281 research outputs found

    Life of Olena Ivanivna Kazimirchak-Polons’ka is in the System of Earthly and Celestial Coordinates (For the 110 Anniversary From her Birthday)

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    Висвітлено життєвий шлях та досягнення всесвітньо відомого вченого астронома Олени Іванівни Казі-мірчак-Полонської. ; The life and the achievements of worldknown scientist and astronomer Olena Ivanivna Kazimirchak-Polons’ka are considered

    In the Commemoration to Leonid Romanovych Kalapusha

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    Висвітлено життєвий шлях та досягнення відомого педагога – одного із засновників фізичної науки на Волині Леоніда Романовича Калапуші.;The life and the achievements of well-known teacher, one of Volyns’ physics foundators Leonid Romanovych Kalapusha are considered

    Trematode fauna of fish inhabiting reservoirs of the European part of Russia

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    The purpose of the research is an ecological and faunal analysis of trematodes in fish inhabiting reservoirs of the European part of Russia.Materials and methods. Helminthological studies were conducted in 23 reservoirs of the European part of Russia from 2011 to 2021. The fish aged two to seven years were analyzed by methods generally accepted in ichthyoparasitology.Results and discussion. Twelve fish species from families Cyprinidae, Percidae, Esocidae and Odontobutidae were found to be infected with 29 trematode species from 14 genera which were represented by 68.9% of metacercariae. Most trematodes had a wide specificity: Tylodelphys clavata was found in 9 fish species; Diplostomum spathaceum and Paracoenogonimus ovatus in 7 species and Apophallus muehlingi in 6 species. The expanded host range for T. podicipina was observed. A. muehlingi, which is an alien species for the Volga-Caspian fisheries basin was identified in most reservoirs. Trematodes by their prevalence in reservoirs are divided into background (5 species), common (6), rare (8) and very rare (10) trematodes. Trematode fauna of fish in reservoirs included 6 to 16 species. The highest species diversity was detected in the Belgorod (16 species), Yakhroma (13 species), Uglich and Chelnav (12 species), Pestovsk and Pyalovsk (11 species) reservoirs. Fifteen trematode species were found in the perch; 12, in the bream and roach; 9, in the pike perch; 8, in the pike and rudd; 6, in the ruff and white bream; 4, in the Volga pikeperch and crucian carp; 3, in the tench; and 1, in the Amur sleeper. The formed foci of trematode infections were observed, namely, postodiplostomosis and ichthyocotylurosis infection. Three trematode species, Pseudoamphistomum truncatum, A. muehlingi and Rossicotrema donicum, were detected that pose a real and potential danger to human health and warm-blooded animals

    Orthostatic hypotension. Part 2: diagnosis and treatment

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    Due to its asymptomatic nature, orthostatic hypotension can be diagnosed only by means of orthostatic challenge. One should try to define the causes of orthostatic hypotension in every single case because treating illness that lead to orthostatic hypotension will improve patient’s health outcomes. The main target for therapy should be improving patient’s functional status, reducing orthostatic symptoms as well as risk for falls and syncopes, but not maintaining arterial blood pressure within certain limits. Doctors need to be aware of the methods for diagnosing the orthostatic hypotension to provide patients with the better quality of life. The first part of the systematic review was published in the Innovative Medicine of Kuban, no. 4, 2018

    Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy in a heart transplant recipient: a case report

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    The article presents a case report of developing the classic hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy in a 66-year-old male heart transplant recipient within 5 years after orthotopic heart transplantation. The characteristics of this pathology are discussed

    Prescribing frequency and adherence to statins in outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and comorbid cardiovascular diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Due to the high rate of growth in the incidence and burden of cardiovascular complications, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a significant medical problem in the world. Even in the absence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), patients with T2DM are classified as high and very high risk. In addition to glycemic control, an extremely important aspect of managing this group of patients is prevention of cardiovascular complications. T2DM and hyperlipidemia determines the target group for statins. At the same time, little is known about the frequency of administration of this class of drugs among people with T2DM.AIM: To study prescribing frequency and adherence to statins in outpatients with T2DM and comorbid cardiovascular diseases.METHODS: 156 patients with type 2 diabetes (87.2% — women, average age — 65.2 years) were examined as part of an outpatient appointment with an endocrinologist at the city polyclinic ofTomsk. We used a standard questionnaire compiled on the basis of adapted international methods, including information on cardiac pathology, medications, income level, and Morisky-Green test. Anthropometric parameters, fasting plasma glucose, glycated hemoglobin, lipid spectrum parameters were measured. Methods of parametric and nonparametric statistics were used for comparisons.RESULTS: Statins were prescribed to 45.0% of the surveyed, and 47.0% of them were constantly taking statins. In 41 and 39% of cases, statins were prescribed by an endocrinologist and a cardiologist, respectively. Those taking statins were characterized by a more severe functional class of angina pectoris (p=0.03), a higher prior myocardial infarction rate (p=0.01). For other concomitant diseases, and also indicators of carbohydrate metabolism, differences between the groups were not revealed. One third of patients were adherent (3–4 points), 2/3 were not adherent to treatment (0–2 points), respectively. Patients with incomes between 1 and 2 cost of living took statins more often than the rest (p=0.021).CONCLUSION: An insufficient frequency of prescription and adherence to statin therapy in patients with T2DM was revealed. In most cases, statins were prescribed by an endocrinologist or cardiologist. Functional class of angina pectoris, prior myocardial infarction and moderate income were associated with more frequent use of statins. To increase the coverage of patients with T2DM with statin treatment, more attention needs to be paid to the issues of CVD prevention from both medical professionals and patients