68 research outputs found

    The experience of formation of schoo-lchildren’s healthy lifestyle in the conditions of activities of the regional innovative platform in Belgorod region

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    The article is devoted to an important problem of modern Russian education -saving the pupils’ health and forming a healthy lifestyle of children and teenagers. The authors examine the results of the regional innovation platforms which united six schools of the Belgorod regio

    Management mechanisms of the health oriented educational system development : by the example of Belgorod region schools

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    The article deals with the management mechanisms of the health oriented school educational system development: the structure of management at the public, administrative, pedagogical and pupils’ levels; the usage of motivational and reflexive methods of management. The relationship between school management functions and components of the health oriented school educational system (management, educational process, health service, school environment) is shown. By the example of Belgorod region schools the effectiveness of the presented management mechanism is prove

    Healthy lifestyle education

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    The article deals with the experience in the field of health promoting pedagogy. School models of maintaining valuable attitude of schoolchildren to health and promotion of healthy lifestyles are described. The urgency of the project of schools’ network cooperation is justifiedВ статье рассматривается опыт деятельности образовательных организаций в сфере педагогики здоровья. Описаны модели формирования здорового образа жизни обучающихся, реализующиеся в регионе. Обоснована актуальность проекта сетевого взаимодействия образовательных организаций по воспитанию культуры здоровья детей и подростко

    Assessment of the prospect for the use of colloidal silver nanoparticles for inactivation of Helicobacter pylori

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    Background. The growth of antibiotic resistance of Helicobacter pylori, a microorganism significant in the development of gastrointestinal diseases and inflammatory periodontal diseases, makes us think about the search for new approaches to the eradication of the microorganism. One solution to this problem may be to develop immunobiological preparations based on microorganisms inactivated with colloidal silver nanoparticles (CSNPs).The aim. To evaluate the inactivating ability of colloidal silver nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo with respect to H. pylori to determine the possibility of their use in the development of a specific immunobiological preparation.Materials and methods. The study design consisted in sequential execution of  the  steps of synthesis of colloidal silver nanoparticles with an assessment of the conditionality of the prepared preparations; isolating and identifying pure H. pylori culture; inactivation of H. pylori by synthesized silver nanoparticles; evaluation of the result of H. pylori inactivation in vitro and in vivo.Results. The conditionality of the synthesized colloidal silver nanoparticles of size 30  ±  3  nm, obtained using a step-by-step technique, was estimated by electron microscopy. Testing the inactivating activity of CSNPs on H. pylori showed that their effect on the culture for 3 hours at a ratio of volumes of CSNPs and 1:1 culture leads to a gradual decrease in the concentration of the microorganism until its complete death and lack of growth on the fifth passage. During the evaluation of the effect of CSNPs on H. pylori, it was shown that the inactivated culture retains its cultural and tinctorial properties; alters morphological properties and biochemical activity; becomes more sensitive to antibiotics and L. acidophilus; ceases to establish in the body of mice with an immunosuppression condition.Conclusions. Proposed method of synthesis of silver nanoparticles with proven inactivating activity against H. pylori can become a stage of biotechnological process of development of vaccine preparation both on the basis of given microorganism and in complex with CSNPs possessing multilevel antimicrobial effect, antioxidant and immunomodulating activity

    Training of Specialized Teams of Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Mordovia

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    Presented are data on the second republican competition of sanitary and epidemiological reconnaissance groups from the Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Mordovia. The competition was held in conditions that imitated emergency situations of different origin. All stages of the competition were more complicated than those of the first one, two new stages were included in the program, radio transceivers were used to provide interactions in the group

    The Experience of Specialized Teams Training in the Republic of Mordovia

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    Described are the First Republican competitions of the teams of epidemiological reconnaissance carried out on the basis of Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Mordovia


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    A number of aspects of the change of the political and economic relations, apparent by the sanctions policy of the western states to the Russian Federation and its realization, has been considered. The balance between the liberty, equality and fraternity, the perfect competition and free business, on the one hand, and the competition of smothering, ball and chain, on the other hand, – has been disclosed. It has been substantiated, that the western states seek to substitute the colonial influence in the past for sanctions pressure in our days. It allows them to get not only the competitive advantage, but also to obtain the absolute dictatorship sometimes. The conclusion has been made, that external intervention in the natural course of managing and especially the rough administrative influence never gives a positive effect

