19 research outputs found

    The endogenic neurosteroid system and its role in the pathogenesis and therapy of mental disorders

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    The article describes the process of neurosteroidogenesis and the effect of neurosteroids on listed receptorsin accordance with already available scientific data. In addition, this paper describes the specific role of various neurosteroids in the development of mental illnesses, including anxiety disorders, depression, and schizophreni

    Sobre la cuestión de la clasificación del léxico onomatopéyico de la lengua francesa

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    The article looks at the status of French onomatopoetic vocabulary. It aims to analyze the features which distinguish between onomatopoetic units and exclamations, as well as the approaches to classifying onomatopoetic vocabulary according to the source of echoism or orthographic peculiarities. The authors propose to classify onomatopoetic vocabulary taking into consideration their productivity, which can be identified by studying onomatopoetic units representing sounds produced by human beings, animals, and birds both domestic and wild, insects, sounds of nature, sounds produced by musical instruments, household appliances, electric accessories along with everyday life sounds.En este artículo se examina el estatus del léxico onomatopéyico de la lengua francesa. Su objetivo es analizar las características distintivas de las onomatopeyas y las interjecciones, así como los enfoques para clasificar el léxico onomatopéyico según el origen de los sonidos o según principios ortográficos. Los autores proponen clasificar el léxico onomatopéyico considerando su productividad, basada en el estudio de las onomatopeyas, dependiendo de si son sonidos producidos por el cuerpo humano, animales domésticos o salvajes, aves, insectos, la naturaleza, electrodomésticos u otros aparatos eléctricos, o sonidos de la vida cotidiana