3 research outputs found


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    ApoE is a member of lipoprotein family. It is the most common lipoprotein in the central nervous system (CNS), secreted by astrocytes, microglia, neurons and immunocompetent cells, including lymphocytes, monocytes and macrophages. According to recent data, it has endotheliotropic and immunomodulatory functions, regulating inflammatory activation of mononuclear phagocytes and antigen-induced lymphocyte proliferation. APOE4  allele is a major genetic risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease, with prevalence 3-12 times higher in those who have this allele. Mechanisms that predispose carriers of the allele to earlier clinical presentation of neurodegeneration include changes in lipid metabolism in the CNS, in the buildup of neurotoxic amyloid-beta oligomers, in the clearance of amyloid-beta peptides from the CNS and in regulation of immune response. In this review the functions of ApoE protein in central nervous and immune system and changes in functional activity of the protein in APOE4 carriers are discussed. The impact of APOE4 allele on monocyte phenotype and inflammatory activation of monocytes, on specific cell-mediated immune response to amyloid-beta antigens and on effectiveness of immunomodulatory therapy in patients with Alzheimer’s disease summarized, as well as the possible role of changes in the immune response characteristic for APOE4 carriers in the increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease


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    The aim was to study epidemiology of chronic respiratory disease in populations living at different climatic and geographic regions of Russia in order to develop targeted preventive programs.Methods. This was a cross-sectional randomised epidemiological study. A comparative analysis of mortality from respiratory diseases was conducted according to the European standards in population aged 25–64 years living in Russia and certain regions of Russian Arctic. Data from a national multi-centre population-based study and of randomly selected subjects from certain climatic and geographic regions were analysed.Results. A respiratory mortality rate was much higher in most Russian Arctic regions compared to average national values. Although a death rate of chronic respiratory disease in most Arctic regions and in Russia at whole was higher than that in the EU the population in the northern regions died more often from pneumonia. Despite a significant difference in smoking prevalence there was significantly higher COPD prevalence in Arctic regions (Yakutsk) compared to other regions in the study. Among all risk factors, the Northern climate greatly contributed to morbidity of chronic respiratory disease.Conclusion: The regional difference in the prevalence and mortality from chronic respiratory disease should be considered when designing preventive programs for chronic non-infection diseases in these regions.Целью исследования стало изучение эпидемиологической ситуации в отношении хронических респираторных заболеваний (ХРЗ) среди населения, проживающего в различных климато-географических зонах России, а также разработка адресных профилактики программ.В ходе одномоментного рандомизированного эпидемиологического исследования был проведен сравнительный анализ стандартизованных по европейскому стандарту показателей смертности от болезней органов дыхания (БОД) среди населения (в возрасте от 25 до 64 лет) Российской Федерации и некоторых регионов российской Арктики. В большинстве регионов Севера отмечается высокий уровень смертности от БОД по сравнению со средним показателем по России. Для России в целом и для большинства северных регионов характерен более высокий уровень смертности от хронических заболеваний нижних дыхательных путей по сравнению со странами Евросоюза, однако лица, проживающие в северных широтах, быстрее и чаще умирают от пневмонии. Несмотря на отсутствие достоверных различий в распространенности курения, частота встречаемости хронической обструктивной болезни легких достоверно выше в арктическом Якутске по сравнению с другими 2 регионами. Принадлежность к северному региону вносит наибольший вклад в вероятность развития ХРЗ, вытесняя по степени статистической значимости и превосходя все остальные факторы риска.Выявленные региональные особенности распространенности и смертности от ХРЗ должны приниматься во внимание при формировании комплексных программ профилактики хронических неинфекционных заболеваний в этих регионах

    Integral methods in astronomical spectroscopy

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