17 research outputs found


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    The article describes the process, system, situational and reflective types of control in the professional activity of internal troops officers of Russia in terms of solving professional tactical tasks. The authors noted that general and specific features of each type of control and necessity to focus on them in the process of solving tactical problems. The research is based on the methodology that deals with the problem of training prospective officers to solve tactical mission; the methods used are system approach, activity approach and personal approach. The authors reveal the nature and the content of specific types of management. The process of formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of professional management of prospective internal officers assumes ownership of the fundamental concepts of training systems. The article gives the interpretation of the concept of “tactical training” referred to its basic components and provides the examples of tactical objectives for each type of control. The authors pay special attention to the reflexive management that is not sufficiently developed in the modern military school. The authors present their views on these types of management and they take into consideration mandatory component of the theoretical competence of cadets of military schools and condition for improving the quality of their training. The authors analyze the types of management related to the problem of formation of professional management activity of the prospective officers of the Interior Ministry of Russia and they ability to solve professional tactical tasks.В статье рассмотрены процессный, системный, ситуационный и рефлексивный виды управления в профессиональной деятельности офицера внутренних войск России в аспекте решения профессиональных тактических задач. Отмечены общие и особенные признаки каждого вида управления, необходимость ориентации на них в процессе решения офицером тактических задач. Методологической основой исследования проблемы профессиональной подготовки будущих офицеров в процессе решения тактических задач являются системный, деятельностный, личностный подходы. Опираясь на них, авторы раскрывают сущность и содержание конкретных видов управления. Процесс формирования теоретических знаний и практических навыков профессиональной управленческой деятельности будущих офицеров внутренних войск предполагает владение обучаемыми системой основополагающих понятий. В статье дано толкование понятия «тактическая подготовка», названы ее основные компоненты и приведены примеры тактических задач по каждому виду управления. Особое внимание в статье уделено рефлексивному управлению, наименее разработанному в современной военной школе. Авторы излагают свой взгляд на соотношение указанных видов управления, а их знание считают обязательным компонентом теоретической компетентности курсантов военных вузов, условием повышения качества их подготовки. Обращение авторов статьи к анализу видов управления связано с проблемой формирования профессиональной управленческой деятельности будущих офицеров внутренних войск МВД России и готовности решать профессиональные тактические задачи

    Sensitivity of antibiotic resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci to antiseptic piсloxydin

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    Background. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS), primarily Staphylococcus epidermidis, predominate in the normal microflora of the eye. However, due to irrational antibiotic therapy, resistant strains are widely distributed among CNS. Aim. To study the sensitivity of the antibiotic resistant CNS isolates to picloxydine, an antiseptic. Methods. The species, sensitivity to antibiotics and picloxydine were determined for 39 isolates of bacteria obtained from the conjunctival swabs. The cells morphology under the antiseptics influence was studied by electron microscopy. Results. 33 isolates of S. epidermidis (17 sensitive or resistant to drugs of no more than 2 classes of antibiotics and 16 MDR), 2 S. haemolyticus (1 resistant to 2 classes of antibiotics and 1 MDR), 3 S. hominis (1 sensitive and 2 MDR), 1 S. caprae (MDR) were characterized. In in vitro tests, picloxydine showed high efficiency in suppressing the growth of staphylococci regardless of their sensitivity to antibiotics, as well as bactericidal activity at concentrations of 15.631.2 g/ml, close to those of chlorhexidine. At these concentrations, the antiseptic had a destructive effect on the surface structures of bacterial cells. Conclusion. The picloxydine antiseptic is equally effective against antibiotic- sensitive and antibiotic-resistant coagulase-negative staphylococci

    III International conference World and Russia: regionalism and globalization

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    The article focuses on the results of the III International Conference World and Russia: regionalism and globalization (with youth scientific school), 11-12 November 2010 at the Faculty of Economics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

    World Soybean Market in the View of Regional Food Security (Late XX - early XXI century)

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    The article deals with the analysis of the world soybean market development in the conditions of increasing world famine. Food security level is estimated by the indexes of consumption of the main microelements, first of all protein. Modern world developments and current social economic problems lead to the food shortage increase. A steady demand is forming for the low-cost and high-quality alternative to meat protein in the conditions of price skyrocketing for the products of animal origin. The main goal of the article is to define the influence of soybean market on the global food security level, especially in countries that are facing most problems. The world soybean market is estimated according to the following: harvested area, yield, production, price, export, import. The main trends of the soybean economy are estimated on the basis of 6 above mentioned factors. The regional approach to the study of the world soybean market problem allows us to make a forecast as to the progressive and regressive ways of food security problem solution

    Approaches to gene pool conservation of medicinal plant Oxytropis lanata (Pall.) DC. (Fabaceae)

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    In order to preserve the gene pool of medicinal plant Oxytropis lanata (Pall.) DC. we analyzed allozyme polymorphism and identified reliable and informative marker enzyme systems of this species; also we studied the response of seeds to deep freezing in liquid nitrogen (–196 ºС). Population has an average level of polymorphism (P95 = 41,2 %, P99 = 52,9 %, A = 1,58, Ho = 0,158, He = 0,171) in general typical for herbaceous legumes, and can serve as a source of material for gene pool conservation of the species. Deep freezing has not led to the death of the seeds; it was marked stimulatory effect of ultralow temperatures, expressed as an acceleration of germination and sharp increase of germinability (98,6 ± 2,3 %) compared to the control (12,0 ± 3,5 %) that is associated with overcoming physical dormancy. There were no abnormalities in the development of seedlings from seeds passed cryopreservation

    A radiation accident in the southern Urals in 1957

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    Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy type 16: the new clinical and genetic variant of TBC1D24 gene mutation

