150 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of Spinning Branes and their Dual Field Theories

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    We present a general analysis of the thermodynamics of spinning black p-branes of string and M-theory. This is carried out both for the asymptotically-flat and near-horizon case, with emphasis on the latter. In particular, we use the conjectured correspondence between the near-horizon brane solutions and field theories with 16 supercharges in various dimensions to describe the thermodynamic behavior of these field theories in the presence of voltages under the R-symmetry. Boundaries of stability are computed for all spinning branes both in the grand canonical and canonical ensemble, and the effect of multiple angular momenta is considered. A recently proposed regularization of the field theory is used to compute the corresponding boundaries of stability at weak coupling. For the D2, D3, D4, M2 and M5-branes the critical values of Omega/T in the weak and strong coupling limit are remarkably close. Finally, we also show that for the spinning D3-brane the tree level R^4 correction supports the conjecture of a smooth interpolating function between the free energy at weak and strong coupling.Comment: 59 pages, JHEP class. Minor typos corrected, added remark on positivity of temperature, Sec. 6.1 improved, references adde

    Heterotic/Type-I Duality in D<10 Dimensions, Threshold Corrections and D-Instantons

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    We continue our study of heterotic/type-I duality in D<10 dimensions. We consider the heterotic and type-I theories compactified on tori to lower dimensions. We calculate the special (``BPS saturated'') F^4 and R^4 terms in the effective one-loop heterotic action. These terms are expected to be non-perturbatively exact for D>4. The heterotic result is compared with the associated type-I result. In D<9 dimensions, the type-I theory has instanton corrections due to D1 instantons. In D=8 we use heterotic-type I duality to give a simple prescription of the D-instanton calculation on the type I side. We allow arbitrary Wilson lines and show that the D1-instanton determinant is the affine character-valued elliptic genus evaluated at the induced complex structure of the D1-brane world-volume. The instanton result has an expansion in terms of Hecke operators that suggest an interpretation in terms of an SO(N) matrix model of the D1-brane. The total result can be written in terms of generalized prepotentials revealing an underlying holomorphic structure. In D<8 we calculate again the heterotic perturbative thresholds and show that they agree with the D1-instanton calculation using the rules derived in D=8.Comment: Latex, 67 pages, 1 figur

    Phase Structure of Non-Commutative Field Theories and Spinning Brane Bound States

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    General spinning brane bound states are constructed, along with their near-horizon limits which are relevant as dual descriptions of non-commutative field theories. For the spinning D-brane world volume theories with a B-field a general analysis of the gauge coupling phase structure is given, exhibiting various novel features, already at the level of zero angular momenta. We show that the thermodynamics is equivalent to the commutative case at large N and we discuss the possibility and consequences of finite N. As an application of the general analysis, the range of validity of the thermodynamics for the NCSYM is discussed. In view of the recently conjectured existence of a 7-dimensional NCSYM, the thermodynamics of the spinning D6-brane theory, for which a stable region can be found, is presented in detail. Corresponding results for the spinning M5-M2 brane bound state, including the near-horizon limit and thermodynamics, are given as well.Comment: 34 pages, JHEP class. minor corrections, final JHEP versio

    Phases of Kaluza-Klein Black Holes: A Brief Review

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    We review the latest progress in understanding the phase structure of static and neutral Kaluza-Klein black holes, i.e. static and neutral solutions of pure gravity with an event horizon that asymptote to a d-dimensional Minkowski-space times a circle. We start by reviewing the (mu,n) phase diagram and the split-up of the phase structure into solutions with an internal SO(d-1) symmetry and solutions with Kaluza-Klein bubbles. We then discuss the uniform black string, non-uniform black string and localized black hole phases, and how those three phases are connected, involving issues such as classical instability and horizon-topology changing transitions. Finally, we review the bubble-black hole sequences, their place in the phase structure and interesting aspects such as the continuously infinite non-uniqueness of solutions for a given mass and relative tension.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. v2: Typo fixe

    Semi-Classical Blocks and Correlators in Rational and Irrational Conformal Field Theory

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    The generalized Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations of irrational conformal field theory provide a uniform description of rational and irrational conformal field theory. Starting from the known high-level solution of these equations, we first construct the high-level conformal blocks and correlators of all the affine-Sugawara and coset constructions on simple g. Using intuition gained from these cases, we then identify a simple class of irrational processes whose high-level blocks and correlators we are also able to construct.Comment: 53 pages, Latex. Revised version with extended discussion of phases and secondarie

    Solving the Ward Identities of Irrational Conformal Field Theory

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    The affine-Virasoro Ward identities are a system of non-linear differential equations which describe the correlators of all affine-Virasoro constructions, including rational and irrational conformal field theory. We study the Ward identities in some detail, with several central results. First, we solve for the correlators of the affine-Sugawara nests, which are associated to the nested subgroups g⊃h1⊃
⊃hng\supset h_1 \supset \ldots \supset h_n. We also find an equivalent algebraic formulation which allows us to find global solutions across the set of all affine-Virasoro constructions. A particular global solution is discussed which gives the correct nest correlators, exhibits braiding for all affine-Virasoro correlators, and shows good physical behavior, at least for four-point correlators at high level on simple gg. In rational and irrational conformal field theory, the high-level fusion rules of the broken affine modules follow the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of the representations.Comment: 45 pages, Latex, UCB-PTH-93/18, LBL-34111, BONN-HE-93/17. We factorize the biconformal nest correlators of the first version, obtaining the conformal correlators of the affine-Sugawara nests on g/h_1/.../h_

    Ward Identities for Affine-Virasoro Correlators

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    Generalizing the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations, we derive a hierarchy of non-linear Ward identities for affine-Virasoro correlators. The hierarchy follows from null states of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov type and the assumption of factorization, whose consistency we verify at an abstract level. Solution of the equations requires concrete factorization ans\"atze, which may vary over affine-Virasoro space. As a first example, we solve the non-linear equations for the coset constructions, using a matrix factorization. The resulting coset correlators satisfy first-order linear partial differential equations whose solutions are the coset blocks defined by Douglas.Comment: 53 pages, Latex, LBL-32619, UCB-PTH-92/24, BONN-HE-92/2
