72 research outputs found

    Features of micro- and ultrastructure of low-fat butter and its low-fat analogues

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    The aim of the research was to study the features of the structure of low-fat butter and butter pastes, which, in terms of composition and properties, more fully meet the requirements of a healthy diet than high-fat types of butter. The objects of research were: butter with fat content of 72.5%; butter with fat content of 55% made with the addition of skimmed milk powder; butter of the same fat content with the addition of stabilizers based on guar and xanthan gums and emulsifiers based on monoand diglycerides of fatty acids; butter pastes with fat content of 45% with similar additives used to increase the stability of the process of butter formation and improve the texture. The microstructure was studied using an MBI-6 microscope, and the ultramicrostructure was studied using a Phillips electron microscope. In the first case, the sample was prepared by crushing the sample, in the second one — by the method of ultrafast freeze-fracture and etching. Researches have shown that the use of the introduced ingredients improves the homogeneity of the structure of the studied products. Due to the ability of milk proteins and stabilizers to retain moisture, it is more evenly distributed and well retained in the fat matrix of the product, formed from crystalline and liquid fat in the form of a continuous phase, which is confirmed by a sufficient penetration depth of the fat-soluble dye. Plasma droplets in butter with fat content of 72.5% and 55% are more isolated than in butter pastes, as indicated by the greater penetration depth of the water-soluble dye. The average diameter of isolated moisture droplets in low-fat products was 3.3–5.4 μm, and the average diameter of the fat globules that form the basis of the crystalline framework was 5.4–7.4 μm, depending on the composition of the product. For butter with fat content of 72.5%, the values of these indicators were 2.8 and 4.0 μm. The results of the study indicate the presence of differences in the sizes of structural elements, but at the same time confirm the uniformity of the structure of low-fat products, allowing them to be attributed to dispersions «water-in-oil»

    Dynamic Signal Compression for Robust Motion Vision in Flies

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    Sensory systems need to reliably extract information from highly variable natural signals. Flies, for instance, use optic flow to guide their course and are remarkably adept at estimating image velocity regardless of image statistics. Current circuit models, however, cannot account for this robustness. Here, we demonstrate that the Drosophila visual system reduces input variability by rapidly adjusting its sensitivity to local contrast conditions. We exhaustively map functional properties of neurons in the motion detection circuit and find that local responses are compressed by surround contrast. The compressive signal is fast, integrates spatially, and derives from neural feedback. Training convolutional neural networks on estimating the velocity of natural stimuli shows that this dynamic signal compression can close the performance gap between model and organism. Overall, our work represents a comprehensive mechanistic account of how neural systems attain the robustness to carry out survival-critical tasks in challenging real-world environments

    Characteristics of offenses among minors are on the stationary involuntary treatment

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    86 adolescent patients, who are on inpatient involuntary treatment, were studied. It was determined that the leading data from minors are mentally retarded and organic mental disorders, schizophrenia and personality disorders were isolated. Analysis of socially dangerous actions showed that the predominant property offenses were committed as a rule in the band and on several episodes. The greatest dependence types of offenses with mental disorders have provided substance abuse, namely, substance abuse, most of the offense committed in a state of intoxication (alcohol, toxic, narcotic). Substance Abuse had expressed connection with the arson and intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm. Serious offenses - murder, single repeated robberies committed by patients with schizophrenia. And personality disorder had quite a strong bond as with the structure of an organic disorder, psychopathy as a group theft, single looting, robberies and thefts. Immaturity volitional components of metal reactions in mentally retarded adolescents led to the predominance of offenses as acts of hooliganism and rape.Изучено 86 пациентов подросткового возраста, находящиеся на стационарном принудительном лечении. определено, что ведущими у данных несовершеннолетних являлась умственная отсталость и органические психические расстройства, шизофрения и расстройства личности были единичными. анализ общественно опасных действий показал, что преобладающими были имущественные правонарушения совершаемые как правило в группе и по нескольким эпизодам. Наибольшую зависимость видов правонарушений с психической патологией предоставили наркологические заболевания, а именно токсикомании, большинстве случаев правонарушения совершались в состоянии опьянения (алкогольного, токсического, наркотического). токсикомании имели выраженную связь с поджогами и умышленному причинению тяжкого вреда здоровью. Тяжелые правонарушения – убийство, одиночные неоднократные грабежи совершены больными с шизофренией. И достаточно сильную связь имели личностные расстройства, как с структуре органического расстройства, так психопатии с групповыми кражами, одиночными грабежами, разбоями и угонами. Незрелость волевых компонентов психических реакций у умственно отсталых подростков, привели к преобладанию правонарушений в виде хулиганских поступков и изнасилования

    Esthesioneuroblastoma: clinical course, long-term results of treatment

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    This rare tumor from a group of neuroendocrine neoplasms was studied. The material for the study was the data of 78 patients with esthesioneuroblastoma who had been treated and followed up at the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center in the period 1965 to 2014. Information on hospital statistics, clinical features, methods, and treatment results were presented. The possibilities of using the TNM classification for the nasal cavity, ethmoidal sinuses, and nasopharynx were assessed to determine the anatomic extent of primary tumor. The findings contribute to the solution of problems in the diagnosis and treatment of esthesioneuroblastoma at the present stage

    Clinical and electro - anatomical characteristics of cognitive impairment in children with mental disontogeny

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    The results of clinical and electro-anatomical study of 100 preschool children with perinatal intensive care. According Intellectual test is divided into three groups - normal, delayed and deficient levels. The comparative clinical diagnostics with neurophysiological (EEG) and neuroanatomical (CT or MRI) correlates. The results show compliance of all the parameters of the degree of severity of the disorder and reflect the levels of damage in the cognitive mental disontogeny.Представлены результаты кпинико-электро-анатомического исследования 100 детей дошкольного возраста, перенесших перинатальную реанимацию. По данным интеллектуального теста выделены три группы - с нормальным, задержанным и дефектным уровнем. Проведена сравнительная диагностика клинической картины с нейрофизиологическими (ЭЭГ) и нейроанатомическими (КТ или МРТ) коррелятами. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о соответствии всех представленных параметров степени тяжести расстройств и отражают уровни повреждения при когнитивном психическом дизонтогенезе

    Social and economic coast of suicides poisons in the Sverdlovsk Region the study period 2002-2008

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    The social cost of premature death relating to suicides poisons in the Sverdlovsk Region was 647 peoples for the study period 2002-2008. The economic cost of premature death relating to suicides poisons was 736,0 million rubles. The limitations of this study should be recognized when applying to its findings. Therefore they should be treated as approximations.Экономическая составляющая ущерба, обусловленного преждевременной смертностью от острых суицидальных отравлений рассчитывается исходя из соотношения количества недожитых человеко-лет с долей валового регионального продукта, приходящегося на одного жителя области (подушевой валовой региональный продукт). В работе представлены результаты расчетов экономического ущерба Свердловской области в связи с преждевременной смертностью от суицидальных отравлений. В результате расчетов, проведенных авторами данной работы было определено, что за семь лет в Свердловской области погибло от суицидальных отравлений погибло 647 пациентов, (социальный ущерб). Экономические потери региона в результате преждевременной смерти дотрудоспособного и трудоспособного населения от суицидальных отравлений за 2002-2008гг. составил 736 млн. рублей (экономический ущерб). Естественно, что при использовании полученных данных, необходимо иметь в виду определенные ограничения, которые существуют в данном исследовании. В связи с этим, полученные данные следует рассматривать как приблизительные