68 research outputs found

    Specific features of written speech acquisition by children with non-standard profile of hemispheric asymmetry of the brain

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    This article describes rare variants of dyslexia and dysgraphia in primary school children.В настоящей статье описаны редкие варианты дислексий и дисграфий у детей младшего школьного возраста


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    The study determines corrosion rate and covers corrosion damage specifics of AK4-1 aluminum alloy samples in the NACE hydrogen sulfide solution. The alloy was studied in an ultrafine state as compared to the coarse-grained state obtained after standard T6 treatment (hardening + ageing). The alloy was nanostructured by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP). It was shown that the alloy corrosion rate after ECAP was 1,9 times higher than after T6 treatment. Thus, general corrosion occurred in the alloy after ECAP, while in the T6 state pit corrosion occurred in the alloy in addition to general corrosion. The corrosive effect had a greater impact on surface roughness of samples made of AK4-1 alloy after ECAP as compared to samples after T6 treatment.Определяли скорость коррозии и исследовали особенности коррозионного повреждения в сероводородсодержащем растворе NACE образцов из алюминиевого сплава АК4-1. Сплав изучали в ультрамелкозернистом состоянии в сравнении с крупнозернистым состоянием, полученным после стандартной обработки Т6 (закалка + старение). Наноструктурирование сплава проводили путем равноканального углового прессования (РКУП). Показано, что скорость коррозии сплава после РКУП в 1,9 раза выше, чем после обработки Т6. При этом в сплаве после РКУП имеет место общая коррозия, а в сплаве в состоянии Т6 помимо общей коррозии наблюдается и язвенная. Коррозионное воздействие оказывает большее влияние на параметры шероховатости поверхности образцов из сплава АК4-1 после РКУП по сравнению с образцами после обработки Т6

    Health School effectiveness in patients with chronic heart failure: gender differences

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    Aim. To compare the effectiveness of Health School (HS) initiative in male and female patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Material and methods. The study included 239 CHF patients: 118 women and 119 men. For both genders, the patients were randomised into intervention groups, studying at HS (58 women and 59 men), and control groups, not receiving any educational intervention (60 women, 60 men). The follow-up period lasted for one year. The criteria of HS effectiveness included relative and absolute parameters of hospitalisation due to decompensated CHF; seeking for urgent medical care due to CHF decompensation; unplanned visits to the doctor; clinical CHF status dynamics by the scale modified by V.Yu. Mareev (2000); 6-minute walk test results; electrocardiography (ECG) and echocardiography (EchoCG) results. Results. HS effectiveness was significantly different in female and male intervention vs. control groups. In women, being educated at HS did not affect the incidence of hospitalizations and unplanned visits to the doctor due to decompensated CHF, while in men, the same parameters were substantially lower in those from the intervention group. Similarly, clinical CHF status, 6-minute walk test results, and ECG repolarization parameters were not changed by HS participation in women, but were improved in men attending HS. At the same time, the incidence of seeking for urgent medical help was significantly lower in both female and male HS groups. Conclusion. Planning the strategy of secondary CHF prevention should take into account the gender differences; otherwise, the effectiveness could be inadequate in female patients