    HIV-1 CRF63_02A6 models as a tool for evaluating efficacy of developing antiretroviral drugs

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    Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) allows not only to control the infection process in certain patient, but also to reduce a risk of HIV infection spreading in general, so that one of the goals for international community fighting against HIV-spread is to maximize coverage of infected subjects with HAART. Antiretroviral therapy in HIV infection is administered lifelong, so that therapeutic efficacy may be lowered due to emergence of resistant HIV-1 variants. Currently, development of new antiretroviral drugs is currently underway throughout the world, therefore standard HIV-1 models are demanded to evaluate antiviral efficacy of promising drugs. To reliably assess drug efficiency regarding Russiawide HIV-1 variants, HIV-1 genovariants widespread in Russia should be used as a virus model. A recently emerged recombinant form of CRF63_02A6 HIV-1 is spread in Russia being currently a dominant variant detected among HIV-infected individuals in an extended region of the Siberian Federal District: in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Kemerovo Regions, Krasnoyarsk and Altai Krai. We have obtained CRF63_02A6 infectious isolates of HIV-1, one of which contains mutations, reducing the sensitivity to the applied inhibitors of the virus reverse transcriptase. In addition, we constructed infectious molecular clones based on HIV-1 CRF63_02A6 variants with an affinity for CCR5 coreceptors and CXCR4. Infectious isolates and molecular clones CRF63_02A6 tested as models for assessing efficacy of antiretroviral drugs using the example of the drug “Efavirenz”. The fifty percent inhibitory concentration determined on the models of HIV-1 infectious molecular clones and HIV-1 isolate 18RU7056 ranged from 0.00027 pg/ml to 0.00046 pg/ml being in agreement with data published elsewhere. Concentrations of “Efavirenz” used in the study did not suppress the replication of HIV-1 12RU6987, which is resistant to non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, which confirms the decrease in the sensitivity of HIV-1 12RU6987 to “Efavirenz” by no less than 10,000 times. Thus, our data demonstrate that CRF63_02A6 HIV-1 isolated strains and infectious molecular clones are relevant and complementary tools for assessing efficacy of developing drugs aimed at suppressing HIV-1, including non-nucleoside-resistant virus reverse transcriptase inhibitors

    Diversity and occurrence of methylotrophic yeasts used in genetic engineering

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    Methylotrophic yeasts have been used as the platform for expression of heterologous proteins since the  1980’s. They are highly productive and allow producing eukaryotic proteins with an acceptable glycosylation level.  The first Pichia pastoris-based system for expression of recombinant protein was developed on the basis of the treeexudate-derived strain obtained in the US southwest. Being distributed free of charge for scientific purposes, this system has become popular around the world. As methylotrophic yeasts were classified in accordance with biomolecular  markers, strains used for production of recombinant protein were reclassified as Komagataella phaffii. Although patent  legislation suggests free access to these yeasts, they have been distributed on a contract basis. Whereas their status  for commercial use is undetermined, the search for alternative stains for expression of recombinant protein continues.  Strains of other species of methylotrophic yeasts have been adapted, among which the genus Ogataearepresentatives prevail. Despite the phylogenetic gap between the genus Ogataeaand the genus Komagataellarepresentatives, it turned out possible to use classic vectors and promoters for expression of recombinant protein in all cases. There  exist expression systems based on other strains of the genus Komagataellaas well as the genus Candida. The potential  of these microorganisms for genetic engineering is far from exhausted. Both improvement of existing expression systems and development of new ones on the basis of strains obtained from nature are advantageous. Historically, strains  obtained on the southwest of the USA were used as expression systems up to 2009. Currently, expression systems  based on strains obtained in Thailand are gaining popularity. Since this group of microorganisms is widely represented  around the world both in nature and in urban environments, it may reasonably be expected that new expression systems for recombinant proteins based on strains obtained in other regions of the globe will appear