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    Objective: to analyse the clinical and neurophysiological data from a case of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy type 16 in a child with homozygous mutation in TBC1D24 gene.Material and methods. Female child M. aged 1 year and 2 months, with identified mutations in TBC1D24 gene was examined. The whole exome sequencing was performed (Next Generation Sequencing with the Illumina HiSeq 1500 platform, USA). Dynamic video-EEG monitoring was conducted with a “Encephalan-Video” RM-19/26 instrument (“Medicom MTD”, Russia).Results. According to the patient history, on the 22nd day of life, the child developed vocalisms with tonic tension of the limbs. At her 2 months of life, focal myoclonia and myoclono-clonies were noted; at her 4 months – return of tonic seizures with vocalisms followed by eyelid myoclonus, perioral myoclonus, ophthalmoclonia, alternating hemiconvulsions and tonic-clonic seizures. The family history of epilepsy was negative; the parents denied any consanguinity, but admitted a chance of being distant relatives. Neurological examination revealed hypotonic-astatic syndrome and psycho-motor retardation. A video EEG monitoring test detected multiple EEG negative multifocal myoclonic episodes in combination with dystonic hyperkinesia and motor automatism. Although typical epileptiform spike-wave discharges were rare, a focus of low-index spike-wave complexes was identified in the left temporal zone. Therapy with valproates, barbiturates and levetiracetam did not produce any significant effect but benzodiazepines (clonazepam) caused a moderate improvement; a switch to clobazam therapy was then recommended. This case of inherited developmental and epileptic encephalopathy was defined as early infantile epileptic encephalopathy type 16 (OMIM#615338) with autosomal recessive inheritance associated with a previously not described homozygous mutation of the TBC1D24 gene, chr:16:2546775 A>C that caused Tyr209Ser amino acid substitution. Pre-conception testing of the TBC1D24 gene under the IVF condition is recommended to the parents.Discussion. Since 2010, a few variants of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy type 16 caused by homozygous mutation of the TBC1D24 gene have been described in the literature. This clinical case is closer to progressive myoclonic epilepsy with dystonia (PMED), which indicates the nosological autonomy of this form of epilepsy.Сonclusion. Children with pharmacoresistant epilepsy and epileptic encephalopathies, as well as those with unusual course of these diseases need genetic assessment with the new generation exom sequencing techniques – such as the “hereditary epilepsy” panel, as well as clinical and full-exom sequencing.All authors contributed equally to this publication


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    Background. The dynamical progress of the Northwest Region of Russia, including its demographic, socioeconomic and other parameters, influences the epidemiological characteristics of HIV spread and the availability, scope, and quality of health services for HIV patients. Objective. To characterize the epidemiological situation related to HIV infection in the Northwest Region of the Russian Federation (NWRF) and compare statistical data as of 2013 and 2005. Materials and methods. Official statistical data on HIV cases registered in 2013 in 11 administrative units of NWRF were used to compare situations in 2005 and 2013. Results. Statistics suggest a decrease in HIV incidence in NWRF. At the same time, novel trends in the development of HIV epidemic become apparent. Firstly, this related to the main risk factors and routes of HIV transmission and to the age and gender composition of populations infected with HIV [1-3]. In particular, increases in the role of the sexual route of HIV transmission and in the proportion of women among HIV patients are noteworthy because they result in the increased perinatal exposure of children to HIV [4, 5]. In the recent years, an increase in HIV prevalence in elder age groups is noticeable. The traditional HIV risk groups, i.e. IDUs and MSMs, retain their importance. Migrants from other places and countries contribute to HIV epidemic significantly. Conclusion: Current epidemiological situation necessities further improvement of measures for control of HIV epidemic in NWRF. The measures should include increasing the involvement of middle- and old-age people and of labor migrants in HIV preventive interventions, and consolidation of the material and technical and human resources of AIDS Centers.Введение. Динамичное развитие Северо-Западного региона России (демографическое, социально-экономическое и др.) влияет на эпидемиологические характеристики распространения ВИЧ-инфекции, а также на доступность, объем и качество оказания медицинских услуг инфицированным больным. Цель: охарактеризовать эпидемиологическую ситуацию по ВИЧ-инфекции в Северо-Западном федеральном округе РФ (СЗФО) в 2013 г. и сравнить основные статистические показатели 2013 г. и 2005 г. Материалы и методы. Проанализированы официальные статистические данные регистрации ВИЧ-инфекции в 2013 г. на 11 административных территориях в СЗФО и проведено сравнение основных статистических показателей 2005 г. и 2013 г. Результаты. Статистические показатели свидетельствует о снижении заболеваемости ВИЧ-инфекцией в регионе. В то же время, регистрируются новые тенденции в развитии эпидемии, прежде всего в изменении ведущих факторов риска и путей заражения ВИЧ и половозрастного состава больных [1-3]. Так, отмечены рост значимости полового пути заражения ВИЧ и удельного веса женщин среди больных с ВИЧ-инфекцией, и как следствие этого - увеличение числа детей с перинатальным контактом по ВИЧ-инфекции [4, 5]. В последние годы регистрируется рост заболеваемости в старших возрастных группах по сравнению с предыдущими годами наблюдения. Сохраняют свое значение традиционные группы риска: потребители инъекционных наркотиков и мужчины, вступающие в сексуальные отношения с мужчинами [6, 7]. В эпидемическую ситуацию также вносит свой вклад большой миграционный поток, как иногородних, так и иностранных граждан [8, 9]. Заключение. Современные эпидемиологические реалии диктуют необходимость совершенствования мероприятий по улучшению ситуации в регионе, среди которых расширение охвата профилактическими мероприятиями лиц среднего и старшего возраста и трудовых мигрантов, укрепление материально-технической базы и кадрового состава Центров по профилактике и борьбе со СПИД и инфекционными заболеваниями и другие