mobile devices have their own specifi cs related to differences in the requirements to the device, unlike a desktop or laptop computer, and also depending on their implementation. In this regard, an analytical study presented in this article is quite relevant in the context of the development of teaching materials for students of «Informatics and information technologies»

    Алгоритм повышения согласованности экспертных оценок в методе анализа иерархий Algorithm of improving expert assessment consistency in hierarchy analysis method

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    1 ФГБОУВПО «Костромской государственный технологический университет», г. Кострома, Российская Федерация 2 ОГБОУСПО «Костромской торгово-экономический колледж», г. Кострома, Российская Федерация E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Авторское резюме Состояние вопроса: Существующие методы решения многокритериальных задач оптимального выбора аль-тернатив при выборе средств автоматизации электрических сетевых комплексов методом анализа иерархий имеют недостаточную точность. В связи с этим актуальной является задача повышения объективности эксперт-ных оценок при групповой экспертизе. Материалы и методы: Для повышения согласованности мнений экспертов в методе анализа иерархий приме-нена пошаговая технология проверки транзитивности и согласованности оценок. Результаты: Разработан алгоритм полного перебора критериев одного уровня при экспертной оценке их значи-мости для определения их согласованности с точностью, определяемой функцией принадлежности к допустимо-му интервалу величины погрешности. Выводы: Предлагаемый алгоритм пошагового контроля согласованности экспертных оценок позволяет сущест-венно повысить корректность решения многокритериальных задач оптимального выбора альтернатив и автома-тизировать в интерактивном режиме процесс обеспечения согласованности этих оценок. Ключевые слова: метод анализа иерархий, оценка критериев, согласованность, алгоритм. The existing methods of solving multi-criterion problems of choosing the best alternative of automation equipment for electrical network facilities by the method of hierarchy analysis are not precise enough. Therefore, it is necessary to make expert group assessment more objective. Algorithm of improving expert assessment consistency in hierarchy analysis method Materials and methods: We used a step-by-step technology of examining assessment transitivity and consistency to increase the experts' opinions consistency in the method of hierarchy analysis. Results: We have developed a one-level criteria exhaustive search algorithm of expert assessment of their importance to assess the criteria consistency with an accuracy determined by the admissible error span membership function. Conclusions: The suggested step-by-step control algorithm of expert opinions' consistency makes it possible to make solutions to multicriterion problems of choosing the best alternative much more correct and to automate the process of providing the consistency of these assessments in the interactive mode

    Development of a transport management system of a flexible production system

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    The intensive development of information technologies and software and hardware of control systems creates conditions for active processes of digitalization of the industry. One of the relevant areas of digitalization in production is the development and implementation of flexible production systems that expand the functionality of production lines and increase the efficiency of the production process. This paper deals with the development of a transport management system of a flexible production system. A solution is proposed that includes a block diagram of the system, hardware and functional logic

    Ultrafine fibers on the basis of biopolymer polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) modified with nanosized modifications of titanium dioxide

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    The technological characteristics of spinning polymer solutions (viscosity, conductivity) and the parameters of the EPI - a process based on poly-3-hydroxybutyrate modified with nanoscale titanium dioxide were optimized. The composite materials were studied by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy and physico-mechanical analysis (tensile test, elongation). A significant improvement in their physical and mechanical properties (breaking length, elongation) and resistance to the maturing were found


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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety (influence on carbohydrate, lipid and mineral metabolism, as well as nitrogen-excreting function of kidneys) of monotherapy with rilmenidine in patients with mild to moderate AH, as well as treatment of patients with severe AH as multiple combined treatment. 43 patients with essential AH I-HI degree, aged 22 to 79, were enrolled in this open label study after signing an informed consent form. Enrolled patients were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 included 20 outpatients. They received monotherapy with rilmenidine 1 mg daily. Duration of treatment was 12 weeks. Group 2 was comprised of 23 subjects admitted to an in-patient clinic. Those subjects received Albarel 1 mg or 2 mg daily as a component of multiple antihypertensive therapy. Albarel was administered 7-10 days following the admission to clinic as a second to fifth hypotensive drug. Albarel's combinations with diuretics, ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists, beta-blockers. The result is - monotherapy with Albarel 1-2 mg daily allows to achieve target BP in 77, 8 % patients with mild to moderate AH. With Albarel as a component of multiple therapy target BP is achieved in 65, 2 % patients with severe AH. Effectively decreasing BP Albarel does not change its daily profile. It has no influence on renal function, carbohydrate metabolism, and electrolyte content of blood. Albarel is well tolerated. Adverse effects included mouth dryness and drowsiness, was noted in 2, 33 % cases and did not require drug withdrawal